
hónɡ shù lín
  • mangrove;mangrove forest
  1. 它是世界上最大的红树林沼泽地。

    It is the world 's largest tidal mangrove forest .

  2. 针对广西红树林资源变化较大,长期缺乏准确调查数据的情况,2001年,采用“3S”技术与地面调查相结合的方法对广西红树林资源进行了全面的调查。

    The mangrove forest resources of Guangxi province were thoroughly surveyed in 2001 through the combining use of " 3S " and site investigation .

  3. 第三次全国国土调查数据显示,我国现有湿地2346万公顷,其中,红树林地2.71万公顷。

    China now has a total area of 23.46 million hectares of wetlands , of which mangrove forests account for 27100 , according to the third national land resource survey .

  4. 从红树林内生真菌筛选重组人DNA拓扑异构酶Ⅰ抑制剂的研究

    Screening of inhibitors of recombinant human DNA topoisomerase ⅰ from mangrove endophytic fungi

  5. 深圳福田红树林对重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的吸收、累积与循环

    Absorption , Accumulation and Cycle of Several Heavy Metals by Mangrove

  6. 基于GIS的福建省红树林资源调查管理支持系统

    The support system of mangrove resource investigation and management on the basis of GIS in Fujian Province

  7. 用ABC曲线法评价湛江红树林自然保护区的环境状况

    An Evaluation on the Environment Condition of Zhanjiang Mangrove Nature Reserves by the ABC Curve Method

  8. 海南岛和厦门红树林湿地CH4排放的时空变化

    Seasonal and Spatial Changes of Methane Emissions from Mangrove Wetlands in Hainan Island and Xiamen

  9. 结果表明,深圳红树林存在中等程度的重金属污染,Cu和Zn是最主要的重金属污染元素。

    The results show that the Shenzhen mangrove sediments are moderately contaminated by heavy metals , Zn and Cu being the main contaminants .

  10. 南海红树林内生真菌B2次级代谢产物研究

    Secondary Metabolites of Mangrove Endophytic Fungus B2 in the South China Sea

  11. 研究了污水处理下红树林对Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd4种重金属元素的吸收、累积、分布和循环。

    The absorption , accumulation , distribution and cycle of Cu , Pb , Zn and Cd by the mangrove are studied .

  12. 南海海洋红树林真菌2560号多糖A2的研究

    The Polysaccharide A2 from the Marine Mangrove Endophytic Fungus No. 2560 from the South China Sea

  13. 在对红树林中未能培养PHAs合成菌的研究上,建立了适合PHAs合成酶基因PCR扩增的红树林土壤总DNA的提取方法&SDS-GITC-PEG-树脂吸附法。

    A method of SDS-GITC-PEG-Resin Adsorption was established for extraction DNA from mangrove soil that suited for PHAs synthase gene PCR amplification .

  14. 本文对自厦门海沧及漳州浮宫的红树林生态区分离到的177株海洋木栖真菌用MTT法进行抗肿瘤活性的测定,获得44株具有抗肿瘤活性的菌株,占总受试菌株的24.9%。

    177 strains of lignicolous marine fungi were isolated from Mangrove debris and other submerged wood panels which were collected from the intertidal zone around Xiamen .

  15. 我国红树林主要造林树种PGPR研究及应用

    Study and Application on PGPR of Main Mangrove Afforestation Species in China

  16. 红树林土壤中PHAs合成菌的研究

    Study on the PHAs Biosynthesis Bacteria in Mangrove Soil

  17. 多元线性回归分析表明,水文状况以及土壤P水平是在两处红树林生态系统中影响AMF与红树植物共生强度的主要环境因子(p0.05)。

    Multiple step-wise linear regression analyses showed that hydrological conditions and soil P levels in the rhizosphere were the main environmental factors affecting the colonization of mangrove species by AMF . 2 .

  18. 另外,虽然海岸带海水的pH>8,土壤都呈酸性。红树林的养分利用率只有N较高,其余大多数元素都较低。

    The soil under mangrove is acidic although pH of sea water is larger than 8 . Nitrogen utilization efficiency of mangrove forests is greater than those of other forests , but that of other elements is lower .

  19. 淹水强度是红树林生境中影响AMF多样性和群落组成最重要的环境因子。

    The hydrologic conditions should be the most important factors affecting the diversity and community structure of AMF in mangrove ecosystems . 6 .

  20. MMF还将在12个受海啸影响的国家提供关于该地区红树林分布的最新评估信息,并恢复生态系统。

    MMF will also provide an updated assessment of mangrove distribution in the area and restore ecosystems in the12 nations affected by the tsunami .

  21. 用I型聚酮合成酶基因特异引物对提取出的红树林土壤DNA进行PCR扩增,电泳结果显示被测试的五个土壤样品均有特异性条带。

    The DNA extracted from five mangrove soil samples were amplified by PCR using the specific primers for type I polyketide synthetase gene . The electrophoresis results showed that all the five soil samples appeared the typical band of type I polyketide synthetase gene .

  22. 结果表明:1.红树林主要造林树种的根际存在种类较丰富的PGPR菌。

    The results obtained were as follows : 1 . There were abundant PGPR strains colonized on rhizosphere of mangrove afforestation species .

  23. 汀角有香港面积最大的硬底质红树林,作者调查了该红树林区沉积物、红树植物以及双壳类动物体内重金属(Cu、Pb、Zn和Ni)的含量。

    Ting Kok has largest hard-bottom mangal in Hong Kong . We investigated the contents of heavy metals ( Cu , Pb , Zn and Ni ) in sediments , plant tissues as well and edible parts of bivalves in this mangrove area .

  24. 与此同时,一个名为“面向未来的红树林”(MMF)的计划将在10月31日举行的一场海啸捐助者会议上公布。这个计划将投入6200万美元重新种植红树林、沙丘和海草床。

    Meanwhile a US $ 62 million initiative to replant mangroves , sand dunes and sea-grass beds , called Mangroves for the Future ( MMF ), will be unveiled at a tsunami donors meeting on31 October .

  25. 南海红树林内生真菌No.B4代谢产物研究中国海南红树林植物海漆的化学成分研究

    Metabolites of Mangrove Endophytic Fungus No.B4 from South China Sea Chemical constituents of mangrove plant Excoecaria agallocha in Hainan Province

  26. 谢德林《复调手册》中的对位技法研究南海红树林内生真菌No.B4代谢产物研究

    Research On the Counterpoint Technique in R.K. Shchedrin 's Polyphonic Notebook Metabolites of Mangrove Endophytic Fungus No.B4 from South China Sea

  27. 在葡萄糖无机盐培养基上,从红树林土壤样品中分离到的大部分PHAs合成菌属于低合成能力的PHAs合成菌,占79.9%。

    Most of the bacteria accumulated low yield of PHA , with the percentage of 79.9 % . PHAs accumulating bacteria in mangrove soils were studied on culture-independent , level as well .

  28. 南海海洋红树林种子内生真菌2508号多糖G-22a的研究

    Studying on the Composition of Polysaccharide G-22a from the Seeds of Marine Endophytic Fungus No. 2508 from the South China Sea

  29. 考虑到AMF在红树林生态系统中可能发挥重要的生态功能,本试验的结果清楚的表明,生活污水的排放会通过抑制甚至是破坏AMF与红树植物的共生关系从而对红树林生态系统产生潜在的风险。

    Given that AMF play important roles in the mangrove ecosystems , the results of the presented research show that sewage discharge to mangrove ecosystems could lead a harmful effect to these habitats through destroying or inhibiting the symbiosis between AMF and mangrove plants .

  30. 除了其独特的生境以外,红树林最令人注意的特征是构成红树林的品种比较单一;Rhizophora品种的拱形高跷根系;其它属的悬空根系团或呼吸根,如Avicennia和Sonneratia。

    The most noteworthy features of mangrove forests , apart from their unique habitat , are : the relative paucity of the species comprising them ; the arch-formed stilt roots of the Rhizophora spp. ;