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  1. 研究小组正通过DNA测序,以及计算突变率和模式的方法,来找出珊瑚礁寄居者们是如何存活下来、甚至大量繁衍生息的。

    A research team is investigating how the coral colonies are able to survive - and even thrive - by sequencing their DNA as well as calculating mutation rates and patterns .

  2. 目前这艘沉没的油轮夹在南部的罗本岛(RobbenIsland)与北部的达森岛(DassenIsland)之间。而这两个岛正是企鹅们繁衍生息的主要据点。

    Now , the ship sank between Robben Island to the south , and Dassen Island to the north -- two of the penguins ' main breeding islands .

  3. 只要给予这种濒危的老虎足够的栖息地和足够的猎物,它们就能繁衍生息下来,Sita就是活生生的证据。

    Sita is living proof that this endangered species can flourish if only given enough room and enough prey . "

  4. 在规模宏大的国家公园TamanNegara,大量野生生物繁衍生息。这个国家公园位于马来西亚半岛中心附近。

    The wildlife is especially thick in Taman Negara , a huge national park located near the centre of the peninsula .

  5. 夏季它们在高原上繁衍生息,

    In summer they live and breed out on the plateau ,

  6. 在远古时代,就有人类在这里繁衍生息。

    There has been human habitation here since prehistoric times .

  7. 所以物种们现在要在太阳离去前繁衍生息。

    Now it 's a race to breed before the sun departs .

  8. 难道地球已不再繁衍生息?

    Has the earth ceased to yield its increase ?

  9. 现在回到这里繁衍生息

    and now , they 're returning to breed .

  10. 只有实现可持续发展,人类才能世代繁衍生息。

    Only the achievement of sustainable development , can humanity multiply their off-springs .

  11. 正是这才使人类得以繁衍生息。

    That 's keeping the human species going .

  12. 咖啡树繁衍生息,到1726年,人们终于迎来了第一次收获。

    It grew , and multiplied , and by1726 the first harvest was ready .

  13. 这也许能解释为什么那些离开加州的蓝鲸没能继续繁衍生息,增大自身种群。

    This may explain why the number of whales off California has stopped growing .

  14. 但是各种各样的候鸟到了夏季会到这里来筑巢繁衍生息。

    However , a variety of birds migrate to nest and feed during the summer .

  15. 此后便定居琉球之“久米村”,世代繁衍生息。

    They settled in " Kume Village ", Ryukyu , lived and multiplied generation by generation .

  16. 土地问题是与人类的繁衍生息密切相关的重要问题。

    The issue of land is the most closely related issue with humanity ` s multiplication .

  17. 有专家指出,家庭的主要作用是繁衍生息。

    Some experts say the main function of the family is to continue the human race .

  18. 在泰国繁衍生息了几代之后,华人早已将泰国视为自己的祖国。

    After living in Thailand for generations , the Chinese-Thai regard Thailand as their motherland already .

  19. 追溯到几千年前的新石器时代,人类就在这块土地上繁衍生息。

    Be traced back thousands of years ago the Neolithic Age , human beings evolved on land .

  20. 大豆对中华民族繁衍生息和发展壮大起到了极其重要的作用。

    Soybean has been playing an extremely important role in the prosperity and development of Chinese nation .

  21. 中华民族在几千年繁衍生息过程中,创造出了极其辉煌的文化成果。

    The Chinese nation and lived in several thousand years , creating the splendid culture and by results .

  22. 社会在发展,人类在进步,一切都在繁衍生息不停的变化。

    With the development of society and human beings in all progress , and multiplied in the change constantly .

  23. 乐亭县历史悠久,早在新石器时代晚期就有人在这里繁衍生息。

    Laoting County has a long history , as early as the late Neolithic period some people thriving here .

  24. 正因为江河之水的不断东流,两岸的土地才得以灌溉,人类才得以繁衍生息。

    And rivers flowing eastward made irrigation possible and brought life to the world as well as human beings .

  25. 难道在你们出生之前,每一寸土地都已被他人所占据?难道地球已不再繁衍生息?

    Was the land all occupied before you were born ? Has the earth ceased to yield its increase ?

  26. 而在其他人看来,这是知其不可而为之的信念:不可能终会落地生根、繁衍生息下去。

    For others it is an act of unfulfilled faith , that the impossible shall spawn and spread anew .

  27. 基本上,这项研究的最终目标是保护海豚,让海豚作为一个物种在地球上繁衍生息。

    Basically the end-goal is to , be able to preserve such kind of dolphins , as a viable species .

  28. 在古代社会长期的繁衍生息过程中,人们积淀了丰厚的生育择吉文化。

    In the long-term live and multiply process of ancient society , people sedimentary deposits rich culture of auspicious procreation .

  29. 三百多年来,来到这里的满族人与当地的蒙古族相互结姻,繁衍生息。

    In the three hundreds years , these people of Manchu were married with the local people of Mongolian and thrived .

  30. 工业革命以后,居住环境的日益恶化,对人类的繁衍生息构成了严峻挑战。

    After the Industrial Revolution , the increasing deterioration of the human living environment is challenging human life and reproduction seriously .