
néng yuán xiāo fèi
  • energy consumption
  1. 随着各国实现工业化,能源消费增加了。

    Energy consumption rises as countries industrialise

  2. 能源消费CO2排放量的变化与控制分析

    Study on increase and control of carbon dioxide emission from energy consumption

  3. 1958~1975年期间,能源消费的强度变化和GDP的产出呈现不对称性;

    And the changes of energy intensity and GDP were different ;

  4. 能源消费增长的同时,地区GDP也呈快速增长态势,产业结构不断优化,上海、江苏、浙江产业结构均呈现231模式,处于工业化发展阶段。

    The industrial structures are continuously optimized , presenting a 231 model .

  5. 台湾地区GDP和能源消费的长期均衡关系分析

    Relational Analysis of Long-Run Equilibrium between GDP and Energy Use in Taiwan Region

  6. 全球能源消费与CO2排放量

    Global Energy Consumption and CO_2 Emission

  7. 广州市能源消费与GDP及能源结构关系的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on the Impact of GDP and Energy Structure on Energy Consumption in Guangzhou

  8. 与此同时,能源消费效率的改善起到了抑制CO2排出的作用。

    However , the efficiency of energy consumption plays an important part in CO 2 reduction .

  9. 由于加入了WTO,我国的电力产业正在面对世界能源消费市场上的激烈竞争。

    In consequence of China 's entering the WTO , electric power industry in China is facing severe competition in the world energy consumption market .

  10. 时间效应分析表明,与发达国家相同,中国能源消费强度呈现明显的倒“U”字型;

    Temporal effect of energy consumption analyses indicate that , like to developed country China energy consumption intensity presents apparent invert U ;

  11. 分析了能源消费弹性系数,预测了我国十一五期末单位GDP能耗;

    This paper also analyzed flexibility coefficient of energy consumption , forecasted the energy consumption per GDP at the end of the eleventh five-year .

  12. 江苏省GDP占我国1/10以上,是能源消费大户、典型的能源输入型地区。

    Jiangsu Province , whose GDP accounts for more than 1 / 10 in China , is the major energy customer and typical energy-importing area .

  13. 与此同时,作为全球最大能源消费国、第三大LNG进口国的中国大幅增加了LNG购买量。

    But China , the world 's largest energy consumer third-biggest LNG importer , is sharply increasing its LNG purchases .

  14. 运用DPS软件和灰色关联模型以及绿色GDP的测算分析了能源消费与环境关系。

    DPS software and the gray relational model and the calculation of green GDP between energy consumption and the environment .

  15. 近几年来,由于工业尤其是重工业的快速发展,能源消费迅速增长具有超过GDP增长的趋势。

    And the growth of energy consumption has exceeded the growth of GDP greatly in recent years due to the rapid development of industry in particular heavy industry .

  16. 结合安徽省2000-2007年各年份能源消费量和GDP,对安徽省能源及电力生产和消费基本情况进行了预测。

    This paper predicts the primary situation of production and consumption of both energy and electric power in Anhui with the annual amount of energy consumption and GDP from 2000 to 2007 .

  17. 实证研究部分,对中国经济增长(以GDP为代表)与石油等能源消费量进行了协整检验和Granger因果关系检验,并建立了ECM模型。

    The empirical research on the relationship between economic growth ( GDP ) and oil consumption in China was done by using the Co-integration test and Granger Causality test .

  18. 进入新世纪不久,我国能源消费增长速度高于GDP增长速度,出现了电力、煤炭、石油等能源供应的紧张状况。

    In the new century , with the speed of energy consumption exceeding the GDP , there has been a serious shortage of energy supply , such as electricity , coal , petroleum , etc.

  19. LNG在储存和运输方面有着明显的优势,天然气的消费在能源消费结构中的比重日趋增大。

    Liquefied natural gas has obvious advantage in the storage and transportation . The consumption of natural gas is increasing by the growing proportion of in energy consumption structure .

  20. 利用能源消费量的历史数据,建立了我国能源消费系统的ARMA模型和灰色预测模型的组合模型。

    By referring to historical data ; we establish integrated model of chinese energy consumption system ; which functions by the combination of ARMA model and gray forecasting model .

  21. 将二氧化碳排放总量的变化分解成五个主要影响因素,即化石燃料的排放系数、能源消费结构、能源强度、人均GDP和人口总数。

    The observed changes were attributed to five different factors , that is , the coeffcient of fossil fuels , the fuel share in total energy consumption , the energy intensity , the GDP per capita and the gross population .

  22. 结果表明:沈阳市2004年交通生态足迹为35×104hm2,其中,能源消费间接用地占99%,而道路和场站直接用地仅占1%;

    The results showed that in the year 2004 the urban traffic EF is 35 × 104 hm2 among which the footprint of the energy consumption is up to 99 % , while the road surface is only 1 % .

  23. 我国能源消费形势分析公共建筑昼光照明能耗特性的研究

    Study on the Energy Consumption Characteristics of Daylighting in Commercial Buildings

  24. 运用聚类分析法进行中国农村家庭能源消费的区域划分

    Clustering analysis-the regional division of rural household energy consumption in China

  25. 中国工业化进程中的能源消费变动&基于计量模型的实证分析

    Change of Energy Consumption with the Process of Industrialization in China

  26. 技术进步与我国能源消费关系研究

    On the Relation Between Technological Advance and China ' Energy Consumption

  27. 我国是如何以较低的能源消费实现高速经济增长的

    Lower Energy Consumption How to Realize China s Higher Economy Development

  28. 能源消费地区的实用能源模型

    A Practical Model of Energy for Regions of High Energy Consumption

  29. 尤其对于中国这样一个经济大国和能源消费大国来讲,在各国参与新能源产业的竞争中扮演了十分重要的角色。

    Each country plays a significant role in new energy competition .

  30. 苏州市能源消费与可持续发展战略分析

    Analysis of Energy Consumption and Sustainable Development Strategy in Suzhou