
  1. 我国能源消费趋势统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Energy Consumption Tendency in Our Country

  2. 为了提供准确、高效和自动化的能源采集与统计分析系统,本研究采用了组态软件实现能源计量点数据采集与处理。

    For providing a exact high efficiency and automatic energy acquisition and managing system , the present paper proposed a new method of energy acquisition and managing system based on configuration software .

  3. 重庆市农村能源消费现状的统计分析。

    It analyzes the status of the rural energy consumption in Chongqing .

  4. 第一阶段评估说明了可行性:以能源来源现状分析为切入点,通过对电力机车能源消耗统计现状的分析,诊断了其在数据采集、统计和费用清算各环节中存在的问题。

    Assessment in the first stage is taking the status of energy sources as the starting point to analyze its feasibility and diagnosing the problems in data acquisition , statistics and clearing accounts .

  5. 解决能源问题应该从多个方面入手,特别是对于既有建筑,在利用硬件节能的同时,建立能源统计分析制度,可以有效促进行为节能,建立经济合理的运行策略。

    Especially for the built constructions , the energy statistic system should be erected that can stimulate the energy saving of behavior and form a economy operation schemes .