
  • 网络stomatal regulation
  1. 2分析了荒漠植物的蒸腾特性及其气孔调节作用机制,指出了土壤水分亏缺是叶片气孔关闭、蒸腾作用降低的主要原因,探讨了植物蒸腾作用与气孔调节之间的复杂关系及其今后的研究重点。

    The relationships between leaf transpiration and stomatal regulation was discussed and soil water deficit was the main factor among that affecting plant transpiration and stomatal opening .

  2. 目的是探讨气孔调节在日变化过程和长期干旱与湿润生境上的差异及其对紫茎泽兰入侵能力的影响。

    For finding the possible implication for its invasive ability , the stomatal regulation on gas exchange in diurnal changing microenvironment and long term acclimation to xeric and hygric habitats as well as water use efficiency were examined .

  3. ABA在气孔调节中具有非常重要的作用。

    The role of ABA in stomatal adjustment is very important .

  4. 脱落酸(ABA)在气孔调节中的作用

    The Role of ABA in Stomatal Adjustment

  5. 可通过气孔调节作物光合与水分的关系,最终提高作物的水分利用效率;

    It can be adjusted relation of crop photosynthesis and water by stomatal , and result in raises water use efficiency ( WUE ) finally .

  6. 土壤水分条件在水势为-0.01&-0.1MPa时,春小麦蒸发蒸腾受气象条件影响和小麦叶片气孔调节的作用较大;

    When soil water potential varies between -0.01 MPa and - 0.1 MPa , evapotranspiration is mainly affected by meteorological factors and regulated by leaf stoma .

  7. 因此,通过气孔调节降低蒸腾耗水量是提高作物水分利用效率、节约灌溉用水的一个重要途径。

    So it is a good way to increase the water efficiency in plants and save irrigation water through adjusting stoma open or reducing transpiration water consumption .

  8. 结果表明:适量高氮水平能够增加苗木体内的叶绿素、可溶性糖以及矿物质含量,改善苗木的渗透调节能力和气孔调节作用,提高水分利用效率。

    The results show that high nitrogen fertilization could increase contents of chlorophyll , sugar , mineral matter and WUE of seedlings , and improve the seedlings capability of osmotic and stomatal adjustment .

  9. 综述了水分胁迫对水稻的伤害以及水稻植株在气孔调节、渗透调节、激素调节、膜抗氧化保护酶类和干旱诱导蛋白等方面抗旱性生理生化机制的研究进展。

    This paper outlines the harms to rice caused by water stress and the advances of physiology and biochemistry mechanism of rice drought resistance on stoma adjustment , osmotic adjustment , hormone adjustment , membrane protective enzymes and drought-induced protein .

  10. 研究了外源NO和ABA对杨树气孔运动调节作用。

    The present study provided the evidence that exogenous NO and ABA regulated the stomatal movement in poplar leaves .

  11. 气孔运动调节植物与环境之间气体和水分的交换。

    Stomatal movement is important for plants to exchange gas with environment .

  12. 气孔特性调节光合作用效率,气孔特性的改善对光合作用的提高有至关重要的影响。

    Characteristic Industry 3 . Stomata characteristic is very important to improve photosynthetic capacity .

  13. 对根系水分倒流、气孔最优化调节、气孔不均匀关闭进行了介绍。

    It is introduced that reverse flow of rate , optimization theory of stomatal regulation , non-uniform stomatal closure .

  14. 这些与蛋白磷酸酶有关的信号传递途径包括气孔运动调节与脱落酸的信号转导、植物对病原及逆境的响应以及植物发育的调控。

    These pathways include stomatal regulation and abscisic acid signal transduction , pathogen and stress responses , and developmental control .

  15. H2O2和Ca~(2+)参与茉莉酸甲酯对气孔运动的调节

    Involvement of H_2O_2 and Ca ~( 2 + ) in the response of stomate to methyl jasmonate

  16. 沼泽湿地N2O与CO2排放间相关性显著,促使二者间产生这种内在联系的因素包括:温度、植物根系的作用、有机质分解的联系作用以及植物气孔行为的调节。

    The correlation between N2O and CO2 emission in marsh wetland was marked , and the factors that led to the internal relation including temperature , plant roots , correlation action of decomposition of organic matter and the adjustment of stomatal behavior of plant .

  17. 最后探讨了植物蒸腾驱动力及其抑制的可能性及气孔行为的调节与水分利用。

    Transpiration driving force , probability of controlling transpiration and regulation of stomatal acts were explored for more efficient use of water .

  18. 午间净光合速率下降的原因既有气孔限制的调节,也有非气孔限制的调节。

    The midday decline causes of the net photosynthetic rate are both the regulation of stomatal limitation and the regulation of non-stomatal limitation .

  19. 保卫细胞能感知多种环境刺激,通过改变气孔孔径来调节气体和水分进出植物。

    Guard cells can sense kinds of environmental stimulus and adjust the stomatal pore to regulate gas and water exchange in and out of plants .

  20. 亚硫酸氢钠对植物叶片气孔开度的调节作用

    Regulative function of nahso_3 to stomatal exposure of plant blade

  21. 最后,从作物水分关系、气孔反应、渗透调节、地上地下关系等方面对施肥提高作物产量、水分利用效率和改善抗旱性的原因进行了分析。

    In finally , the reason that fertilizing improve crop drought-resistance and raise crop yield and . water use efficiency were discussed from crop water relationship , stomatal responses , osmotic adjustment , relation between shoot and root .

  22. 为了优化音响效果,我们在耳机上设有多个气孔,每个气孔都有其独特的功能。耳机背面的气孔用于调节中音频部分,并保证每位使用者都能获得流畅一致的听觉体验。

    To optimize the acoustics , we 've built in a series of ports , each with its own unique purpose . A port in the back tunes midrange frequencies and provides a consistent listening experience from one person to the next .

  23. 气孔运动关系到植物与外界环境气体和水分的交换,气孔运动的调节机理是植物生理学研究的重要内容。

    Stomatal movement governs gas and water exchange between plants and environment , and stomatal regulating mechanism is an important topic in research of plant physiology .