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fán zhí qī
  • breeding season
  1. 经Poisson函数和χ2检验,发现褐马鸡在越冬期和繁殖期均为聚集分布,但越冬期的聚集程度更为明显。

    According to Poisson tests and χ 2 tests , the spatial pattern of brown eared pheasant had a clustered distribution both in winter and in the breeding season , but most obviously in the wintering period .

  2. 利用计算机鸣声分析技术对白头鹎(Pycnonotussinensis)繁殖期的求偶炫耀鸣唱、晨鸣、遇险告警和惊叫等鸣声的特征进行分析,以探讨鸣声特征与行为的关系。

    Characteristics of Chinese bulbul ( Pycnonotus sinensis ) songs , including courtship song , mating song , morning song . alarm call and frightening call , and the relationship between the characteristics of songs and the behavior in the breeding season were studied with computer analysis in this paper .

  3. A·H植物杀螨剂,在蜂群繁殖期防治蜂螨效果达到86%,在断子期达到94%。

    A · H Plant Miticide is effective 86 % to contral varroa mite during reproduction and 94 % during none brood time .

  4. 研究还发现,在雌性半滑舌鳎繁殖期中,AMH可能具有抑制LHR表达的功能。

    Besides , AMH may play a role in suppresses the expression of LHR in Female ovary during reproductive cycle .

  5. 在肉种鸭的育成期另外添加部分新鲜牧草或用牧草取代部分精料,在繁殖期每只母鸭每天使用100g或50g牧草并替代6g或10g的配合饲料进行喂饲。

    During the growing period , fresh herbage was added or partial feed was replaced by appropriate herbage . 6 of 10 grams of feed were replaced by 100 or 150 grams of herbage respectively in reproduction period of meat type breeding duck .

  6. 梅花鹿生茸前期、生茸期、生茸后期、繁殖期和越冬期血清IGF-1浓度分别为31.90ng/mL、35.37ng/mL、23.78ng/mL、20.87ng/mL和14.82ng/mL;

    The serum concentrations of the sika deer were 31.90ng / mL 、 35.37ng / mL 、 23.78ng / mL 、 20.87ng/mL and 14.82ng / mL , in the antler growing prophase , the antler growing period , the antler growing anaphase , reproduction and winter period , respectively .

  7. 东方白鹳繁殖期生境选择与行为观察

    Reproductive habitation selection of Oriental white stork and reproductive behavior observing

  8. 朱鹮繁殖期鸣声特征数字化研究

    Digital Study on Calls Character of Crested Ibis in Breeding Season

  9. 果子狸繁殖期行为的观察

    Observation on the behaviors of masked palm civet in reproductive season

  10. 红隼繁殖期没有明显的筑巢行为,进入繁殖期较早的亲鸟大多数是利用前一年红隼利用过的旧人工巢箱繁殖,亲鸟对巢箱内的残留物不进行清理。

    There is no obvious nest-building behavior in the breeding period .

  11. 筛选种用公鸡繁殖期饲料配方。

    Select feed formula in the breeder cock 's breeding period .

  12. 红腹锦鸡秋季繁殖期能量收支及采食量研究

    Energy Budget and Feed Intake of Golden Pheasant in Autumn Reproductive Period

  13. 繁殖期内丹顶鹤的日常短鸣声行为模式分析

    Analysis on Short Daily Song Pattern in Red-Crowned Crane during Breeding Season

  14. 黄喉鹀繁殖期鸣声结构的初步研究

    The preliminary Studies on the structure of sound of breeding Yellow-throated Bunting

  15. 动物园的科学家们正在为梅香的下一个繁殖期做准备。

    Zoo scientists are planning for Mei Xiang 's upcoming breeding season .

  16. 繁殖期的黑翅鸢食物主要为鼠类。

    The food of the kite was mouse mainly in breeding period .

  17. 繁殖期甘肃鼢鼠活动节律研究

    The daily activity rhythm of Gansu zokor in reproductive period

  18. 高原鼢鼠繁殖期和非繁殖期的行为比较

    Behaviour comparison of Plateau Zokor between reproductive and nonreproductive periods

  19. 繁殖期具有6个明显的产卵高峰。

    There were often 6 obvious peaks of egg laying .

  20. 黑眉苇莺繁殖期领域性行为的研究

    On Territorial Behaviour of Black-browed Reed Warbler in Breeding Period

  21. 人工饲养东方白鹳繁殖期行为的时间分配

    Time Budget of Captive Oriental White Storks in Breeding Season

  22. 繁殖期夜鹭对城市化的适应性研究

    Studies on the Adaptation of Black-crowned Night Heron to Urbanization in Breeding Season

  23. 半圈养条件下东北虎繁殖期的行为时间分配

    Time budget of breeding behaviors of Amur tiger in Heilongjiang Amur Tiger Park

  24. 四川山鹧鸪繁殖期的鸣声行为特征

    Vocal Behaviour of Sichuan Hill Partridge ( Arborophila rufipectus ) in Breeding Season

  25. 繁殖期是很长的。

    The breeding season is a very long one .

  26. 内蒙古东部草原地区赤狐繁殖期对洞穴的选择

    Denning selection by red fox during the breeding period in northeastern Inner Mongolia

  27. 笼养蓑羽鹤繁殖期的行为时间分配

    The Time Budgets of Behaviors of Demoiselle Crane in Captivity in Breeding Season

  28. 求偶、攻击行为仅在繁殖期(4、5月份)出现。

    Attacking and courtship only appeared in breeding period .

  29. 春季繁殖期两茬贻贝苗的培育

    The rearing of two crops of mussel spats in a spring spawning season

  30. 半散养雌性东北虎繁殖期粪样中雌二醇和孕酮含量的变化

    Concentrations of Fecal Estradiol and Progesterone in Semi-free-ranging Amur Tigers during Reproductive Period