
  • 网络Annual average temperature;annual mean temperature;Average Annual Temperature
  1. 影响湿地松生长的主要气候因子是年平均气温、1月平均温度和年降雨量。

    The main climate factors influencing growth of slash pine are average annual temperature , average temperature in January and annual rainfall .

  2. 年平均气温16.0~18.0℃,最冷月1月份的平均气温为5.7℃,平均最低气温为2.4℃;

    The average annual temperature is from 16 ℃ to 18 ℃; January is the coldest month in a year , its average temperature is 5.7 ℃, and its average lowest one is 2.4 ℃;

  3. 含酸量、Vc与海拔高度呈正相关,与年平均气温呈负相关,差异极显著(P<001)。

    The fruit acid and vitamin C are positively related with altitude , but negatively related with annual average temperature and the difference is very significant ( P < 0 01 ) .

  4. 依据政府间气候变化专门委员会对农田N2O排放系数的定义和确定方法,用年平均气温及降水量对其进行修正。

    According to the definition of N_2O-N emission factor and its quantification by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change , the N_2O-N emission factor was modified by annual mean temperature and annual precipitation , respectively .

  5. 年平均气温、季平均气温变化存在以1985年为跃变点,这次跃变比全国晚5~7a,比西北地区提前1a。

    The average yearly and quarterly temperature has an obvious interdecadal climate jump and the jump point happened in 1985,5 ~ 7 years later than the jump point in China and 1 year later than the jump point in the Northwest region .

  6. 结果显示:近35a关山南麓地区年平均气温升高了0.7~0.8℃,前30a年均降水量减少了50mm;

    The results show that the annual mean temperature rose by 0.7 ~ 0.8 ℃ during last 35 years , the precipitation reduced by 50 mm in last 30 years .

  7. 年平均气温增加2.1℃时,北方干旱、半干旱区4~10月份ET0值增加3.9%~5.2%;

    Year in average temperature increase 2.1 ℃, north is arid , half arid district from April to October ET_0 value increase ranging from 3.9 % to 5.2 % .

  8. 本文的主要结论如下:(1)近45a来艾比湖流域年平均气温及春、夏、秋、冬四季气温均呈上升趋势,其中以冬季最为明显;

    The major conclusions of this study are as follows : ( 1 ) The annual mean and the four seasons air temperature are increasing , especially most obvious by the 1990s .

  9. 与普通刺槐相比具有更强的适生能力,对土质要求不严格,耐干旱瘠薄,在海拔2000m以下、降水量不低于200mm、年平均气温不低于3℃的地区均能生长。

    Compared with ordinary Robinia pseudoacacia , it is drought and sterile resistant , not restrictive to soil quality , and more adaptable , which can survive below altitude of 2 000 m. rainfall not below 200 mm and average temperature per year not below 3 ℃ .

  10. 这里的年平均气温为24℃。

    The annual average temperature here is 24 degree celsius .

  11. 塔里木盆地年平均气温的分形特征研究

    Fractal characteristics of annual mean temperature of the Tarim Basin

  12. 武汉年平均气温的灰色预测

    The grey forecast of annual mean temperature in Wuhan City

  13. 油水或气水界面之平均流体压力长江流域年平均气温的时空变化特征

    Boundary pressure analysis of spatial and temporal characteristics of annual temperature in the Yangtze River Basin

  14. 年平均气温变化的时空特征主要由冬季气温的贡献所致。

    The space time structure of annual temperature variation is mostly due to winter temperature anomalies .

  15. 临江与长春的年平均气温高,植株高大,新梢生长量大,萌芽率及产量高。

    New shoot increment was large , germinating rate was high , and production was high .

  16. 木麻黄林内外年平均气温均>10℃;

    The annual mean air temperature is > 10 ℃ both inside and outside the shelterbelts ;

  17. 列车员:据我所知广州的年平均气温在21摄氏度左右。

    So far as I know , the yearly average temperature in Guangzhou is about 21 ℃ .

  18. 高寒矮嵩草草甸分布区域,年平均气温较低,一般<0℃;

    The distribution zone of alpine meadow , the annual mean air temperature is < 0 ℃ .

  19. 虫媒传染病斑疹伤寒的发病率与年平均气温和平均地面温度相关。

    The incidence of endemic typhus was correlated to annual mean temperature and annual mean ground temperature .

  20. 年平均气温呈现出上升趋势,升温显著,年降水量呈现下降趋势。

    Average temperature presents a rising trend , warming significantly , and the annual precipitation has declined .

  21. 湖区年平均气温日较差较周边地区偏小。

    The mean annual daily temperature range of lake area is lesser than the surrounding area . 5 .

  22. 县城城市化对年平均气温的影响,平均每5年以0.1℃的速度递增。

    The effect brings an annual mean temperature increase at a rate of 0.1 ℃ every five years .

  23. 结果显示,随着青藏高原地表年平均气温的显著升高,青藏高原部分区域地表覆盖特征也发生了改变。

    The results show that the land surface features have changed with annual mean temperature increasing in the Plateau .

  24. 基于空间化技术对中国近50年平均气温时空演变特征的研究

    Research of Spatial-Temporal Evolvement Characters of Mean Air Temperature in China in Recent 50 Years Based on Spatialization Technique

  25. 长沙1月气温呈上升趋势,而7月气温呈下降趋势,1月气温变化对年平均气温变化的贡献大于7月。

    The January temperature of Changsha has ascending trend , and the July temperature of Changsha has descending trend .

  26. 由最高最低气温求算的平均气温对我国年平均气温序列影响

    Impacts of the Average Air Temperature Derived from Maximum and Minimum Temperatures on Annual Mean Air Temperatures Series of China

  27. 不同季节平均气温的变化趋势与年平均气温变化趋势基本一致,仅冬季平均气温有差异。

    Variation trends of temperature in different seasons were similar to that of annual mean temperature except that in winter .

  28. 贵州冬无严寒、夏无酷暑,年平均气温15摄氏度,是一个理想的休闲度假胜地。

    Guizhou winter cold , summer heat , the average temperature of15 degrees Celsius , is an ideal holiday resort .

  29. 1975以来年平均气温呈持续上升趋势,且趋势逐渐明显,从1996年开始上升趋势达到显著水平。

    Since 1975 the mean annual temperature shows obvious increasing . Since 1996 the trend has increased at a significant level .

  30. 且年平均气温与冬季副高面积指数相关最显著。

    The correlation coefficient of the annual mean temperature with the area index of the subtropical high in winter is largest .