- 网络kestrel;common kestrel;Falco tinnunculus

Variation of population density of kestrel can indicate kestrel 's resident status and habitat preference .
The Intraspecific and Interspecific Relationships of Common Kestrel ( Falco Tinnunculus ) during the Breeding Period industrial relations research association
At least one bird of prey-Kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus ) was found laying eggs in artificial nest box ;
There is no obvious nest-building behavior in the breeding period .
Male and female display obvious nest-choosing and terrain-protecting behaviors in the occupying nest period , and it is mainly male .
His bird-spotting book encourages residents of Beijing to look out , through the still-smoggy air , for egrets and kestrels .
Any of various small falcons belonging to the genus Falco that are distributed worldwide , especially the American kestrel and the European kestrel .
In addition , some Accipiter , such as Northern Goshawk , Common Buzzard , Eurasian Marsh Harrier , Eurasian sparrowhawk , Common Kestrel , etc.
Especially the same nest box occupied four and seven years by kestrels , its success reproductive proportion is as much as 100 % and 85.71 % respectively .
To the seasonal variation , the highest population density of Kestrel appeared in autumn , and lowest in summer , in winter the population density was a little lower than autumn .
So the kestrels use same reproductive nest boxes , other species of animal breeding nest boxes , without any breeding record nest box , nest used times is respectively 47 , 12 , 39 .
Bullied at school and ignored and abused at home by his indifferent mother and older brother , Billy Casper , a 15-year-old Yorkshire boy from a working-class family , finds peace in taming and training his pet kestrel falcon , Kes .
In order to cooperate manufacturing and testing anti-bird devices , an analyse of food and sensitivity to the colour to Magpie ( Pica pica ), Common Kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus ) and Saker Falcon ( FaIco cherrug ) were experimented in the experiment canopy .
The results showed that the 23 bird species including magpie and red falcon are the most hazard to flight security and the eight bird species including sparrow Hawk and Greenfinch are the hazard . Furthermore , we assessed the bird species ' different hazard grades to flight security .