
ní tàn
  • peat;turf
泥炭 [ní tàn]
  • [peat;turf] 炭化程度最低的煤

泥炭[ní tàn]
  1. 北京地区全新世泥炭形成过程与形成因素的研究

    Process and factors controlling Holocene turf formation in Beijing area

  2. 泥炭水解液培养己酸菌的研究

    Research on Caproic Acid Bacteria Culture by Turf Digest

  3. 整个晚上,他向我详细讲述艾莱岛泥炭沼泽地上的各种青苔。

    In the course of the evening he gave me chapter and verse on the mosses of the Islay peat bogs .

  4. 贵州浅表泥炭地层~(14)C年代测定

     ̄( 14 ) C Dating for the Superficial Peat Layers in Guizhou

  5. 在对照条件下,邻体抑制泥炭藓C积累。

    Under the control treatment , the C concentration was depressed by neighbors .

  6. 基于GIS的中国泥炭资源性质评价

    Appraisal of the Peat Resource in China with GIS

  7. 用低能X射线反散射法测定泥炭的灰分含量

    Determination of the content of ash in peat by using low energy X-ray backscattering method

  8. 粗泥炭饲料酵母的制备及其VB含量

    The Manufacture of the Feed Yeast from Crude Peat and the Vitamin B Content in the Feed Yeast

  9. Title泥炭藓植物数量分类的研究。

    A numerical taxonomy of Sphagnum species .

  10. 金川泥炭所测四个根系生物量与地上生物量、水体pH呈显著线性负相关性。

    The root biomass was negatively related with the above-ground biomass , and pH of water . 4 .

  11. 泥炭土、风化煤和草木灰等原料N含量最低。

    The N contents of peat soil , danty and plant ash are the lowest in the 21 raw materials .

  12. 与对照相比,活性炭和泥炭处理能显著降低土壤Cd的有效性。

    Compared with CK , application of peat and active carbon also significantly reduced soil available Cd .

  13. 本文运用GIS调查方法对晚二叠世含泥炭地层的分布情况进行分析,结合区域地质调查资料,对快速计算泥炭储量的方法进行了初步探索。

    This paper analyzed peat 's distribution in later permian period by GIS and searched a way on quickly calculating peat 's reserves .

  14. 其地质时代,在孔深5.27&5.61m处的泥炭层中,经~(14)C测定为5990±210a。

    The geologic age , measured by 14 C in the peat layer at the hole depth of 5 . 27-5 . 61m , was 5990 ± 210a .

  15. 改性泥炭对~(137)Cs,UO2~(2+)吸附性能研究

    Study on the Adsorption of 137 Cs and UO 2 + 2 on the Modified Peat

  16. 水洗泥炭对BPA的等温吸附过程采用Freundlich模型拟合误差较大。

    The error was high by Freundlich model to fitting the adsorption isotherm of BPA .

  17. MSW的动剪切模量Gd和阻尼比D随着动剪应变γd的变化曲线与泥炭土的相关曲线形状基本一致,并且在相同应变时数值相差不大。

    It is concluded that the relationships of dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio versus dynamic shear strain of MSW are similar to those of peaty soil .

  18. 结果表明,改性泥炭-树脂颗粒对水溶液中酸性橙Ⅱ的吸附过程符合Langmuir和Freundlich吸附等温方程,最大吸附量达到71.43mg。

    The results showed that both Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models could be used to describe the adsorption of acid orange II onto modified peat-resin particles .

  19. 对蒲包花来说,基质中堆肥比例应较低,可用50%C1与泥炭或CS混合,也可以用25%C2与泥炭或CS混合使用。

    For calceolaria , the substrate should have a lower proportion of compost , C1 at up to 50 % and C2 at up to 25 % , both mixed with peat or CS .

  20. 根据从SanIsidro地区泥炭沼泽获得的孢粉组合中乔木和灌木花粉百分含量变化,建立了两个组合带。

    Two pollen zones were defined in the San Isidro peat bog on the basis of percentage changes of tree and shrubs taxa .

  21. 本文通过在以泥炭为主的复合基质中加入不同用量的石粉,观测基质pH随时间的变化情况和pH与石粉用量之间的关系,探索调节基质pH的新途径。

    In the paper , we observed the change of medium-pH and the relationship between pH and dolomite powder content . The new method of adjusting medium-pH was explored by inputting dolomite powder of different contents in the medium based on peat .

  22. Pahokee泥炭腐殖酸的电喷雾质谱特征研究

    Characterization of humic acid from Pahokee peat by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry

  23. 结果表明,施入8%泥炭明显有利于改良风沙土理化性质,表现为土壤容重、总孔隙度、pH值、全N、碱解N、速效P、速效K明显改善;

    8 % peat treatments greatly improved the aeolian sandy soil physical and chemical characteristics . Soil bulk density , total porosity degree , total N , alkali N , available P and K increased , and soil pH value decreased to be little acid or neutralized .

  24. 分别以木屑、泥炭及水葫芦作为猪粪堆肥的调理剂,制作有机堆肥,研究了3种堆肥体系在堆制过程中温度、pH、C/N和主要营养元素N、P、K的动态变化。

    Three kinds of organic compost were manufactured from pig feces with sawdust , peat and water hyacinth respectively . The change of temperature , pH , C / N and the content of the main nutrient elements N , P , K during the composting were measured .

  25. 裂解技术研究Pahokee泥炭腐殖酸的组成和来源特征

    Study on the Composition and Source Characteristics of Pahokee Peat Humic Acid by Pyrolytic Technique

  26. 泥炭藓(Sphagnum)是特殊的苔藓植物,常为泥炭地的优势植物和主要造炭物种,在全球碳循环中发挥重要作用。

    Being one group of special bryophytes , Sphagnum usually is the dominant plant and major carbon manufacturer in peatlands . It plays an important role in global carbon cycle .

  27. 从土壤类型对水体中Atrazine含量的影响看,低位泥炭土的综合表征指数较高,泥炭沼泽土和水稻土的综合表征指数较小;

    With respect to the effect of soil on the atrazine in the water , the integrated token index of the low moor peat soil is the largest and the peat moor soil and the paddy soil are the lest .

  28. 通过高温高压模拟实验,在20℃/h和2℃/h两种升温速率条件下,对沁水盆地山西组和太原组煤岩以及现代泥炭模拟固体产物镜质组反射率Ro演化特征进行了分析和研究。

    The evolution of vitrinite reflectance of coals and peat in Shanxi formation and Taiyuan formation from Qinshui basin were studied by means of thermal simulation under high temperature and pressure with two heating rates of 20 ℃ / h and 2 ℃ / h.

  29. 果实成熟后,立即取出种子,以泥炭和珍珠岩按5:1的比例混合均匀作为播种基质,将种子在清水中浸泡催芽36h后播种,出芽率可达93%。

    When the mature seeds were sown in the matrix mixed with peat and perlite by a proportion of 5:1 , the emergence rate of seeds could reach 93 % after 36 h soaking in clean water .

  30. 本文采用电喷雾质谱(ESI-MS)技术,对水溶态Pahokee泥炭腐殖酸的结构特征进行了研究,突破了以往固态腐殖酸样品的限制。

    The structural characterizations of aqueous humic acid from Pahokee peat was conducted by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry ( ESI-MS ) . This method avoided the limitation of other analytical methods for solid samples .