
  • 网络age ratio
  1. 8龄级个体数最多,其年龄比分别为1871%、2420%和1906%。

    Among all age classes , the numbers of eight years old individuals were the largest , and the age ratio was 18.71 % , 24.20 % and 19.06 % , respectively , at the different succession stages .

  2. 他正在同一个年龄比他小一半的傻里傻气的性感女子来往。

    He 's going out with an empty-headed bimbo half his age .

  3. 她的年龄比我大得多。

    She 's much older than me .

  4. 她犹豫不决,不知道是该选择年龄比她大一倍的男人还是比她小的男人。

    She vacillates between men twice her age and men younger than she

  5. 他可能会被一个年龄比他小的人取代。

    He may be supplanted by a younger man

  6. 玛丽亚15岁的时候就已经在追求年龄比自己大一倍的男人了。

    By the time she was fifteen Maria was already running after men twice her age .

  7. 他所见的那个在舞台上表演的女人实际年龄比看上去要大很多。

    The woman he had seen performing on stage was in actuality quite older than she had seemed .

  8. 因为他妻子年龄比他小得多,他老是怕戴绿帽子。

    Since his wife was much younger than he , he was constantly afraid of being cuckolded .

  9. 痰湿蕴肺型患者的发病年龄比肝胃不和型及肝胃郁热型患者高(P<0.05)。

    Lung Yun phlegm onset age of patients with type type and ratio of liver and stomach disharmony of liver and the Heat were higher ( P0.05 ) .

  10. 结果PP发病男女之比10.79,女性发病的平均年龄比男性早,初发的PP患者平均发病年龄较小,PP的诱发因素最主要是上呼吸道感染(33.61%);

    The average age of the incipient PP patient was a bit younger . PP mainly resulted from upper respiratory infection ( 33.61 % ) .

  11. 脾虚气逆证发病年龄比肝胃不和证、痰气交阻证高(P0.05)。

    Spleen deficiency and gas converse onset age of patients is higher than disharmony of liver and stomach type and sputum exchange resistance gas type ( P0.05 ) .

  12. 结果:HLA-B27阳性的患者多以外周关节受累为首发症状且患者平均发病年龄比HLA-B27阴性者小,HLA-B27阴性的患者往往以腰痛为首发症状,发病年龄相对较大。

    Results : HLA B27 + AS patients with peripheral joints involvement as initial symptom are younger than HLA B27 - patients with lumbar pain as initial symptom .

  13. 近10a尘肺死亡的平均年龄比1987年前延长,尘肺死亡病例中,采煤工人的死亡比例最高,1987年以后采煤工的病死率和构成比与1987年以前相比有所下降。

    The average death age in these 10s is older than that of before 1987 . Coal miners 's death from pneumoconiosis has a largest percentage among the cases .

  14. 这个男孩第一个到达这里,不过年龄比相貌重要。

    The boy was here first , but age before beauty !

  15. 而鲍萨达生产时的年龄比艾莉斯库大130天。

    Bousada was130 days older than Iliescu when she gave birth .

  16. 意识到他的生理年龄比我还大

    and realise he 's older than me in his body .

  17. 我姑姑年龄比我大一倍。

    My aunt is as old again as I am .

  18. 那位老人的年龄比他孙子的年龄大两倍。

    That old man be twice older than his grandson .

  19. 他妻子的年龄比他小十二到十五岁。

    His wife was twelve or fifteen years younger than he was .

  20. 宇宙的年龄比之前预计的要老大约8000万年。

    The universe is about 80m years older than was previously expected .

  21. 一个高大,年龄比父亲大的人开了门。

    A tall man , older than Daddy , opened the door .

  22. 她和一个年龄比她大一倍的男子来往。

    She went out with a man twice as old as her .

  23. 她爱上了一位年龄比她小一半的男人。

    She has fallen in love with a man half her age .

  24. 这个男孩的年龄比那个男孩大。

    This boy 's age is bigger than that boy .

  25. 我时常会想起你……年龄比我大。

    I 'll always think of you as someone older than me .

  26. 我喜欢上一个年龄比我大的女孩。

    I had a crush on this girl , older woman , really .

  27. 松树还站在那里,年龄比我大;

    The pines still stand here older than I ;

  28. 我总是被年龄比我大的男士吸引。

    I 've always been attracted to older men .

  29. 或许她实际年龄比外表更大些。

    Maybe she 's older than she looks .

  30. 数据显示,越来越多步入婚姻的女性年龄比丈夫大。

    Married women are increasingly likely to be older than their husbands , figures reveal .