
nián líng
  • age;years old
年龄 [nián líng]
  • [age] 人或动植物所生存的年数

年龄[nián líng]
  1. 重要的是经验——年龄是次要的。

    Experience is what matters ─ age is of secondary importance .

  2. 她十六岁,而智力年龄是五岁。

    She is sixteen but has a mental age of five .

  3. 工作场所的年龄歧视问题常被忽视。

    The problem of ageism in the workplace often goes unrecognized .

  4. 我知道人们的笔迹随着年龄的增长而变化。

    I know people 's handwriting changes as they get older .

  5. 我还不到领取免费乘车票的年龄。

    I 'm not old enough for my bus pass yet !

  6. 要根据听众的年龄使用相应的语言。

    Adjust your language to the age of your audience .

  7. 随着年龄的增长,人就积习成性。

    As people get older , they get set in their ways .

  8. 我儿子十三岁了,但他比实际年龄显得小。

    My son 's thirteen but he 's young for his age .

  9. 所有的攻击者都是男性,年龄在25到30岁之间。

    All the attackers were male , aged between 25 and 30 .

  10. 请提供下列具体情况:姓名、年龄及性别。

    Please supply the following details : name , age and sex .

  11. 我本来以为她的年龄还要大一些。

    I had imagined her to be older than that .

  12. 年龄影响着一个人能力的大小。

    Age affects the range of a person 's capabilities .

  13. 它们的年龄可从其生长速度来推定。

    Their age can be determined by extrapolation from their growth rate .

  14. 他去年在他的年龄段排名第二。

    Last year , he was ranked second in his age group .

  15. 她与她母亲在相同的年龄时长相酷似。

    She closely resembled her mother at the same age .

  16. 他正在同一个年龄比他小一半的傻里傻气的性感女子来往。

    He 's going out with an empty-headed bimbo half his age .

  17. 不同年龄的年轻人都去那里聚会。

    Young people of all ages go there to meet .

  18. 有些人认为询问别人的年龄是不礼貌的。

    Some people think it is impolite to ask someone 's age .

  19. 请写明姓名、年龄和职业。

    Please state your name , age , and occupation .

  20. 请在下面写明姓名、年龄和职业。

    Please state your name , age and occupation below .

  21. 俱乐部对所有新成员不分年龄一律欢迎。

    The club welcomes all new members regardless of age .

  22. 这两个男孩的年龄相差六岁。

    There 's an age difference of six years between the boys .

  23. 这些儿童彼此的年龄很接近。

    The children are close to each other in age .

  24. 个人的特征,如年龄和性别等,都要考虑进去。

    Personal characteristics , such as age and sex are taken into account .

  25. 就她的年龄来说,她是十分活跃的。

    She 's very active , considering her age .

  26. 她是个看不出年龄的高大女子。

    She was a tall woman of indeterminate age .

  27. 他是队里年龄最大的队员。

    He 's the oldest player in the team .

  28. 参赛者按年龄和能力分组。

    Contestants were grouped according to age and ability .

  29. 随着年龄的增长,他已对摇滚乐失去了热情。

    He 's outgrown his passion for rock music .

  30. 售香烟给未到法定年龄的儿童是非法的。

    It is illegal to sell cigarettes to children who are under age .