
yè lǜ tǐ jī yīn zǔ
  • chloroplast genome
  1. Southern印迹杂交结果表明,水稻叶绿体基因组也能编码自身的RNA聚合酶。

    The result of southern hybridization showed that the rice chloroplast genome can encode its own RNA polymerase .

  2. 以bar基因为探针,采用PCR-Southern杂交证明PCR结果的可靠性,结果表明:PCR检测呈阳性的3株中有2株的叶绿体基因组中确实整合有bar基因。

    PCR-southern with bar gene segments as probes was performed to attest PCR reaction , which indicated that the chloroplast genome of 2 plants indeed recombined bar gene .

  3. 对水稻三个材料的叶绿体基因组GC含量分析表明,材料间GC含量差异较小:93-11为39.00%;

    The GC content of the three rice chloroplast genomes were analyzed .

  4. 本研究对来自全国不同地理来源地63份白菜类作物种质资源进行染色体基因组DNA、叶绿体基因组和核糖体ITS序列等水平上的研究,探讨了白菜类作物的系统进化、分类等。

    In this research 63 accessions of Brassica rapa from different regions were used to study their phylogeny and classification by nuclear and chloroplast DNA analysis .

  5. 这些应用主要包括利用叶绿体基因组转化技术进行Rubisco的组装,叶绿体基因结构、转录、翻译和RNA编辑等研究;

    These applications include the studies of rearrangement of Rubisco and the structure , transcription , translation and RNA editing of genes in chloroplast ;

  6. 用高盐低pH法与氯化铯密度梯度离心相结合的方法纯化了藓羽藻叶绿体基因组DNA,并构建了其叶绿体基因组EcoRⅠ文库。

    Chloroplast genome DNA of B. hypnoides was purified by high ionic buffer and low pH method combined with CsCl density gradient centrifugation , EcoR ⅰ library of the chloroplast genome DNA was also constructed in the experiment .

  7. 由于叶绿体基因组编码能力有限,叶绿体中绝大多数蛋白质由核基因组编码的,其中相当一部分属于PPR蛋白家族。

    Due to the limited encoding capability of plastid genome , most chloroplast proteins are encoded by nuclear genes and a large portion of them are PPR proteins .

  8. 用于叶绿体基因组转化的马铃薯高效再生体系的建立

    The establishment of high efficiency regeneration system of potato chloroplast genomic transformation

  9. 小麦叶绿体基因组定点整合表达载体的构建

    The Construction of Site-specific Integration and Expression Vector for Chloroplast Genome of Wheat

  10. 叶绿体基因组的翻译产物与细胞质雄性不育性

    Chloroplast Genome Translated Products and Cytoplasmic Male Sterility

  11. 小麦返白系叶绿体基因组分析及叶绿体超微结构和差异表达蛋白质研究

    Genomic Analysis and Ultrastructure and Differential Expression Proteins Study of Chloroplast in Wheat Albinism Line

  12. 高等植物叶绿体基因组的转化

    The Chloroplast Genome Transformation in Higher Plants

  13. 黄瓜叶绿体基因组全序列微卫星分布特征与标记开发

    Characterization of Microsatellites in Complete Chloroplast Genome of Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus ) and Marker Exploitation

  14. 定点整合抗虫基因到油菜叶绿体基因组并获得转基因植株

    Site-specific Integration of Insect-resistant Gene into Chloroplast Genome of Oilseed Rape and Acquisition of Transgenic Plants

  15. 结果表明藓羽藻叶绿体基因组大小约为150kb。

    The results showed that the size of B. hypnoides chloroplast genome was about 150 kb .

  16. 高等植物叶绿体基因组中这种基因排列方式还未见报道。

    The arrangement pattern oi these genes was observed in chloroplast genome in higher plants for the first time .

  17. 虽然美国蜡梅内部两个物种比蜡梅属两个物种的分化时间早,但是其叶绿体基因组序列分化相差不大。

    Although differentiation is earlier in the two species of Calycanthus than that of Chimonanthus , the chloroplast genome sequence differentiation is quite limited .

  18. 研究结果表明,这个长度热点突变区的核苷酸序列分析是研究小麦与山羊草叶绿体基因组之间遗传变异关系的一个非常有效的途径。

    The results indicate that the sequence analysis of the hotspot region is a very powerful tool to investigate genetic variations of chloroplast genome in Triticum and Aegilops .

  19. 其系统发育关系比较明确,因此可以用来探讨叶绿体基因组序列分化及基因组结构进化的方向。

    The phylogenetic relationships of Calycanthaceae are relatively clear , thus it can be used to explore the sequence differentiation and the direction of structure evolution of the chloroplast genome .

  20. 叶绿体基因组中发生最多的微结构变化是插入和缺失,插入和缺失随着片段的增大,发生的概率明显下降,并且具有缺失的偏向性。

    The most frequent structural variation occur in the chloroplast genome is insertion / deletion . The probability of its occurrence decreased significantly as its length increases , together with bias of deletions .

  21. 线粒体基因组、叶绿体基因组与细胞质雄性不育性有一定的关系,这种关系是建立在质核两个遗传体系相互依存和联系的统一关系之中。

    CMS had a certain bearing on mtDNA and ctDNA , and the contacts were established in the united relation between the two genetic systems , cytoplasm and nuclear , which were interrelated and interdependent .

  22. 叶绿体基因组属于母性遗传,有相对独立的进化路线,可不依赖于其他任何数据即可构建分子系统树及查明植物的进化历史。

    Chloroplast genome belongs to maternal inheritance , and it has relative independent evolutionary line , thus it can construct phylogenetic trees and identify the evolutionary history of plants , not depending on any other data .

  23. 芥菜型油菜叶绿体基因组也表现出丰富的遗传多样性,48份材料中分布有9种叶绿体单倍型,其中蔬用芥菜与油用芥菜、根用芥菜与其他蔬用芥菜在叶绿体单倍型上存在差异。

    The chloroplast genome of B. juncea also showed abundant genetic diversity . For example , 9 chloroplast haplotypes are observed in 48 copies of materials , of which there are different in root mustard and other types of mustard .

  24. 植物叶绿体与线粒体基因组DNA特异性比较研究

    Research on Polymorphism of Chloroplast and Mitochondrial Genomic DNA

  25. 叶绿体具有独立的基因组DNA,以母性遗传为主,其结构和功能高度保守。

    Its structure and function are highly conservative .

  26. 我们比较分析了普通小麦(Triticumaestivum)的核基因以及线粒体、叶绿体等细胞器基因组间在密码子偏好性特征和影响因素上的差异。

    In this study , a comparative analysis is performed to investigate the characteristics of codon bias and factors in shaping the codon usage patterns among mitochondrion , chloroplast and nuclear genes in common wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) .

  27. 叶绿体特异性SSR作为新型分子标记技术,具有SSR标记的优点又兼顾到叶绿体基因组的特点,目前已广泛用于植物群体遗传分析、系统发育和细胞质遗传分析研究。

    Chloroplast-specific SSR as a new type of molecular marker technology has the advantages of SSR markers , and it also considers the characteristics of the chloroplast genome . Now , the technology has been widely used for plant population genetic analysis , phylogeny and population genetic analysis .

  28. 筛选出了用于叶绿体转化的马铃薯会-2的高效再生体系和壮观霉素浓度,为Bt基因导入马铃薯叶绿体基因组奠定了基础。

    This paper established high efficiency regeneration and selection system of potato Hui-2 , thus provides a efficient platform for Bt gene transformed into chloroplast genomic of potato .