
fán yǎn
  • Reproduction;multiply;increase gradually in number or quantity
繁衍 [fán yǎn]
  • [increase gradually in number or quantity] 繁殖衍生;逐渐增多

  • 繁衍后代

  • 即有丁男繁衍之族。--清. 洪亮吉《治平篇》

繁衍[fán yǎn]
  1. 他们天生就要迁徙,不断迁徙并繁衍后代。

    They are driven to move , to move and to multiply .

  2. 只有实现可持续发展,人类才能世代繁衍生息。

    Only the achievement of sustainable development , can humanity multiply their off-springs .

  3. 这支乐队的专辑繁衍出一连串走红的单曲唱片。

    The band 's album spawned a string of hit singles .

  4. 他们认为,性交主要是为了繁衍。

    They believe that sex is primarily for procreation .

  5. 鲸会迁移6,000海里左右,到温暖的环礁湖生殖繁衍。

    The whales migrate some 6,000 miles to breed and calve in the warm lagoons .

  6. 我们的繁衍速度太快,以至于人口数量对地球的生态系统造成了威胁。

    We are reproducing ourselves at such a rate that our numbers threaten the ecology of the planet .

  7. 专家正在研究动物繁衍后代的能力。

    Experts are doing research on animals ' power to procreate their species .

  8. 自古以来,我们的祖先就劳动、生息、繁衍在这块土地上。

    From ancient times our forefathers have laboured , lived and multiplied on this land .

  9. 这些传统包括几个世纪以来被称之为“bul”的旧习俗,领导人会要求暂停捕捞一些重要与种类的鱼,给鱼类总储备量繁衍补充的机会。

    These include the centuries-old custom of " bul " , where leaders would call a temporary stop to fishing for key species in order to give fish stocks an opportunity to replenish .

  10. 兔子有充足的食物就会繁衍得很快。

    Rabbits proliferate when they have plenty of food .

  11. 只要生命延续,这种令人惊叹的细胞就会继续繁衍、交织变幻

    This astounding cell will continue multiplying , reticulating as long as life perseveres .

  12. 合并双亲的DNA,对合并后的DNA应用随机变异以模拟繁衍。

    Merging the parents'DNA , and then applying a random mutation to the merged DNA simulates procreation .

  13. 哈克史密斯的理论是有证据支撑的,DNA检测表明人类和穴居人之间有通婚繁衍的迹象。

    Evidence to back up his theory is DNA tests show that humans and Neanderthals did interbreed .

  14. 长期施用EM堆肥,有利于捕食性土壤螨和腐食性土壤螨的生存与繁衍。

    Use of EM compost for a long period benefits the reproduce and living of predatory and saprophagous soil mites .

  15. 研究小组正通过DNA测序,以及计算突变率和模式的方法,来找出珊瑚礁寄居者们是如何存活下来、甚至大量繁衍生息的。

    A research team is investigating how the coral colonies are able to survive - and even thrive - by sequencing their DNA as well as calculating mutation rates and patterns .

  16. 缺陷的演化繁衍与Kaiser效应函数

    Evolution and propagation of material defects and Kaiser effect function

  17. 由英国纽卡斯尔大学(newcastleuniversity)完成的这项研究,也许能让男性不育症患者繁衍后代,同时引发又一轮关于生殖生物学进展的伦理之争。

    The research , carried out at Newcastle University in Britain , may enable infertile men to have children , while provoking another ethical debate about the progress of reproductive biology .

  18. 音乐的普遍性、高昂代价以及基因控制都说明它对生存或繁衍有一个明确的作用。Miller博士支持的是繁衍。

    Universality , costliness and genetic control all suggest that music has a clear function in survival or reproduction , and Dr Miller plumps for reproduction .

  19. Ray的Tierra为数字生命的代表,具有繁衍和进化能力的人工生命。

    Ray 's Tierra is a representative of digital life , and also it is an artificial life which is capable of reproduction and evolution .

  20. 基于FEPG的一类岛屿种群繁衍扩散模型的有限元求解

    A Finite Element Solution for a Class of Island Population Diffusion Model Based on FEPG

  21. 繁衍的定义:是指对原有物质进行实质性的更改得到具有新特性的物质,例如,但不仅限于,以ATCC产品为载体进行重组DNA克隆。

    " Derivative " means material created from the Material that is substantially modified to have new properties such as , but not limited to , recombinant DNA clones made using a vector purchased from ATCC .

  22. KBE技术被广泛应用于设计领域,其中的知识获取、知识推理、知识集成与知识繁衍等技术对设计起到了提高效率,节省设计时间的作用。

    KBE technology is applied in design wildly , its knowledge acquisition 、 knowledge reasoning 、 knowledge integration and knowledge reproduce improve the efficiency and save the time of design .

  23. 在规模宏大的国家公园TamanNegara,大量野生生物繁衍生息。这个国家公园位于马来西亚半岛中心附近。

    The wildlife is especially thick in Taman Negara , a huge national park located near the centre of the peninsula .

  24. Penna模型是用字节串来代表生物个体基因,基于生物基因积聚假说,体现了生物个体的年龄变化,并引入了一些生存、死亡和繁殖机制来模拟种群的繁衍变化。

    Penna bit-string biological model , using a computer bit-string to represent an individual , which means the genome of this individual , considering some survival , diseases and reproduce strategies , simulates the dynamics of population , based on the mutation accumulation hypothesis .

  25. 既然这样,延长寿命就要重于繁衍后代。

    In this case , prolongation of life should trump reproduction .

  26. 湿地生态系统是鱼类生存、繁衍之地。

    Wetland ecosystem is the living and breeding area of fish .

  27. 繁衍分布或似乎分布着人;居住。

    To furnish with or as if with people ; populate .

  28. 巨大的红杉实际上是靠火来繁衍的;

    Giant sequoias are actually dependent on fire for their reproduction .

  29. 人性的目的是为了生存和繁衍。

    The purpose of human nature is survival and reproduction ;

  30. 狼对于人类的繁衍是最宽容的。

    The wolves that were most tolerant of people thrived .