
hǎi xiá liǎnɡ àn
  • both sides of the Taiwan Straits
  1. 星期一双方就海峡两岸经济合作架构协议进行商谈,重点讨论了协议内容。双方定于6月举办高层磋商。

    Monday 's talks on the economic cooperation framework agreement focused on the content of the pact ahead of higher-level negotiations which are set to take place in june .

  2. 福建要在加快建设现代化经济体系上取得更大进步,在服务和融入新发展格局上展现更大作为,在探索海峡两岸融合发展新路上迈出更大步伐,在创造高品质生活上实现更大突破。

    Fujian should make greater progress in stepping up building a modern economic system , to make bolder moves in serving and integrating into the country 's new development paradigm , make bigger strides in exploring new approaches for integrated development across the Taiwan Straits , and to make greater breakthroughs in helping the people to achieve a higher-quality life .

  3. 加入WTO后海峡两岸的农业合作问题

    The problems of Chinese cross-strait Agricultural cooperation after entry into the WTO

  4. Blog对海峡两岸图书馆学的影响

    The Impact of BLOG in Cross - strait Librarianship

  5. 加入WTO为海峡两岸经贸关系的发展开创了新局面。

    Entering the WTO the develops the new stage of the relationship of economy and trade in both sides .

  6. 海峡两岸AutoCAD图纸转换中汉字乱码问题探讨

    Chinese character display problem in AutoCAD drawing conversion from Taiwan to Mainland version

  7. 海峡两岸加入WTO后,农产品保鲜冷藏技术的研究成为一项重要的课题。

    The study of keeping fresh and cold-storage technology of agriculture products has become an important subject after entry into WTO .

  8. 2001年11月海峡两岸先后加入WTO,给海峡两岸的产业合作提供了新的机遇。

    Mainland and Taiwan successively enter into WTO in Nov 2001 , it provides a new opportunity to industry cooperation of Mainland and Taiwan .

  9. 海峡两岸民间信仰文化旅游开发的SWOT分析

    The SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Exploitation of the Folk Belief Cultures Between Fujian and Taiwan

  10. 加入WTO后,海峡两岸为了履行入会时所做的承诺,皆对相关的法律规范作了修正。

    After joins WTO , the pledge which the two sides across the Taiwan Strait when fulfill joins a society does , all has made the revision to the related legal standard .

  11. 大陆早期刻意回避和拒绝海峡两岸在WTO领域依照规则正常接触的政策只是权宜之计,不可能作为长期策略来处理两岸贸易关系。

    The policies that Chinese Mainland avoided and refused contact with Chinese Taiwan in the field of WTO are temporary , and can not be the long-term tactics for dealing with cross-strait trade relationship .

  12. 通过对海峡两岸出口农产品国际竞争力水平的竞争力指数分析比较,对加入WTO后两岸的农产品国际竞争、互补状况进行实证分析。

    The international competitive indexes of exported agricultural products at the two sides of the Straits are compared , and the current status of their international competition and supplement after WTO entry is analyzed .

  13. 因此,在WTO框架下,构建海峡两岸自由贸易区是可行的。

    The paper believes that a broad range of cooperating fields and closer ties of the two sides will make it feasible to set up free trade zone across the Straits under the WTO framework .

  14. 刘立清率领包括中国移动(chinamobile)、中国电信(chinatelecom)和中国联通(chinaunicom)在内的中国电信企业代表团,出席了在台北举办的首届海峡两岸通讯产业合作及交流会议。

    Mr Liu , chairman of the China Association of communications enterprises , led a delegation of Chinese telecommunications companies including China Mobile , China Telecom and China Unicom to the inaugural cross-strait telecommunications co-operation and exchange forum in Taipei .

  15. 从SCI合著论文看海峡两岸科技合作所以两者相结合就可以对牙齿进行三维检查。

    Analyses of S & T Cooperation across the Taiwan Straits Based on SCI Co-authorship ; The combined information allows a three-dimensional look at the tooth .

  16. 利用1985年TM影像和2004年ASTER影像解译的结果,从五方面分析了海峡两岸的典型港口城市-泉州市和高雄市1985~2004年土地利用的变化及差异。

    Based on the Land use maps interpreted from TM images in 1985 and ASTER images in 2004 , this paper comparatively analyzes the land use / cover change between QuanZhou and GaoXiong city in 5 different aspects .

  17. 本文在分析ECFA签订前后海峡两岸现存经贸争端解决安排的现状及不足的基础上,得出构建ECFA争端解决机制的现实性和必要性。

    After analyzing the existing cross-strait trade dispute settlement arrangements situation and inadequate , pointing out the reality and necessity to construct dispute settlement mechanism under ECFA .

  18. 利用1998年6月海峡两岸暴雨试验中收集的香港天文台的多普勒雷达资料、GMS-5红外卫星云图等资料对1998年6月9日00~11UTC的暴雨过程进行综合对比分析。

    The torrential rainfall process of Hongkong in the 9th of June 1998 was analyzed based on the Doppler radar data of Hongkong observatory and GMS-5 infrared satellite images etc.

  19. CBA和SBL联赛是海峡两岸级别最高的篮球赛事。随着两岸体育赛事交流越来越频繁,体育赛事的融合也成为一种趋势。

    CBA and the SBL League is the highest-level basketball matches in China . As cross-strait exchanges of sporting events become more and more frequent , sporting events integration will become a trend .

  20. 但随着ECFA的签署,这一状况将有所改变,海峡两岸可以建立稳定的经贸合作架构,将从台湾向大陆的单向的产业转移转变为双向甚至区域内的多方产业合作。

    But this situation will be changed with the signed of ECFA , cross-strait can establish stable economic and trade cooperation framework , one-way industrial transfer will be changed into two-way even area multi-nation industrial cooperation .

  21. 第三部分将介绍ECFA下的知识产权保护,即《海峡两岸知识产权保护合作协议》对两岸专利和商标保护合作存在问题的解决及未尽事宜。

    The third part will expound on the cross-strait IPR Protection under the ECFA framework , i.e. IPR Protection Cooperation Agreement , including issues solved and unsolved in the fields of the cross-strait patent and trade mark protection cooperation .

  22. 网络环境下海峡两岸图书馆信息共享系统探讨

    On Library Sharing Information System Between the Taiwan Straits under Network

  23. 论海峡两岸区际海事法律冲突

    On the Inter-regional Conflict of Maritime Law across the Taiwan Strait

  24. 海峡两岸贸易争端解决机制研究

    Solving Mechanisms for Trade Disputes between Both Sides of Taiwan Strait

  25. 2008~2009年海峡两岸经贸关系发展形势分析

    Analysis of Cross-strait Economic and Trade Relations From 2008 to 2009

  26. 我担心这会破坏海峡两岸的关系。

    I worry that this may make our cross-straits relations suffer .

  27. 海峡两岸信息技术术语异同与优化

    The Similarity and Optimization of Basic IT Terms across the Strait

  28. 试析海峡两岸创一流大学的主要障碍

    Major impediments to the creation of first-rate universities along Taiwan Straits

  29. 台湾海峡两岸生物资源比较

    A comparative study of living thing resources across the Taiwan Straits

  30. 台湾海峡两岸地缘经济整合的驱动机制与途径

    Driving Mechanism and Approach of Economic Integration across the Taiwan Straits