
  • 网络energy subsidy
  1. 我们将帮助至少12个国家开展能源补贴改革,并与合作伙伴共同创建新的商业模式,利用迅速改进的微电网技术解决做饭和照明。

    We will enable energy subsidy reforms in at least 12 countries and work with partners to create new business models for cooking and lighting that utilize the rapidly improving technology of microgrids .

  2. 利普顿说:目前有20个国家在能源补贴上的支出超过其国内生产总值(GDP)的5%。

    There are 20 countries that spend more than 5 per cent of GDP on energy subsidies , said Mr Lipton .

  3. 由于新能源补贴有利于促进环保产业的发展,因此符合国际环境法、WTO法关于环境保护的宗旨。

    As the subsidies to new energy help to promote the green industry , they are in line with the international environment laws and WTO rules .

  4. IMF呼吁发展中国家取消能源补贴,将节省下来的资金发给本国最贫穷人群。

    The IMF is calling on developing countries to replace fuel subsidies with cash payments to the poorest people .

  5. 这是IMF首次给出全球能源补贴财政成本的总金额。

    For the first time , the IMF has put a price on the worldwide fiscal cost of energy subsidies .

  6. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)昨日宣称,如果世界各国能取消总计2.4万亿美元的能源补贴,各国的财政问题可在很大程度上得到解决。

    The world could solve a large part of its fiscal problems by scrapping $ 2.4tn in energy subsidies , the International Monetary Fund declared yesterday .

  7. IMF表示,各国提供的常规能源补贴(燃料价格低于燃料生产成本)总计达4800亿美元(主要是由发展中国家提供的)。

    It says regular subsidies , where the price of fuel is lower than the cost of producing it , amount to $ 480bn , mainly in developing countries .

  8. IMF称,以绝对金额计算,世界上能源补贴最多的三个国家分别是:美国(5020亿美元)、中国(2790亿美元)和俄罗斯(1160亿美元)。

    In absolute terms the top three energy subsidisers are the US at $ 502bn , $ 279bn in China , and $ 116bn in Russia , according to the fund .

  9. 如果是在一二十年前,尼日利亚总统古德勒克乔纳森(GoodluckJonathan)做出的这一取消能源补贴的决定,可能会让整个国家濒临政治崩溃。

    A decade or two ago , the subsidies decision taken by President Goodluck Jonathan could have brought the country close to political meltdown .

  10. IMF第一副总裁戴维•利普顿(DavidLipton)表示,各国应废除能源补贴,并对污染成本收费。但他表示,IMF尚未打算将征收碳排放税列为其贷款计划的条件之一。

    David Lipton , first deputy managing director of the IMF , said countries should scrap fuel subsidies and charge for the cost of pollution – but said the fund was not yet ready to make carbon taxes a condition of its lending programmes .

  11. iea估计,如果能源补贴在2020年前逐步取消,能源消费将减少8.5亿吨石油当量,相当于目前日本、韩国、澳大利亚和新西兰的能源消费总和。

    The IEA estimates that energy consumption could be reduced by 850m tonnes equivalent of oil or the combined current consumption of Japan , South Korea , Australia and New Zealand if the subsidies are phased out between now and 2020 .

  12. Al-Ahmadi说,随着也门政府逐步取消不具备可持续性的能源补贴,食品价格还有可能继续上涨,从而在短期内使贫困问题进一步加重。

    And prices will likely continue to rise as the government gradually abandons unsustainable energy subsidies , worsening the problem for the poor in the short-term , Al-Ahmadi says .

  13. 高昂的能源补贴让国库不堪重负。

    Spending on expensive energy subsidies is weighing down the treasury .

  14. 然而,能源补贴也是一个相当重要的因素。

    Yet fuel subsidies are also important .

  15. 一个能源补贴也有助于缓解获取燃料的压力。

    A supplementary energy payment has also helped ease the pressure on access to fuel .

  16. 必须削减能源补贴,让电力价格上涨,趋近世界市场的水平。

    Energy subsidies must be cut and power prices allowed to rise towards world market levels .

  17. 许多新兴国家提供能源补贴,其受益者绝大多数是高收入群体。

    The beneficiaries of the subsidies offered by many emerging countries are overwhelmingly in upper-income groups .

  18. 它表示,先行发放这类资金有助于让取消能源补贴之举在政治上变得更可接受。

    Introducing the payments first can help to make scrapping the subsidy more politically palatable , it says .

  19. 得益于国家对能源补贴,抑制性通货膨胀水平一直保持在2%-3%。

    Suppressed inflation , thanks to state subsidies of fuel , is running at two or three percentage points .

  20. 为维护稳定,政府不断拿出大笔资金,用作粮食和能源补贴。

    In an effort to maintain stability , the government is pouring money into subsidies for food and energy .

  21. 这必须包括建立环境定价政策、取消化石能源补贴,以及就减少碳排放的合理承诺达成一致。

    This must include establishing environmental pricing policies , cancelling fossil fuel subsidies , and agreeing reasonable commitments to reduce carbon emissions .

  22. 若假定大宗商品价格在危机后不会反弹,因而继续提供能源补贴,那是一个糟糕的主意。

    It would be a bad idea to continue with energy subsidies on the assumption that commodities prices will not rebound after crisis .

  23. 我不能说我们已处理好了(能源补贴)问题,但我可以说,我们正坦然面对这个问题。

    I cannot say we have dealt with [ energy subsidies ] but I can say that we are facing that issue very squarely .

  24. 他有没有那样的勇气,去解决能源补贴账单日益高昂、基础设施匮乏和腐败横行等结构性问题?

    Does he have the mettle to tackle structural problems such as the growing fuel subsidy bill , a shortage of infrastructure and endemic corruption ?

  25. 亚洲各国政府昨日开始削减能源补贴,以便在油价飞升的情况下保护政府财政和国有能源公司的财务状况。

    Asian governments yesterday moved to cut energy subsidies to protect their finances and those of state-owned energy companies in the face of soaring oil prices .

  26. 但是,如果新能源补贴超过了一定限度,成为变相的限制贸易的手段,则需要对其进行合理的规制。

    However , once the subsidies go beyond the legal frame and turn into a disguise of trade restriction , it is necessary to regulate them .

  27. 在宣传可再生能源补贴时,相对于这或许能放缓气候变化的暗示,创造就业的理由似乎更容易被接受。

    It seems to be easier to sell renewable energy subsidies through the idea that it will create jobs than the suggestion that it might slow climate change .

  28. 继而出现的经济表现疲弱和明目张胆的不公平,导致人们对政客的极度不信任,政客们的回应是用能源补贴等有损财政健康的政策来争夺选民的支持。

    The ensuing poor economic performance and blatant unfairness lead to deep distrust of politicians , who respond by competing for popularity with fiscally disastrous policies such as fuel subsidies .

  29. 在印度这样的国家,税收收入不得不从医疗和教育预算,大规模地转移至能源补贴,以便少数精英的汽车能够加满油。

    Tax revenues , on a huge scale in nations such as India , have to be diverted from health and education spending to fill the fuel tanks of a small elite .

  30. 德国仍预计,今年可再生能源补贴总额将升至大约240亿欧元,而这笔钱将由电力消费者买单&通过额外收取电费的形式。

    The country still expects total renewables subsidies to rise to around 24 billion euros this year , a bill that electricity consumers are paying through a surcharge on their power bills .