
hǎi dǐ xiá ɡǔ
  • submarine canyon
  1. 海底峡谷,是由于地壳板块运动而形成的一种地质构造。

    Submarine canyon is a geological structure that formed by plate movement in the crust .

  2. 海底峡谷成因新探

    On the genesis of Submarine Canyon

  3. 由此可见塌向刚果海底峡谷的泥沙量之大,这条蜿蜒的通道从非洲西部海岸线切入海洋。

    This gives you a sense of the volume of sand and mud that collapsed3 down the Congo Canyon4 – a sinuous5 channel that leads away from the West African coastline .

  4. 向上变细的水道可以出现在好多种环境中,从海底峡谷到冲积扇。

    Upward-fining channels may occur in a wide range of environments , from submarine canyon to alluvial fan .

  5. 较大范围内两个或两个以上岩相组成斜坡&海底峡谷、海底扇、盆地平原三个相组合。

    Two or over two lithofacies make up three facies association including slope - submarine valley , submarine fan and basinal plain .

  6. 构成低位体系域的沉积体系主要有盆底扇、斜坡扇、前积楔、三角洲、扇三角洲、冲积扇、海底峡谷和下切谷等。

    The sedimentary systems of lowstand system tracts include basin floor fan , slope fan , progradational wedge , delta , fan delta , alluvial fan , submarine valley and incised valley .

  7. 细颗粒沉积物向深海的输运受到两种作用的控制:在狭窄的陆架,重力作用形成沿着海底峡谷向深海运动的浊流;

    The escape of fine-grained material from the shelves is controlled by two mechanisms : on narrow shelves , transport may be due to turbid currents driven by gravity in submarine canyons ;

  8. 高水位体系域,主要分布在三角洲、扇三角洲、海底扇和峡谷水道。

    In a lowstand systems tract , sandstones are mainly distributed in lowstand wedges , slope fans , basin-floor fans , fan deltas , deltas and submarine canyons ;