
  • 网络Pneumatic System;Pressure system;air pressure system
  1. 其工作压力检测系统利用多个压力传感器,检测整个气压系统的各部分的工作状态。

    Its working pressure measure system used several pressure sensors to examine the pressure of the whole air pressure system .

  2. 高气压系统挤压下面的空气,将云消除。

    A high pressure system traps the air beneath it , and banishes the clouds .

  3. 该炮弹运发实验台是由基架、液压系统、气压系统、PLC、工控机以及触摸屏等组成。

    This experiment platform is composed of hydraulic system 、 pneumatic system 、 PLC 、 IPC and touch screen .

  4. 建立了一种两轮车辆制动防抱死系统(ABS)的车辆模型、车轮模型、制动器模型和气压系统模型;

    A two-wheel vehicle model for ABS was established , including body model , tyre model , brake model and air braking system .

  5. 当150°E附近有长波槽发展时,由于上游华北和东北地区出现不同的气压系统而对副高和台风路径产生截然相反的作用。

    When a deep cold trough develops near 150 ° E , completely different effects on the subtropical high and the typhoon tracks would occur due to the different pressure systems over the Northeast of China .

  6. 本文针对液压与气压系统原理图的特点,开发了基于FLASHMX平台的液压与气压系统原理CAD/CAI系统。

    Based on the features of hydraulic pressure and air pressure principle graph , a CAD / CAI software system of hydraulic pressure and air pressure principle was developed on the platform of Flash MX .

  7. 比如发动机由CFM国际(GE和Safran企业集团)提供,起落架和气压系统来自德国航空供应商利勃海尔航空。

    So wurden beispielsweise die Motoren von CFM International geliefert - einem Gemeinschaftsunternehmen von General Electric und Safran . Fahrwerke und L ü ftungssysteme kommen vom deutschen Luftfahrtzulieferer Liebherr Aerospace .

  8. 流体脉码调制(PCM)与脉宽调制(PWM)数字控制技术,因具有结构简单、工作可靠和抗干扰能力强等优点,已成为计算机直接控制液压或气压系统的重要选择方式。

    Fluid pulse code modulation ( PCM ) and pulse-width modulation ( PWM ), owing to their structural simplicity , operational reliability and strong anti-interference capability , have become a choice of priority in the direct control of hydraulic or pneumatic pressure systems by computers .

  9. 液压与气压系统原理CAD/CAI软件的开发

    Development of the CAD / CAI Software of Hydraulic Pressure and Air Pressure Principle

  10. 低气压系统使潮湿的空气上升,冷凝,形成降雨云。

    A low pressure system allows moist air to rise , cool and form rain clouds .

  11. 中高纬度气压系统异常对东亚夏季风年代际变化的影响

    Impact of Pressure System Anomaly over Mid-High Latitude on the Interdecadal Change of East Asia Summer Monsoon

  12. 边界层内气压系统的演变是影响区域大气环境的活跃因素。

    The evolutions of pressure systems in the boundary layer are active factors of regional atmospheric environment .

  13. 当变化的风向造成高气压系统持续数月甚至几年的时间时就会发生干旱。

    Droughts form when changing wind patterns cause high pressure systems to last for months , or even years .

  14. 主要用于空气过滤、滑油、燃油、液压、气压系统介质净化和流量限制。

    Mainly for the filtration of air , the media cleaning and flow control of lubrication oil , fuel oil .

  15. 极地涡旋是一种寒冷,密集的低气压系统,气流以逆时针方向转动。

    A polar vortex is a cold , thick low pressure system . The air turns counter-clockwise when on the move .

  16. “桑迪”将与来自西北部的冷锋系统及来自格陵兰岛的强气压系统相融合。

    Sandy , will meet up with cold fronts coming out of the northwest and a high pressure system from Greenland .

  17. 气压系统基本理论,气压元件选用,流子逻辑控制,气压逻辑回路设计,气压应用回路分析。

    Fundamentals of pneumatic systems , pneumatic component selection , fluidic logic control , pneumatic logic circuit design , pneumatic power applications .

  18. 这些过程和环流有助于类似图1给出的中尺度气压系统(即直径相当于几百公里的系统)的形成。

    The processes and circulations are instrumental in the formation of mesoscale pressure similar to those shown in Fig.1 ( i.e. , with diameters on the order of several hundred kilometers ) .

  19. 在低反照率时,高原地区云量减少使该地区地表加热,引起高低空气压系统加强;

    When the surface albedo is lower , the decrease of cloud amount in the Plateau area causes the land surface heated , pressure system enhanced both in the lower and the upper atmosphere .

  20. 实例计算表明,内区边界有较好的穿透性;细网格内区对气压系统的强度和形势预报均有所改善。

    It is shown from numerical experiments that there exists better penetrability at the boundary of the fine - mesh area , and the pattern and intensity of the predicted pressure systems in the inner fine - mesh area are improved .

  21. 基于反馈线性化的气压伺服系统非线性H∞控制

    Pneumatic Servo System Control Via Nonlinear H_ ∞ Control and Direct Feedback Linearization

  22. 基于国际互联网的气压传动系统CAD

    Pneumatic Tranmission System CAD Based on Internet

  23. 快速轴流工业CO2激光器的自动气压测控系统

    Automatic Measurement and Control System of Gas Pressure for Fast Axial Industrial CO_2 Laser

  24. 但PWM气压伺服系统具有严重非线性,建模困难,这就阻碍了它的发展。

    But the serious nonlinearity and hard modeling prevented its development .

  25. 气压ABS系统制动压力动态特性分析

    Analysis on dynamic characteristics of braking pressure in air - braked ABS

  26. 装有ABS的汽车气压制动系统的建模与研究

    Modeling and Research on the Air Brake System of Automobile with ABS

  27. 气压ABS系统流量特性的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Flow Characteristic of Air Pressure ABS

  28. 基于Motorola芯片的轮胎气压监测系统设计

    Design of the Motorola Chip-Based Tyre Pressure Monitoring System

  29. 研究了基于SOC的微气压测试系统的工作原理,设计了基于集成温度传感嚣的微气压测试系统。

    The principle of micro - gas pressure measurement system based on SOC was investigated and the measurement system configuration including temperature sensors was outlined .

  30. 针对铁制薄壁桶的微漏气检测问题的基本原理、检测方法进行了研究,并设计了以单片机控制为核心,具有PLC接口的表压式气压检漏系统。

    This text research the basic principle and detection method of detection of thin-wall barrel mini-leak , and design the pressure of gage pressure automatic detection instrument with chip processor and interface of PLC .