
qì yā biǎo
  • barometer;gas-pressure meter;glass;rain glass
气压表 [qì yā biǎo]
  • [barometer] 用来测定气压并从而帮助判断可能的天气变化和确定上升的高度的一种仪器

气压表[qì yā biǎo]
  1. 气压表表明气压在继续下降。

    The barometer marked a continuing fall in atmospheric pressure .

  2. 测高仪,高度计:一种测量高度的仪器,尤指飞机中的无液气压表,其可以测出伴随高度变化的压力变化n.男声最高音;

    An instrument for determining elevation , especially an aneroid barometer used in aircraft that senses pressure changes accompanying changes in altitude .

  3. 扔下气压表,用秒表测出它降落的时间。

    Drop the barometer and time its fall with a stopwatch .

  4. 水银气压表温度重力修正和重力引用问题

    Temperature and gravitational correction of barometer and gravitational correction studies

  5. 气压表标明有一低气压。

    LO-TRIP pressure sensor The barometer recorded a low pressure .

  6. 双针气压表动作仿真研究

    A Study of Simulating the Action of Double Pointer Barometers

  7. 气压表的指数非常低,低得让人难以置信。气压表没有错误。

    It stood very low . There was no mistake .

  8. 基于单片机的数字气压表的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Digital Barometer based on SCM

  9. 一种新式的蓄能器空盒式遥测气压表的研制

    A new accumulator Development of a kind of vacuum-box-barometer

  10. 一项独立的就业情况气压表也在下降。

    A separate barometer of hiring also turned down .

  11. 气压表显示当前气压值。

    Pressure gauges shows how much pressure is present .

  12. 在这个方法中,你拿着气压表,沿楼梯向上走。

    In this method , you take the barometer and walk up the stairs .

  13. 他擦亮火柴,把微小的火苗靠近气压表。

    He struck a match , and held out the little flame towards the barometer .

  14. 一种精度较高的智能气压表

    Introduction of a higher accuracy inteligence barometer

  15. 气压表的水银柱在上升。由汞柱的高度测量气压。

    The barometer is rising . shows pressure by the height of a column of mercury .

  16. 轮胎:用精确的气压表测量气压(别忘了测量备用胎)。

    TIRES : Measure air pressure with an accurate gauge ( don 't forget the spare ) .

  17. 气压表的水银柱在上升。

    The barometer is rising .

  18. 空盒气压表的滞后现象并产生光亮的表面,从而避免产生气泡的现象。

    And make a shine surface on the parts to aviod air bubble between base & coat .

  19. 防护玻璃,曲面、弯曲、空心或类似者,用于大纪念章、气压表及类似用品

    Protective glass , curved , bent , hollowed or the like for medallions , barometers and similar appliances

  20. 你一边爬楼梯,一边沿着墙壁标出气压表的长度。

    As you climb the stairs , you mark off the length of the barometer along the wall .

  21. 本文是对空盒气压表实验室间比对测量结果的不确定度分析。

    This article makes an analysis of the uncertainty for measurenment result of aneroid barometer of interlab comparison .

  22. 这个办法的好处是你不必把气压表扔下去,摔个稀烂。

    The beauty of this method is that you don 't have to drop the barometer and break it .

  23. 温度、重力修正是影响水银气压表在使用和校准中测量不确定度的重要因素。

    Temperature and gravitational corrections are important factors affecting the use of Barometer and the measurement uncertainty in calibration .

  24. 要是你愿意告诉我这楼的高度,我会很高兴地给你这个气压表!

    If you will tell me the height of this building , I will gladly give you this barometer !

  25. 有很多利用气压表来得知高楼的高度的方法。

    There are many ways of getting the height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer .

  26. 然后你数一数标记的数量,这就可以给你以气压表长度单位测出的楼的高度。

    You then count the number of marks , and this will give you the height of the building in barometer units .

  27. 本文介绍了遥测气压表空盒传感器的非线性补偿原理、结构多数的设计及保证精度的措施。

    The theory of non-linear compensation , the design of structural parameter and the step of ensuring accuracy for vacuum-box-barometer are introduced in this paper .

  28. 空盒气压表的滞后现象鲜奶蛋糕,不宜久藏,请注意盒底保质期。

    Fresh cream cakes can 't Be kept for a long time . Please note the quality guarantee period indicated on the Bottom of the Box .

  29. 文章介绍了水银气压表温度、重力修正的原理,引用重力加速度时出现的问题,以及重力引用误差对气压测量的影响。

    The principles of temperature and gravitational correction are described and the problems in use of gravitation acceleration and the impact of the gravitation in error correction on the pressure measurement are studied .

  30. 八条内裤两个航海六分仪三件紫红色毛衣一个温度计,一个湿度计,一个气压表只有一副望远镜一个最初叫做汤姆的前头灯

    Eight pair of underwear . Two sextants . Three burgundy sweaters . One thermometer , One hygrometer , One barometer . Only one telescope . One frontal headlamp officially known as Tom .