
yè fēnɡ
  • sawfly
叶蜂 [yè fēng]
  • [sawfly] 昆虫的一科,成虫一般为黑色,头部宽,复眼大,触角鞭状、棒状或锯齿状

  1. 松树叶蜂性信息素中间体的合成研究

    Synthesis of the Intermediates of Sex Pheromone of Pine Sawfly

  2. 落叶松红腹叶蜂在带岭林区一年发生一代,以老熟幼虫在落叶层下丝茧内越冬。

    The larch sawfly has one generation per year .

  3. 红外CO2分析仪测定法测定了松阿扁叶蜂幼虫的呼吸速率。

    Infrared analyzer of CO2 determined respiration of larva .

  4. 此属是三节叶蜂科内第3个具有后颊脊和第5个在后翅M+Cu1和1A脉之间基部具cu-a1横脉的属。

    This is the third genus with occipital carina and the fifth one with basal cua cross vein within Argidae .

  5. 松黄叶蜂幼虫空间分布型的研究

    The Spatial Distribution Types of Neodiprion Sertifer Larvae on Chinese Pine

  6. 结果表明,樟叶蜂幼虫为聚集分布。

    The results showed : larvas of Moricella rufonota were gathering distribution .

  7. 尖唇叶蜂属系统分类研究(膜翅目:叶蜂科)

    Taxonomic Study on the Genus Adamas Malaise ( Hymenoptera : Tenthredinidae )

  8. 中国苜蓿切叶蜂的研究和应用

    A Review of Studies and Application of Alfalfa Leaf-cutting Bee in China

  9. 苜蓿切叶蜂一年异地两次为苜蓿授粉的研究

    Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee for Pollination of Alfalfa Twice a Year in Different Areas

  10. 甘肃省引进苜蓿切叶蜂孵化试验

    Incubation of introduced alfalfa leaf-cutting bee in Gansu province

  11. 危害樱桃的一种新叶蜂(膜翅目:叶蜂科丝角叶蜂亚科)

    A NEW SAWFLY INJURIOUS TO CHERRY FROM CHINA ( Hymenoptera : Tenthredinidae )

  12. 落叶松叶蜂的种群动态和预测预报

    The Population Dynamics and Prediction of Larch Sawfly

  13. 膜翅目叶蜂科幼虫的气管具有肺功能。

    The tracheae of the larvae of Argidae ( Hymenoptera ) function as lungs .

  14. 毛竹黑叶蜂在福建福州一年发生1~2代,以幼虫越冬。

    Eutomostethus nigritus Xiao has1 ~ 2 generations a year and overwinters as larvae .

  15. 抚宁吉松叶蜂幼虫种群空间格局及抽样技术研究

    Studies on the Spatial Distridution and Sampling Technique for the Larval Population of Gilpinia

  16. 落叶松红腹叶蜂生物学特性的研究

    A study on biological characteristics of Larch Sawfly

  17. 落叶松叶蜂的生态对策及其防治策略

    Bionomic Strategy and Control Tactics of Larch Sawfly

  18. 本文也讨论了落叶松叶蜂的个体生态学和防治方法。

    Sawfly 's bionomics and control method have also been discussed in this paper .

  19. 湖南莽山和广东南岭两国家森林公园的叶蜂区系

    Fauna of Sawfly from Mangshan National Park in Hunan and Nanling National Park in Guangdong

  20. 浙江省为害松树的叶蜂类昆虫

    Sawfly Damage to Pine in Zhejiang Province

  21. 落叶松叶蜂的防治阈值

    Control Threshold Value of Larch Sawfly

  22. 实验证明在24℃以上该叶蜂一龄幼虫不能成活,蛹不能羽化为成虫;

    The 1st age larvae cannot alive and pupa cannot emerge when temperature is exceeding 24 ℃ .

  23. 提出了在苜蓿切叶蜂研究和应用中存在的问题和未来的发展前景。

    Problems in research and application of the bee in China were discussed and prospects put forward .

  24. 其中,冀西北山地丘陵区是京津冀地区叶蜂的分布中心。

    Among them , Northwest hill of Hebei is the distribution center of sawfly in the province .

  25. 马尾松吉松叶蜂研究

    A Study on Gilpinia massoniana

  26. 本文对樟叶蜂幼虫的分布型及抽样技术进行了研究。

    In this paper , distribution pattern and sampling technique of larvas of Moricellarufonota has been studied .

  27. 中国甘肃和青海省叶蜂类六新种记述(膜翅目:叶蜂科)(英文)

    Six New Species of Sawflies from Gansu and Qinghai Provinces of China ( Hymenoptera : Tenthredinidae )

  28. 详细讨论了尖唇叶蜂属的系统学地位,初步分析了6个已知种之间的关系,认为A。

    The systematic position of Adamas Malaise and the relationships between the 5 species of the genus are discussed .

  29. 利用4种无公害农药对红头阿扁叶蜂3龄幼虫进行防治试验,效果达97%以上。

    Four non-pollution pesticides were used against larvae in the 3rd instar and the control effect was above 97 % .

  30. 昆虫的一个目;包含蜜蜂;黄蜂;蚂蚁;埃及蠓;叶蜂;瘿蜂;等。

    An order of insects including : bees ; wasps ; ants ; ichneumons ; sawflies ; gall wasps ; etc. .