
yè yè
  • leaf axil
叶腋 [yè yè]
  • [leaf axil] 叶的基柄与茎相接处的内侧

  1. 雄花在幼嫩小枝的下部的叶腋里的簇生。

    Male flowers : clustered in proximal leaf axil of young branchlets .

  2. 采用叶腋法接种,标记菌株仅能在叶片中定殖,其定殖动态表现为由升到降趋势。

    Inoculated by dropping leaf axil method , the marked strain could only colonize in leaf , the population showed a trend " first increasing then decreasing " .

  3. 光照强度、CO2浓度、温度及土壤湿度等外界环境条件,以及黄瓜叶腋负载果实与否的内在因素对光合速率有明显影响,对光合速率日变化类型无影响。

    Either enviromental factors such as intensity of light , CO2 concentration , temperature and relative moisture of soil , or interior factor such as the fruit in the axil exerted significant effects on photosynthetic rate except photosynthetic type of diurnal variation .

  4. 15~20d时,成簇突起形成幼叶丛,一些幼叶和叶状体的近轴面的基部出现叶腋分生组织。

    By 15 ~ 20 d , a cluster of young leaves and leaf-like organs formed and several axillary meristems initiated at the base of the adaxial side of these young leaves .

  5. 一种落叶的蔓延灌木,花芳香、黄白色、在叶腋处轮生。

    Deciduous climbing shrub with fragrant yellow-white flowers in axillary whorls .

  6. 腋窝的,叶腋的,腋生的。

    Armpit , axilla , axillary cavity , axillary fossa .

  7. 西地中海一年生的植物,有深紫红色的花,被三个大的心脏形的苞叶包在叶腋内。

    Western Mediterranean annual having deep purple-red flowers subtended by 3 large cordate bracts .

  8. 匍匐茎大多起源于同化茎基部鞘状叶的叶腋内。

    Stolon of the plant develops mostly from the axil of sheath-like leaf of photosynthetic stem .

  9. 澳大拉西亚常绿针叶树,树冠优美,叶似芹菜叶,鳞状叶腋长有叶状柄。

    Australasian evergreen conifer having a graceful head of celery-like foliage composed of phyllodes borne in the axils of scalelike leaves .

  10. 雄蕊和心皮的数目偶尔也发生改变,在小穗轴的叶腋处偶尔也异位产生小花。

    Occasionally , the number of stamens and carpels is altered and an ectopic floret occurs in the axil of the rachilla .

  11. 叶互生,无柄,圆柱状,肉质,基部扩大的,先端钝或具芒;叶腋束状具柔毛。

    Leaves alternate , sessile , terete , fleshy , base expanded , apex obtuse or aristate awned ; leaf axil fascicular pilose .

  12. 在一个正在成熟的大豆植株中,一片叶子的大部分同化物都进入叶腋的荚里。

    In a maturing soybean plant , most of the assimilate from a leaf went into the pod at the axil of that leaf .

  13. 植物的侧枝发生一般分为两个步骤:在叶腋处形成侧芽原基,随后侧芽原基生长发育成侧枝。

    The axillary branching process generally involves two developmental stages : the formation of axillary meristems in the leaf axils and subsequent axillary bud growth .

  14. 新西兰的一种灌木或小乔木,许多小白花密生于叶腋内,有蜜的味道,树皮可作绳索。

    Small tree or shrub of New Zealand having a profusion of axillary clusters of honey-scented paper-white flowers and whose bark is used for cordage .

  15. 其地上茎实际上是萌发于小型叶叶腋的侧芽替代顶芽生长所形成的各级侧枝系统,即合轴分枝系统。

    Its stem is in fact a lateral branch system formed by sprouting of lateral buds in axils of small leaves substituting for the thoroughly restrained phyllogens .

  16. 生长于北美西部溪边或池塘边的兰花,茎多叶,花生于叶腋顶部、呈浅绿色或浅紫色。

    Orchid growing along streams or ponds of western North America having leafy stems and 1 greenish-brown and pinkish flower in the axil of each upper leaf .

  17. 12月初,最初的苞片原基在雌球果原基的鳞片的叶腋处产生,之后其由基部向顶部连续发生。

    In the early december , the first bract primordium was formed in the axil scale at the cone base , then bract initiation had occurred in acropetal direction .

  18. 多叶,每丛兰花有数个茎,每个叶腋上部有一朵花,花白色与暗紫色相间。

    Leafy plant having a few stems in a clump with 1 white and dull purple flower in each upper leaf axil ; Alaska to northern California and Wyoming .

  19. 常见凤仙花多为单色,单瓣较多,重瓣花型简单,且花多为叶腋处着生,大大限制了凤仙花作为常规观赏花卉的充分开发利用。

    Common for monochrome , single impatiens , double pattern is simple , and spend more bears for axils , greatly limits the conventional ornamental flowers impatiens as fully exploited .

  20. 结果表明:三叶木通的花芽是混合芽,主要着生于短缩枝的顶芽和攀援茎2至10节的叶腋间。

    The results of which indicated that the flower buds were the mixed ones that grew mainly in terminal buds ot spurs and certain lateral buds from the second to the tenth nodes on twining branches .

  21. 以香花刺槐的叶腋嫩芽生长锥为外植体进行组织诱导培养,经过多组合培养基对比试验,筛选出诱导分化、继代增殖、生根培养3个阶段的最佳培养基配方。

    Growth cones of axillary buds of Robinia pseudoacacia f. decaisneana were taken as explants to conduct tissue induced cultivation . Optimum directions for culture media for such 3 stages as inducement and differentiation , propagation and rooting culture were screened out by contrast tests of multi-combination culture media .