
  • Nian;Year monster;Nien
  1. 一天,一个老人来了,答应制伏年兽。

    One day , an old man came to their rescue , offering to subdue Nian .

  2. 年兽因到惊吓而再也不敢回来。

    Nien was frightened and never came back again .

  3. 中国人相信年兽会在除夕夜吃人。

    The Chinese believe that the Nien best eats people on New Year 's Eve .

  4. 年兽是一种凶猛的野兽。

    Nien was a fierce beast .

  5. 因为发现了吓走年兽的秘密,所以那年的新年庆祝起来特别快乐。

    The celebration of that New Year was especially happy because they had discovered the secret of scaring the monster Year .

  6. 原来老人是神仙下凡,他带走了年兽。

    The Nian saw the wisdom in this , and the old man , who was actually a god in disguise , took the beast away .

  7. 到了第二天一大早,「恭喜」之声不绝于耳,空气中弥漫著打败「年兽」胜利与重生的喜悦。

    To second day early morning ," has congratulated " the sound to the ear , in the air does not fill the air is defeating " the year beast " the victory and the rebirth joy .