
nián huò
  • special purchases for the Spring Festival;goods for use during the Spring Festival
年货 [nián huò]
  • [special purchases for the Spring Festival] 过农历年的应时物品

  • 置办年货

年货[nián huò]
  1. 准备年货,农村来讲就是杀猪宰羊,各家都是买肉,准备这些个过年的年货。

    Special purchases for the Spring Festival in the rural area mean to slaughter pigs and sheep . Each household will buy meat and other goods to celebrate Spring Festival .

  2. 随着春节假期的结束,不少人家中积压了大量自己用不上、丢了又可惜的“年货”。

    As the end of Spring Festival holiday , the keep long in stock in many other peoples a large number of oneself are not used on , lost regrettablly " special purchases for the Spring Festival " .

  3. 商务部举办的“2021全国网上年货节”自1月20日开启,为期30天。

    The Ministry of Commerce is holding an online Lunar New Year 's Shopping Festival , which began on Jan 20 and will last 30 days .

  4. 阿里巴巴CEO张勇称,像城市消费者一样,农村消费者也成为网购爱好者,“年货节将更好的为农村消费者服务,把更多的农产品带到城市居民的餐桌上。”

    Zhang Yong , chief executive officer of Alibaba , said like urban residents , many rural consumers have also become online shopping enthusiasts . " The soon-to-be-launched shopping event will better serve rural consumers and bring more agricultural products to the dining tables of urban consumers , " he said .

  5. 赶集办年货,遇见兔大哥。

    The market , meet the rabbit elder brother often do .

  6. 习俗:割年肉、置年货

    Custom : Preparation of Meat and Shopping for the Spring Festival

  7. 本店承接电话预约办年货业务。

    Our shop accepts advance telephone orders for special Spring Festival goods .

  8. 大多数商店老板都在进年货。

    Most shopkeepers are getting in their new year goods .

  9. 潍坊新闻网1月21日讯春节临近,市民们正忙着储备年货。

    Fang newswise jan.21-Spring Festival approaching , the citizens are busy reserves often .

  10. 各家商店开始进年货了。

    Shops begin to stock up for Spring Festival .

  11. 他们把买来的年货放得满地都地。

    They bought often put all over the floor .

  12. 繁忙的都市冷冷清清,传统市场人山人海,大家忙着办年货,返乡人潮络绎不绝。

    Busy cities empty , traditional markets fill with holiday shoppers , and people journey home .

  13. 快过年了,大家走街串巷,忙着办年货。

    The New Year , everybody fast lane , see much know wide busy do often .

  14. 各地特色农产品年货将通过阿里巴巴的平台被送到更多城市消费者手里。

    The program enables farmers to sell their agriculture products in cities through the Alibaba platforms .

  15. 今年的年货采购节,首次邀请了合肥经济圈内其它四个城市组团参加。

    Four members of Economic Circle from other cities were invited to the carnival and expo .

  16. 在北京的一个超市,人们在忙著办年货。

    At the Jian supermarket in Beijing , business was brisk as people completed their last minute Lunar New Year shopping .

  17. 春节期间,凡到本店办年货的单位或个人,均实行免费送货上门。

    We make free home delivery for Spring Festival purchases By customers ( units or individuals ) during the Spring Festival .

  18. 周二,有狗仔拍到布兰妮正在沃尔玛超市为即将到来的圣诞节采购置办年货。

    On Tuesday , the singer was spotted by photographers getting ready for the holiday season at a Los Angeles Walmart .

  19. 他们为家庭聚会作安排,采购年货,准备丰盛的食物,以至于整个春节假期都忙忙碌碌的。

    The arrangements they have to make for family reunions , buying necessities and preparing food keeps them busy throughout the holiday .

  20. 本届年货采购节一方面让市民得到了实惠,更是一种做大旅游经济的很好尝试。

    This carnival has demonstrated not only the substantiation of benefits for citizens but also a milestone for large scale tourism economy .

  21. 小凡:嗯,马上要过年了,准备买些年货。

    Fan : yeah , Spring festivalis coming in about a week so I 'm getting ready to buy a few things .

  22. 星期三,在延安的一个电商峰会上,阿里巴巴启动了首届阿里年货节。

    Alibaba launched its first " Stocking for China 's Lunar New Year Festival " program at an e-commerce summit in Yan'an on Wednesday .

  23. 论文对分货类运量进行分析,由近几年分货类运量推算出分货类运量所占货运量比例,再利用前面预测出的未来年货运量,可以得到未来年分货类运量。

    The paper concludes the proportion of freight volume classified by freight sort to volume of freight by analyse , and gains data of future years .

  24. 年货包括油、米、鸡、鸭、鱼、肉,还有糖饵果品及各式各样的果仁。

    Materials not only include edible oil , rice , poultry , fish and meat , but also fruit , candies and all kinds of nuts .

  25. 昨日,记者从和平区政府获悉,今年的新春庙会照样是秧歌争艳、美食不断、年货成山、好戏连台。

    Heping district government yesterday said there was also wonderful Yangko Dance , delicious food , various supplies needed for the festival and pleasing performances this year .

  26. 年货品种从传统的瓜子、花生、糖果到农产品、工艺品、服装鞋帽等等应有尽有。

    Spring Festival stocking varieties on display cover from traditional snacks and sweets to agriculture products , handcrafts , apparels , you name it , a full spectrum of special delicacies .

  27. 中国春节临近,位于墨西哥城的唐人街一派喜庆气氛。这里售卖的年货,如“中国结”、中国“喜鼠”等同样受到许多当地人的喜爱。

    As Chinese Lunar New Year draws near , many ornaments were arranged to greet the coming festival while lots of locals came here to buy Chinese new year goods like " Chinese Knots " .

  28. 琳琅满目的年货往往让人看了目不暇给,就让我们来介绍一些新年必备的应景食物,希望能为您带来好运。

    It 's easy to be dazzled and overwhelmed by all the different choices , so let us introduce you to a few must-have foods that you can prepare as you wish to ensure a happy new year .

  29. 人们纷纷购买年货,街上的小摊儿全是年画、门神、春联、福字什么的。

    People had to buy holiday items one after another ; the little booths on the streets all were selling New Years pictures , Door Gods , Spring Festival couplets , words such as " luck " and the like .