
  • 网络meteorological disaster;meteorologic disaster;meteorological hazard
  1. GIS支持下的气象灾害风险评估模型&以重庆地区冰雹灾害为例

    GIS-based risk evaluation model of meteorological disaster : a case study on hail disaster in Chongqing Administrative Region

  2. 研究和实现了基于GIS的气象灾害风险精细化评估系统,提供了功能强大的气象灾害指标定制工具,和常规气象灾害风险的评估及预估。

    We studied and realized the fine assessment system for meteorological disaster risk based on GIS and provided a powerful customization tool of meteorological disaster index , and the assessment and pre-assessment of routine meteorological disaster risk .

  3. 基于GIS技术的安徽省重大农业气象灾害测评系统总体设计

    The Investigating System Design for Some Main Agrometeorological Hazards of Anhui Province Based on GIS

  4. ENSO事件与广东月降水、气温及气象灾害的关系

    The Relation Between ENSO Events and the Monthly Precipitation and Mean Temperature and Meteorological Disasters in Guangdong

  5. 以安徽省重大农业气象灾害的气候规律分析及遥感监测方法为基础,利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,设计并建立了省级农业气象灾害测评系统。

    In this paper , based on analysis of climatic regular pattern , a monitoring and assessing system for agrometeorological disasters was established at province level with the aid of satellite remote sensing and geographic information system ( GIS ) .

  6. 农业气象灾害预警研究主要包括:数理统计预报方法进一步发展,农业气象模式与气候模式结合的初步尝试,GIS和网络等高技术在农业气象灾害预警中的应用,省级农业气象灾害预测系统的研制。

    The study on agro-meteorological disasters prediction included the further development of mathematic statistical forecast method , the primary study on combining agro-meteorological models with climate models , the application of advanced technology , such as GIS and internet as well as the development of provincial agro-meteorological disasters prediction system .

  7. 基于3S技术和地面监测相结合,构建了农业气象灾害动态监测系统,从宏观和微观角度来全面监测农业气象灾害的发生发展;

    Based on 3s technology and surface observation , the dynamic monitoring system of agro-meteorological disasters was built to monitor the emergence and development of agro-meteorological disasters the year round . Satellite remote sensing monitoring system was built and improved .

  8. 认为1993年世界气象灾害频频发生的原因是:(1)大气环流的异常变化对1993年东传型ENSO事件的响应几乎同步。

    It is confirmed that the main cause for world meteorological catastrophe in 1993 is closely related to the following features in that ( 1 ) the anomalous variation of atmosphere circulation has almost synchronous response to the eastward transmitting ENSO event of 1992 / 1993 ;

  9. 借助G1S空间分析与地图制作功能,对徐水县5种气象灾害进行了风险评价,划分了灾害区划等级,绘制了徐水县气象灾害的风险区划图。

    The risk assessment models of a meteorological disaster were built . With the help of GIS spatial analysis and map capabilities , five kinds of meteorological disasters risk were assessed in Xushui County .

  10. 农业气象灾害是造成农业生产不稳定的主要因素之一。

    Agricultural meteorological disasters are the major factor that affected agriculture .

  11. 陕西气象灾害的孕育环境和应对措施

    The Circumstances of Meteorological Calamity Development in Shaanxi Province and Countermeasures

  12. 陕西棉花气象灾害40年气候变化特征分析

    Analysis for Cotton Meteorological Disaster Climate Change Characters in Shanxi Province

  13. 气象灾害对烤烟产量的影响及对策

    Effect of Meteorological Disasters on Yield of Flue-Cured Tobacco and Countermeasures

  14. 福建农业气象灾害的产量灾损风险评估

    Risk assessment of yield losses from agro-meteorological disasters in Fujian Province

  15. 气象灾害对凤阳县烤烟质量的影响及防灾减灾对策

    Effect of Meteorological Disasters on Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacco and Countermeasures

  16. 湖南省气象灾害城市预警管理体系研究

    Research on Hunan Meteorological Disaster Warning Management System of the City

  17. 气候变暖对河南干旱气象灾害的影响及其对策

    Impact and Countermeasures for Climate Warming on Arid Disaster in Henan

  18. 影响南京西瓜的主要气象灾害及防御措施

    The Main Meteorological Disasters Affecting Watermelon and Defensive Measures in Nanjing

  19. 中国果树气象灾害及其综合防御体系

    Meteorological Disasters for Fruit Trees and Their Prevention System in China

  20. 1999年我国主要气象灾害及异常气候事件

    Major meteorological disasters and exceptional climate events in China in 1999

  21. 农业气象灾害地域组合规律的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Area Combination Law of Agro - Meteorological Disasters

  22. 宁夏主要气象灾害特征分析及防御对策

    A Characteristic and Defensive Measures of Main Meteorological Disaster in Ningxia

  23. 贵州农业气象灾害综合风险评价与区划

    Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Demarcation of Agro-meteorological Disasters in Guizhou Province

  24. 甘肃农业气象灾害拓扑预测模型

    The Topological Prediction Model on Agricultural Meteorological Calamity in Gansu Province

  25. 第二章气象灾害应急管理体系的理论分析。

    Second chapter meteorological disasters emergencies administrative system theoretical analysis .

  26. 气象灾害经济损失估算与预测的经济计量模式

    Econometric model for estimation and forecasting of economic losses in meteorological disasters

  27. 气象灾害评定的一种模糊数学方法&以四川盆地为例

    A fuzzy approach of evaluation to meteorologic disasters - taking Sichuan Basin

  28. 干旱胁迫是全球限制作物生产的主要气象灾害。

    Drought stress is a main meteorological disaster restricting crop production worldwide .

  29. 浅析晋城市气候概况及农业气象灾害

    Brief Analysis of Climate Survey and Agrometeorological Disaster in Jincheng

  30. 农业气象灾害对甘肃天水苹果生产的影响

    Effects of agro-meteorological disasters on apple production in Tianshui , Gansu Province