
  • 网络peatland;peatlands;peat land
  1. 印尼称,该国军事人员正在1000多个林火现场奋战,但绿色和平(Greenpeace)表示,这个数字未包括泥炭地上燃烧起来的,以及眼下火势失控的大火。

    Indonesia says that its military personnel are battling more than 1000 forest-fire clusters , while Greenpeace says that figure does not include fires that started aboveground on peatland and are now burning out of control .

  2. 将生物标志物用于泥炭地环境演变的研究取得了一定的成就。

    Great achievement has been made in the study of biomarkers in peatland .

  3. 另外,温室气体主要还储存在泥炭地或泥沼里。

    Peatlands or mires are another major store of greenhouse gases .

  4. 日本北海道泥炭地及其开发与利用

    Exploitation and transformation in the peatlands of Hokkaido of Japan

  5. 红原Ⅰ、Ⅱ泥炭地植被生态特征与泥炭堆积

    Vegetation ecological features and peat deposits of the Hongyuan peat lands ⅰ,ⅱ

  6. 约13785.48hm2的泥炭地被开垦,占泥炭地总面积的77.43%。

    There are 77.43 % peatlands ( approximately 13785.48 hm2 ) were reclaimed .

  7. 从红原县1~泥炭地泥炭中提取腐植酸的研究

    A Study of the Humic Acid Extracted from the Peat in Hong-Yuan No.1 Bog

  8. 通过对敦化大桥乡裕家泥炭地的科学考查,在前人研究的基础上,探讨了其成矿类型和泥炭理化性质。

    The type of forming peat ore and peat character are discussed in the paper .

  9. 哈泥泥炭地藓类植物孢子萌发及原丝体发育对环境变化的响应

    Spore Germination and Protonema Development of Bryophytes in Hani Peatland in Response to Environmental Change

  10. 这份报告把泥炭地的退化归咎于土地使用失当以及不良的水资源管理。

    The report blames the degradation on improper land use accompanied by poor water management .

  11. 卫星热红外遥感信息在泥炭地等土地类型分析中的应用

    Application of thermal infrared remote sensing of satellite for analysis OP peat and other soils

  12. 燃烧泥炭地或者排干泥炭地用于种植棕榈树等作物会把碳释放到大气中。

    Carbon is released when peatlands are burnt or drained to plant crops such as palm oil .

  13. 目前,印尼政府的政策允许开垦不足九英尺深的泥炭地。

    Currently , Indonesian government policy allows peatland of less than about nine feet deep to be cleared .

  14. 泥炭地是一个巨大的碳库,是温室气体的源或汇。

    Peatland is a large carbon reservoir , which can act as a source or sink of greenhouse gases .

  15. 泥炭地碳循环及有机地球化学研究是全球变化研究的重要组成部分。

    The study of carbon cycle and organic geochemistry plays an important role in the research of global change .

  16. 但是人类活动正在迅速地破坏泥炭地,导致泥炭地氧化、腐烂并释放出二氧化碳。

    But human activities are fast destroying the peatlands , causing them to oxidise , decompose and release carbon dioxide .

  17. 白薯地的冷气,潮湿泥炭地的咯吱声、咕咕声,铁铲切进活薯根的短促声响

    The cold smell of potato mold , the squelch and slap Of soggy peat , the curt cuts of an edge

  18. 通过排干泥炭地,农民正在让泥炭地产生周期性的火灾,而泥炭地火灾是造成全球变暖的元凶之一。

    By draining the peatlands , farmers are exposing them to recurrent fires , which are key contributors to climate change .

  19. 我国东北地区地处全球变化的敏感区,泥炭地研究的意义更为显著。

    Northeastern China is located in one of the sensitizing ranges on the earth , so peat bog study of this area is more remarkable .

  20. 泥炭地植被受损后的恢复技术主要有播种法、泥炭藓片段散布法、营养体移植法、草皮移植法等。

    The main techniques for restoring disturbed peatland vegetation were the sowing of seed , spreading of Sphagnum fragments , transplanting of higher plants and blocks , etc.

  21. 泥炭地是富含有机物的土地,通常是由于植物死亡后的有机物构成的,它们被称为“碳汇”,因为它们在单位面积上可以比其他生态系统贮存更多的碳。

    Peatlands rich densely packed soils made up of dead organic matter , mainly plants are known as'carbon sinks'for their ability to store more carbon per unit area than any other ecosystem .

  22. 维文重申了他对印尼未能解决雾霾污染问题的批评。雾霾污染问题在东南亚屡屡出现,主要是因为当地广泛通过烧荒来清理树林和泥炭地,而这通常是棕榈油企业和为了糊口的农民所为。

    The minister repeated his criticism of Indonesia 's failure to tackle haze pollution , a recurring problem in Southeast Asia due to widespread use of fire to clear forest and peatland , often by palm-oil companies and subsistence farmers .

  23. 迈塔尔表示,最终这个循环会继续下去,直到印尼依然很普遍的雨林砍伐现象受到严厉限制,并且印尼政府禁止把泥炭地的水排干开荒以用于农业。

    Ultimately , Mr. Maitar said , the cycle will continue until rain forest deforestation is severely curtailed in Indonesia , where it remains rampant , and the Indonesian government bans the draining and clearing of peatland for agricultural use .

  24. 黄土高原西峰黄土/古土壤剖面过去130kyr正构烷烃组分的平均氢同位素组成变化为-140‰~-190‰。金川泥炭地正烷烃和姥鲛烷分布特征与环境演变关系研究

    The δ D values of the n-alkanes from Xifeng loess profile spanning the last 130 kyr show large variations for the past 130 kyr , ranging from-140 ‰ to-190 ‰ . The Study on Relationship between the Distribution of N-alkanes , Pristane and Environment Change in JinChuan Peatland

  25. 不过,印尼总统佐科·威多多(JokoWidodo)的内阁秘书处已经发表声明,说总统周四表示,他领导的政府已于前一天请求新加坡和马来西亚,以及俄罗斯和日本,在控制泥炭地上的火势上提供“帮助和支援”。

    On Thursday , President Joko Widodo of Indonesia said his government had requested " help and assistance " the day before from Singapore and Malaysia , as well as Russia and Japan , in getting the peatland fires under control , according to a statement released by his cabinet secretariat .

  26. 整个晚上,他向我详细讲述艾莱岛泥炭沼泽地上的各种青苔。

    In the course of the evening he gave me chapter and verse on the mosses of the Islay peat bogs .

  27. 1995年以来国外泥炭及泥炭地研究进展

    Headway of foreign research in peat and peatland since 1995

  28. 黑龙江省泥炭资源及泥炭地保护

    Protection of peat resources and peat land in Heilongjiang Province

  29. 由于沼泽地里的植物不断地腐烂,泥炭也会不断地产生。尽管泥炭生成的速度慢,但只要认真管理,也可以不断地收获。

    Peat is also continuously generated by decaying plants in wetlands , and although it is produced slowly , it can be harvested sustainably as long as it 's carefully managed .

  30. 泥炭藓常为泥炭地优势植物,在全球碳循环中发挥重要作用。

    Sphagnum is the dominant plant in peatlands , and it plays an important role in global carbon cycling .