
hǎi dǐ zī yuán
  • seabed resources;submarine resources
  1. AUV(Autonomousunderwatervehicle,简称AUV)作为一种高技术手段,在海洋环境监测、海底资源调查、科学考察、危险环境作业和打捞救生等方面起到了至关重要的作用。

    Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ( AUV ) plays an important role in marine environment monitoring , seabed resources investigating , science inspecting , dangerous environment exploring , rescue and salvage and so on .

  2. 在海底资源矿产勘探中,海洋电磁法是一种非常重要及有效的方法。

    In mineral exploration of seabed resources , marine electromagnetic method is avery important and effective way .

  3. 简要介绍了加拿大海洋&海岸带地质调查的推动力和基本经验,以及即将启动的海底资源填图计划(SeaMap)。

    This note presents the driving forces and basic experience of ocean and coastal geological surveys in Canada , and gives a brief introduction to Canadian seabed resource mapping program ( SeaMap ), which will soon kick off .

  4. 国际海底资源勘查登记制度的形成和发展

    Establishment and development of the registration system of International Sea-Bed resource prospecting

  5. 海底资源与环境立体探测技术发展方向与对策

    Direction in the development of three-dimensional exploration techniques for marine resources and countermeasures

  6. 对海底资源那怕是最最保守的估计也超出一般的想像。

    Even the most conservative estimates of sources in the seabed stagger the imagination .

  7. 北极沿岸国家为了争夺冰川融化后的海洋和海底资源正剑拔弩张。

    Arctic coastal state for contest glacier melt posterior ocean and submarine resource at swords'points .

  8. 基于海底资源丰度的图像检索

    Image retrieval based on seabed resource abundance

  9. 依据这一研究结果,可快速对海底资源图像库进行丰度意义下的检索并形成资源分布图。

    The resource distribution map can be made rapidly by using the result of this research .

  10. 深层海水中的颗粒悬浮物,以及柱状沉积物的性质对于海底资源的勘查具有重要意义。

    The resources of marine suspensions , and the sediment cores play an important role in the exploration of nature resource .

  11. 随着世界经济科技的发展,海底资源的开发受到越来越多的重视。

    With the development of world economy and science technology , more attention onthe exploitation of seabed resources has been paid .

  12. 为了维护我国开发国际海底资源的应有权益,必须大力发展深海技术。

    In order to protect our country 's rights and interests to exploit them , we must develop deep ocean technology actively .

  13. 轮式水下无人探测器在水下信息战、海底资源开发方面具有广阔的发展和应用前景。

    Roller underwater unmanned detector has wide developmental and applied prospect in the areas of underwater information warfare and benthonic resource exploitation .

  14. 日本担心,中国对海底资源的开采活动可能会抽走日本认为是本国专属经济区内的资源。

    Japan fears that China 's tapping of natural resources in the sea may draw from areas that Japan considers its own .

  15. 然而关于海底资源勘探开发作业工具&钻井平台,其相关的法律问题,特别是钻井平台在开采作业中对海洋造成污染的责任问题,依然模糊不清。

    However , the exploitation tool , drilling platform , it is still ambiguous about its legal questions , and its responsibility of marine pollution .

  16. 大洋蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源,陆地资源的日益贫乏使人类将目光转向海底资源。

    With the scarcity of mineral resources on land , human began to set sights on the vast ocean , where there are so many mineral resources .

  17. 所研制的水下接驳盒原型系统在海洋环境监测、海啸灾害监测和海底资源勘探等领域都具有广阔的应用前景。

    The underwater junction box prototype system has the advantage that it can also be used in applications such as marine environmental monitoring , tsunami disaster monitoring , seafloor resource exploration .

  18. 陆上资源和空间已难以满足社会发展的需求,世界各国越来越重视海底资源的开发。

    The land-based resources and space has been difficult to meet the needs of social development , countries around the world pay more and more attention to the exploitation of seabed resources .

  19. 在不久的将来,仿生机器鱼会在极为复杂的水下环境中进行海洋生物观察、海底资源勘探、军事侦察和水下施工等艰巨工作。

    In the future , the bio-mimetic robotic fish will be engaged in the tasks such as benthos observation , oceanic exploration , military reconnaissance and underwater construction in the complex underwater environment .

  20. 在油气领域,中国也在积极开发开发海底资源。观察人士相信,离岸油气生产目标可能会列入下一个五年规划。

    In oil and gas too , there is a push to tap resources under the sea , and observers believe that the next five-year plan could include offshore oil and gas production targets .

  21. 本文研究成果可缩短我国与世界发达国家在深海海底资源调查技术上的差距。为今后我国深海矿产资源调查、勘探和开采打下良好基础。

    Research results in this paper can reduce the gap in deep seafloor resources investigation technology between China and western countries and lay a sound foundation for deep-sea mineral resources investigation , exploration and exploitation .

  22. 如何发展、开发利用高新技术,以适应日新月异的世界海底资源与环境探测竞争需要,是广大海洋工作者都关心的课题。

    How to develop and exploit hi-techs to cope with the increasingly keen competition in the exploration for the world 's marine resources and environments is a subject that the broad masses of maritime workers are concerned about .

  23. 近年来,随着深潜技术的发展,潜器在海洋综合调查、海底资源探测等方面得到广泛应用,受到了越来越多的关注。

    Recently , with the development of deep submergence technique , underwater vehicle ( UV ) has been widely used in deep sea activities , such as integrated research , resource survey , etc. It has gotten more and more attention .

  24. 水下拖曳系统在海洋学研究、海底资源开发、海洋打捞救助以及水下目标探测等方面具有广泛的应用,一般由拖体、拖缆和收放拖曳装置组成。

    An underwater towed system generally consists of towed body , cable , retraction and towing device . It is used extensively for ocean exploration . Examples include oceanography , ocean resource development , ocean salvage , underwater target detection and so on .

  25. 在围绕海底资源的分配与开发的谈判中,发展中国家与发达国家之间从集团和国家利益出发,在海底制度设计上既针锋相对又相互让步,最终促使了国际海底制度的产生。

    In order to distribute and explore these resources , both developing countries and developed countries began to negotiate on the design of seabed system according to their group and national interests . Through conflict and compromise , the international seabed system was finally settled on .

  26. 从早期的沿海渔盐产业等发展到二十世纪对深海海底资源的开发,人类在利用海洋资源、发展海洋经济方面取得了长足的进步。

    From the coastal fishing industry , salt manufacturing industry to the development of deep seabed resources exploitation in the twentieth century , human have got great progress on exploiting and using resources in ocean , and have improved the quality of life to a considerable degree .

  27. 针对TEM仪器置于海底进行资源勘探存在的问题,采用带网卡的PC/104&HXL/P300作为接收机的主处理器。

    The problem occurs when TEM instrument is placed in the seafloor to explore resource , PC / 104 & HXL / P300 with network card is adopted as the main processor in receiver to solve it .

  28. 新兴的海洋可再生能源如海洋热能转换系统(OTEC)、地热能等及国际海底能源资源的开发等面临着诸多法律问题。

    The development of emerging marine renewable energy sources such as ocean thermal energy conversion systems ( OTEC ), geothermal energy and the international seabed energy resources has been faced with many legal issues .

  29. 日本海底矿产资源开发的现状

    Present state of exploitation of the sea-bed mineral resource in Japan

  30. 海底矿产资源开发研究的现状与发展方向

    The current status and Prospect of development and investigation on seabed mineral resources