
yè lǜ tǐ
  • chloroplast;chloroplastid;autoplast
叶绿体[yè lǜ tǐ]
  1. 水稻叶绿体DNA提取和纯化方法优化

    The Improvement of a Method to Extract and Purify Rice Chloroplast DNA

  2. 泡桐叶绿体DNA的分离纯化与电镜观察

    Isolation and observation of chloroplast DNA from the Paulownia fortunei

  3. 前质体能分化成各具特点的细胞器,如淀粉体,叶绿体和有色体。

    The proplastids differentiate to form characteristic organelles such as amyloplasts , chloroplasts and chromoplasts .

  4. 叶绿体就是光合作用发生的地方。

    Chloroplasts are the structures in which photosynthesis happens .

  5. 维生素C对黄瓜叶绿体膜脂过氧化的影响

    Effects of vitamin C on peroxidization of chloroplast membrane lipid from cucumber

  6. 油菜细胞质雄性不育系叶绿体DNA特异片段的分子克隆

    Molecular Cloning of Specific Fragments of ctDNA from Male-sterile Line of Rape

  7. 黑麦属种间叶绿体DNA的变异性和种系发生的关系

    Chloroplast DNA variation and phylogenetic relationship among Secale species

  8. 小麦返白系叶绿体DNA多态性研究

    Research on Polymorphism of cpDNA in Wheat Albescent Line

  9. 银杏叶绿体DNA的分离提纯

    Isolation and Purification of Chloroplast dNA from the Ginkgo

  10. 藻类叶绿体DNA和基因图谱

    DNA and gene map of alga chloroplast genome

  11. 叶绿体中发现的DNA。

    The DNA found in the chloroplast .

  12. DNA重组与叶绿体遗传工程

    DNA Recombination and Chloroplast Genetic Engineering

  13. 对活体和离体系统的rf花瓣中叶绿体结构进行观察。

    The ultrastructure of the plastids in rf petals were examined .

  14. 选用6个叶绿体和4个线粒体植物细胞质通用引物,以所有材料基因组DNA进行筛选。

    Genomic DNAs from all the samples were amplified with cytoplasm universal primers of 6 chloroplast and 4 mitochondrial .

  15. 活化石植物&苏铁树叶绿体DNA分子中的核糖核苷酸

    Covalently linked ribonucleotides in chloroplast DNA molecules of the leaves of a living fossil plant , Cycas revoluta Thunb

  16. 用改进的高盐低pH法分离和纯化棉花叶绿体及叶绿体DNA

    Purification of Cotton Chloroplast and Chloroplast DNA Using the Improved Method of High Salt Concentration and Low pH

  17. 五种杨树叶绿体DNA的提取及RFLP分析

    Studies on the Isolation and RFLP Analysis of Poplar Chloroplast DNA

  18. 低温处理后,对照中叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素a+b总含量均显著低于转基因苗,叶绿素a/b的比值反映叶绿体中类囊体膜的垛叠程度,对照的叶绿素a/b的比值低于转基因苗。

    The contents of chlorophyll a , chlorophyll b and chlorophyll a + b in controls were significantly lower than in transgenic seedlings .

  19. 高CO2浓度对大豆不同叶位叶片叶绿体淀粉粒积累的效应

    Effect of elevated co_2 concentration on the starch grain accumulation in chloroplasts from soybean leaves at different nodes

  20. 观察到亚麻酸对叶绿体结构有显著的影响,并可提高叶绿体囊状体膜在蓝区和红区的吸收峰值,以及F(685)和F(738)的相对荧光产量。

    Linolenic acid increases the absorption peaks in both red and blue regions of the chloroplast membranes .

  21. 芜菁花叶病毒外壳蛋白在寄主植物叶绿体中的积累及其对光系统II活性的影响

    Accumulation of Coat Protein of Turnip mosaic virus in Host Chloro-plasts and Its Effect on PS II Activity

  22. 根际CO2环境对马铃薯植株叶绿体PSⅡ功能的影响

    Effect of co_2 treatment of root zone on the functions of ps ⅱ of potato leaves

  23. 玉米叶绿体ATP合成酶ε亚基的定点突变

    Site directed Mutagenesis of ε Subunit of ATP Synthase of Maize Chloroplast

  24. Southern印迹杂交结果表明,水稻叶绿体基因组也能编码自身的RNA聚合酶。

    The result of southern hybridization showed that the rice chloroplast genome can encode its own RNA polymerase .

  25. 选用的16个引物中4个叶绿体引物和5个线粒体引物可扩增出稳定而明显的PCR产物,其扩增产物用15种限制性内切酶进行酶切。

    Four cpDNA and 5 mtDNA primers which produced steady and clear bands were selected from 16 plasmon primers .

  26. 将IL-2基因构建到叶绿体转化载体并转入烟草

    Transformation of Human IL-2 Gene into Tobacco by Construction of A Chloroplast Vector

  27. Bt基因甜菜叶绿体转化载体构建及毒蛋白表达

    Vector Construction with Bt Gene for Sugar Beet Chloroplast Transformation and Expression Toxin-protein

  28. 日本落叶松群体的叶绿体SSR分析

    Analysis of Genetic Structure in Population of Larix Kaempferi by Chloroplast SSR Markers

  29. 本研究对来自全国不同地理来源地63份白菜类作物种质资源进行染色体基因组DNA、叶绿体基因组和核糖体ITS序列等水平上的研究,探讨了白菜类作物的系统进化、分类等。

    In this research 63 accessions of Brassica rapa from different regions were used to study their phylogeny and classification by nuclear and chloroplast DNA analysis .

  30. 低剂量CO2激光对茄子、青椒叶绿体超微结构影响的初步观察

    A primary study on the effect of irridiation of low dose of co_2 laser to the chloroplast structure of Eggplant and green pepper