
  • 网络energy balance
  1. 液化天然气(LNG)以其清洁性、经济性在21世纪的世界能源平衡中将会取得更为重要的地位,特别是在中国这样的发展中国家。

    The liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) will occupy a more important position in global energy balance of 21st century due to its cleanness and economy , especially in such those developing countries like China .

  2. 委内瑞拉在世界的能源平衡方面扮演着重要的角色。

    Venezuela is a key player in the world 's energy balance .

  3. DG技术及其用于钢铁企业能源平衡的可行性分析

    DG process and its feasibility of application on energy balances at steel works

  4. 关于能源平衡表动力计算办法改进的探讨

    A discussion on improving power calculation methods in energy balance table

  5. 基于能源平衡表的中国能流图

    China 's Energy Flow Chart Based on Energy Balance Sheet

  6. 干熄焦工程能源平衡计算

    Calculation of Energy Balance on Dry Extinction Coke Engineering

  7. 利用能源平衡表校准投入产出表的方法与应用

    Methodology and Case Study of Calibrating the Input-Output Table with Energy Balance Sheet

  8. 国家能源平衡分析与预测网络信息系统的设计与应用

    The Design and Application of The State Energy Balance Analysis and Forecasting Network Information System

  9. 编制钢铁企业能源平衡表应注意的一些问题

    Some problems for attention in working out the energy balance table of iron steel enterprises

  10. 我国公路运输发展的能源平衡分析与对策

    An Analysis of Energy Demand Supply Balance in the Development of Road Transport and its Countermeasures

  11. 华东电网中长期发电能源平衡分析研究

    Study of balance of medium and long term energy for power generation in East China Power Grid

  12. 根据2007年广东省能源平衡表,绘制出2007年广东省能流图。

    Researchers mapped an energy flow chart based on Guangdong province ′ s energy balance sheet in2007 .

  13. 本篇资料来源于全省能源平衡表和规模以上工业企业能源报表。

    Data in this chapter comes from the province energy balance and energy-scale industrial enterprises above statements .

  14. 从能源平衡、高炉操作和热风炉维护等方面进行了探讨,认为在现有条件下合理风温应为1200℃。三峡工程冬季施工期间的气温条件分析

    The reasonable - air temperature should be 1200 ℃ in present conditions . On Air Temperature Conditions Impacting on Winter Construction for the Sanxia Project

  15. 采用系统分析法,对钢铁企业的生产工艺流程进行充分的调查和研究,根据能量平衡原理推导了企业能源平衡公式;

    Were fully investigated and researched by adopting the method of system analysis and the energy equilibrium formula of the enterprise was deducted according to the energy equilibrium principle .

  16. 本文根据投入产出的基本理论,利用能源平衡表和金属平衡表自动生成了包钢能源投入产出表;

    Based on the theory of input-output , an energy input-output table at Baotou iron steel company is made automatically with the energy balance table and metal balance table .

  17. 预计未来化石燃料在欧洲能源平衡方面的作用还将增强,进口能源将占能源消耗总量的70%以上。

    In the future , fossil fuels are expected to strengthen their participation in the European energy balance and imports will amount to 70 % of overall energy needs .

  18. 中国能源平衡表尚不完善,国际能源组织已有成熟方法与约定,建议与国际接轨,并主要从四破三扩二改一增加进行改进。

    China has not made her energy balance sheet perfection , in contrast , the International Energy Agency does has its established measures and regulars system in this term .

  19. 本文论述能源平衡统计的国际准则及中国能源平衡存在的问题。按国际准则计算了中国终端能源消费量和结构以及物理能源效率。

    This paper discusses the international criterion of energy balance , and problems of China 's energy balance system , and calculates China 's final energy consumption and mix , and physical energy efficiency ( thermal efficiency ) .

  20. 提出考虑能源分区平衡的电源规划模型。

    A model for power planning with regional energy resources balance taken into consideration is developed .

  21. 中国东部沿海地带能源供需平衡途径浅析

    Superficial Analysis of Ways for Balance Between Energy Supply and Demand in the Coastal Area of East China

  22. 为了维持准平衡态的大洋环流,需要外来机械能源来平衡摩擦和耗散所损失的能量。

    Therefore , in order to maintain the quasi-steady oceanic circulation external sources of mechanical energy are required to balance the loss of mechanical energy due to friction and dissipation .

  23. 在此基础上,讨论了以能源供需平衡和价格波动、单位产值能耗、能源需求增长速度等为指标的预警系统构建思路。

    Based on this , a pre-warning system is discussed , whose indexes are energy balance between supply and demand , energy consumption of unit production valve and growth rate of energy demand .

  24. 在全国宏观调控下,各个大的地区应根据其区域经济发展与能源供需平衡的不平情况与特点,遵循市场经济规律,拟订有所区别的区域能源战略。

    All large regions should , obeying the law of market economy and based on the specific circumstances and characteristics of their regional economy and energy supply-demand balance , work out different regional energy-economy strategy .

  25. 平流层飞艇的能源技术和平衡分析平流层飞艇空气动力估算

    Power Technology and Energy Balance Analysis of the Stratosphere Airship

  26. 济钢能源中心煤气平衡预测模型研究

    The Research of Gas Balance Forecast in the Energy Center of Jinan Iron & Steel Group

  27. 能源生产与消耗平衡分析

    Blance Analysis on Production and Consumption of Energy

  28. 为了确保能源供应的良好平衡,美国同时也依靠原子能。

    To secure a well-balanced supply of energy , America is also relying on nuclear power .

  29. 我国本身能源供给的结构平衡问题和国家能源安全问题,促使了生物质能源等一批新的可再生的能源的发展。

    The issue of energy supply structure balance and national energy safety in China promotes the development of a number of new renewable energy , such as biomass energy .

  30. 由于转炉煤气回收不连续(间歇性)和用户的不稳定消耗,造成该二次能源严重供需不平衡。

    Since LDG recovery is not a continuous process and the user consumption is usually instable , a serious supply and demand imbalance in the secondary energy resource often appears .