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  • 网络kestrel;common kestrel;Falco tinnunculus
  1. 通过红隼的种群密度可以反映红隼的居留状况和对生境的选择情况。

    Variation of population density of kestrel can indicate kestrel 's resident status and habitat preference .

  2. 红隼繁殖期种内关系和种间关系研究

    The Intraspecific and Interspecific Relationships of Common Kestrel ( Falco Tinnunculus ) during the Breeding Period industrial relations research association

  3. 至少一种猛禽&红隼(Falcotinnunculus)可在人造巢箱中繁殖;

    At least one bird of prey-Kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus ) was found laying eggs in artificial nest box ;

  4. 红隼繁殖期没有明显的筑巢行为,进入繁殖期较早的亲鸟大多数是利用前一年红隼利用过的旧人工巢箱繁殖,亲鸟对巢箱内的残留物不进行清理。

    There is no obvious nest-building behavior in the breeding period .

  5. 红隼在占巢期雌雄鸟表现出明显的巢址选择行为和领域保护行为,主要以雌鸟为主。

    Male and female display obvious nest-choosing and terrain-protecting behaviors in the occupying nest period , and it is mainly male .

  6. 他的观鸟著作使北京居民透过仍旧烟雾弥漫的天空,找寻白鹭和红隼。

    His bird-spotting book encourages residents of Beijing to look out , through the still-smoggy air , for egrets and kestrels .

  7. 红隼属鹰科的一种小游隼,分布于世界各地,尤指美洲红隼和欧洲红隼。

    Any of various small falcons belonging to the genus Falco that are distributed worldwide , especially the American kestrel and the European kestrel .

  8. 另外,还记录到了苍鹰、普通鵟、白头鹞、雀鹰、红隼等猛禽。

    In addition , some Accipiter , such as Northern Goshawk , Common Buzzard , Eurasian Marsh Harrier , Eurasian sparrowhawk , Common Kestrel , etc.

  9. 特别是同一巢箱,被红隼4年、7年利用,其繁殖成功率分别高达100%和85.71%。

    Especially the same nest box occupied four and seven years by kestrels , its success reproductive proportion is as much as 100 % and 85.71 % respectively .

  10. 种群密度最高和最低季节为秋季和夏季,冬季红隼种群密度稍低于秋季,这可能由于部分红隼冬季南迁引起。在空间上,不同区域红隼种群密度也具有明显的差异。

    To the seasonal variation , the highest population density of Kestrel appeared in autumn , and lowest in summer , in winter the population density was a little lower than autumn .

  11. 红隼利用有同种繁殖后的巢箱、其他物种动物繁殖后的巢箱、无任何繁殖记录的巢箱繁殖,巢次分别是:47、12、39。

    So the kestrels use same reproductive nest boxes , other species of animal breeding nest boxes , without any breeding record nest box , nest used times is respectively 47 , 12 , 39 .

  12. 15岁的约克郡男孩比利•卡斯帕生长在一个工人家庭。他在学校里受欺负,回家又受冷漠的母亲和哥哥的虐待。在驯养和训练宠物——一只叫凯斯的红隼的过程中,他找到了平静。

    Bullied at school and ignored and abused at home by his indifferent mother and older brother , Billy Casper , a 15-year-old Yorkshire boy from a working-class family , finds peace in taming and training his pet kestrel falcon , Kes .

  13. 为了配合驱鸟装置的研制和测试,在实验棚内对喜鹊、红隼和猎隼进行了食性分析实验及其对颜色敏感性的实验。

    In order to cooperate manufacturing and testing anti-bird devices , an analyse of food and sensitivity to the colour to Magpie ( Pica pica ), Common Kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus ) and Saker Falcon ( FaIco cherrug ) were experimented in the experiment canopy .

  14. 其结果表明构成飞行安全威胁有两类喜鹊和红隼等23种鸟类为最危险的鸟类,雀鹰和金翅雀等8种鸟类为较危险的鸟类。

    The results showed that the 23 bird species including magpie and red falcon are the most hazard to flight security and the eight bird species including sparrow Hawk and Greenfinch are the hazard . Furthermore , we assessed the bird species ' different hazard grades to flight security .