
  • 网络climatic deterioration
  1. 能源危机和气候恶化使得包括风能在内的可再生能源的开发迅速发展。

    Renewable generation including wind power is developing rapidly with energy crisis and climatic deterioration .

  2. 从长期来看,在气候恶化时期瘟疫发生频率较高,尤其是在气候异常变化、旱涝灾害频繁出现时最容易发生瘟疫;从一年之内来看,春夏季是瘟疫多发的时期。

    In the long term , the plague occurring are higher frequency in climatic deterioration period ; particularly in period of unusual climate change , drought and flood occurring are most prone to plague ; in season , spring and summer is plague-prone period .

  3. 我们的善意会带领我们走向气候恶化。

    The road to climate hell is paved with our good intentions .

  4. 新构造活化与气候恶化

    Activations of neotectonics and drastic changes in climate

  5. 科学家们说,气候恶化、水资源滥用和沙漠化共同造成了这种恶果。

    Scientists say climate change , misuse of water , and desertification are all contributing to its decline .

  6. 目前气候恶化对世界产生的威胁甚至超过恐怖主义,带来的灾难可能使上千万人丧命。

    Climate change is a far greater threat to the world than terrorism and could result in a disaster costing millions of lives .

  7. 随着全球气候恶化及石油资源的日益短缺,发动机的排放法规和油耗限制法规也日趋严格。

    Engine emission regulations and fuel consumption regulations are increasingly stringent with the deterioration of global climate and the growing shortage of oil resources .

  8. 鄂尔多斯本来就是一个生态环境十分脆弱的地区,本次大规模垦殖加剧了该地的气候恶化,增加了沙漠面积与沙尘暴的发生,造成土壤侵蚀与水土流失等一系列环境问题。

    Ordos is a region with fragile ecology . The reclamation this time deteriorated the climate there , led to soil corroding and other environmental questions .

  9. 随着能源短缺、气候恶化问题的日益凸显,低碳城市已经成为世界各国追求的城市建设模式。

    As the issues of energy shortages and climate change increasing seriously , the pursuit of low carbon economy has become the focus of the world .

  10. 近几十年以来,由于气候恶化,在世界大部分地区强降雨与长时间干旱的季节交替出现。

    In recent decades , due to the climate deterioration , the heavy rainfall and prolonged dry season alternate in most parts of the world appear alternately .

  11. 全球变暖,天气模式改变已经开始,并且大气中有过度的二氧化碳和其他的温室气体使得在未来几十年气候恶化。

    Global warming and changes to weather patterns are already occurring and there is enough excess carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to drive climate change for decades to come .

  12. 随着全球气候恶化、环境污染及常规能源短缺问题的日趋严峻,世界各国都在努力寻求清洁可再生的替代能源。

    As the global climate deterioration , environmental pollution and the shortage problem of conventional energy are more and more serious , many countries are trying to find out the clean renewable substitutable energy .

  13. 主要气象灾害的发生具有群发性和贫发性,气候恶化期和不稳定期,各种气象灾害都会增多,破坏强度大,对社会政治等影响深远。

    The main meteorological disasters have characteristics of group-occurred and less-occurred . Different kinds of meteorological disasters would increase during periods of climate deterioration and instability . The destroy strength was large and it had tremendous impact on society and politics .

  14. 同时我们还要不得不为自己以前的消费买单&治理环境污染,防止气候继续恶化。

    The same time , we still have to control environmental pollution and prevent climate continues to deteriorate .

  15. 全球气候在恶化,毋庸置疑,所有国家,无论贫富,都受到气候变化的影响。

    Global climate is deteriorating . There is no doubt that all countries are affected by climate change no matter rich or poor .

  16. 在全球持续变暖,气候不断恶化的背景下,二氧化碳减排已成为极为紧迫的任务。

    In the context of continued warming and deteriorating of the global climate , carbon dioxide reduction has become an extremely urgent task .

  17. 现代天水地区生态环境的恶化,是在过去气候条件恶化的背景下,叠加了人为恶化因素的结果。

    The modern ecological environment deterioration of Tianshui area is the result of double actions of climatic deterioration and artificial factors in the past .

  18. 在全球共同应对气候日益恶化的时代背景下,低碳发展受到国内外专家学者的广泛关注。

    Widespread concern by domestic and foreign experts and scholars in the global response to the worsening climate of the times background , low-carbon development .

  19. 湖泊水域的减少加剧了水质污染,对生态多样性造成重大危害,并带来小气候的恶化。

    The decrease of the lake water turned worse the fluid matter contaminative , result in the important bane to ecosystem variety , and bring the partial climatic depravation .

  20. 裸露边坡会造成一系列环境问题,如水土流失、滑坡、泥石流、局部小气候的恶化及生物链的破坏等。

    The exposed slopes can bring about many ecological problems , such as water and soil run off , landslides , mud-rock flows , worsen of microclimate and destruction of biosphere .

  21. 近几年来随着全球气候的恶化,极端天气经常发生,让许多国家政府开始认识到清洁、无污染、环保能源的重要性。

    In recent few years , with the global climate worse off and the frequent occurrence of extremely bad weather , many countries initiate to realize the significance of unpolluted and recycled energy source .

  22. 目前存在的能源危机以及环境和气候的恶化主要都是由于能源结构的单一化所带来的,这使得人们不得不重新审视不可再生能源储量的有限性和使用的局限性。

    The single energy structure leads to the existing energy crisis and the deterioration of the environment and climate , which makes people have to re-examine the limited non-renewable energy reserves and use limitations .

  23. 随着能源日益短缺、环境污染严重、气候逐渐恶化,低碳经济不断受世界各国领导和专家的重视,各项法案、改革措施被提上了日程。

    With the growing shortage of energy , serious environment pollution , gradual climate deteriorates , the leaders and experts pay more and more attention to low-carbon economy . The bills and reform measures are on the agenda .

  24. “矿工也是有家庭责任感的男人,我们谁都不希望看到任何地球气候的恶化,但是你不能仅仅是停止采矿-就目前而言这(矿)还是无可取代的,”他说。

    " Miners are family men and none of us want to see any degradation to the planet , but you can 't just stop coal production-there 's nothing to take its place at the moment ," he says .

  25. 扣马剖面记录了自1.2Ma来砂粒百分含量的变化过程,在我国气候逐步恶化的总体环境下,区域地貌的改变叠加在全球变化之上。

    The Kouma loess section has recorded the change of sand content since 1.2 Ma BP . Global climatic change is the main factor for the temporal and spatial variation of the sand content . The relief change superimposes on the global change .

  26. 随着全球气候环境的恶化和化石燃料资源的日渐匮乏,以太阳能光伏发电(PV)为代表的分布式发电技术越来越多地受到人们的关注。

    With deterioration of the global climatope and increasingly lack of fossil fuel , more and more attention have been paid on distributed generation technology , represented as photovoltaic generation .

  27. 农业官员与交易商担心,随着拉尼娜(LaNiña)气候现象的恶化,农产品价格可能会进一步上涨。拉尼娜现象通常会给阿根廷、巴西和美国等重要农产国带来干旱天气。

    Agricultural officials and traders are worried that agricultural commodities prices could rise further as the La Ni ñ a weather phenomenon , which usually brings dryness to the key growing areas of Argentina , Brazil and the US , intensifies .

  28. 秋天利用5cm土层未冻结前的强寒潮天气,减少越冬虫源;初春进行树下防治,利用土壤小气候特点,恶化越冬茧化蛹的小气候环境,降低虫源基数;

    The strong cold currents before soil layer was frozen 5 cm deep in Autumn were made use of to decrease the pest sources and also the small climatic characteristics of soil were used to worsen the small climatic environment when cocoon pupates and decrease the number of pest sources .

  29. 随着仍在进行的乱砍滥伐和荒漠化,气候也在恶化。

    The climate is worsening , with deforestation and desertification still on the March .

  30. 定西地区历代土地开垦与气候生态环境恶化

    Land reclamation and worsening of ecological environment in Dingxi Prefecture since the dawn of history