
jù huì
  • party;gathering;meet;get together;get-together;reunion;sleepover;bee;wingding;hobnob;beano;beanfeast;jol
聚会 [jù huì]
  • [get together] 聚集会合

  • 几个老同学聚会

聚会[jù huì]
  1. 我们找一个晚上聚会一次,叙叙旧。

    Let 's get together one evening and talk about old times .

  2. 节日时际我们一般都在一起聚会。

    We always get together on festive days .

  3. 为使聚会成功多大费用都在所不惜。

    No expense was spared to make the party a success .

  4. 他在聚会上介绍我认识了一位希腊姑娘。

    He introduced me to a Greek girl at the party .

  5. 她对自己在聚会上的行为深感羞愧。

    She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party .

  6. 她的生活就是没完没了的聚会娱乐。

    Her life is one long round of parties and fun .

  7. 在聚会的晚上我将随时听凭召唤。

    I 'll be on call the night of the party .

  8. 开始尽兴畅饮时,聚会的气氛活跃起来。

    The party got livelier as the drink began to flow .

  9. 他是打扮成一只大鸡去参加聚会的。

    He went to the party in a giant chicken costume .

  10. 我不太想去参加这次聚会。

    I wasn 't too keen on going to the party .

  11. 我们在萨拉的聚会上玩得很开心。

    We had a lot of fun at Sarah 's party .

  12. 我们赶到时,聚会已进入高潮。

    When we arrived the party was already in full swing .

  13. 她喝得酩酊大醉,聚会上的事什么都记不得了。

    She was too drunk to remember anything about the party .

  14. 那次聚会以后,她只和他说过一次话。

    Since the party she had only spoken to him once .

  15. 让她来组织这次聚会非坏事不可。

    Letting her organize the party is a recipe for disaster .

  16. 聚会已操办妥当,她却一无所知。

    The party was organized without her knowing anything about it .

  17. 你能不能帮我把这次聚会准备妥当?

    Can you help me get everything ready for the party ?

  18. 我参加不了这次聚会了,真倒霉!

    I shall have to miss the party , worse luck !

  19. 他们为聚会安排了丰盛的食物。

    They had laid on a huge spread for the party .

  20. 我给参加聚会的人拍了几张精彩的照片。

    I got some good shots of people at the party .

  21. 谁能忘记他去年在聚会上的讲话呢?

    Who could forget his speech at last year 's party ?

  22. 咖啡馆是学生喜欢的聚会场所。

    The cafe is a popular meeting place for students .

  23. 天气允许的话,我们就在室外举行这次聚会。

    We 'll have the party outside , weather permitting .

  24. 很抱歉,昨晚没能参加你们的聚会。

    I 'm sorry I couldn 't make your party last night .

  25. 真想不到他竟然从聚会开始一直睡到结束。

    It 's extraordinary that he managed to sleep through the party .

  26. 明摆着的解决方法是取消聚会。

    The obvious answer would be to cancel the party .

  27. 我们正在筹备她的生日聚会。

    We 're getting up a party for her birthday .

  28. 我参加了几次聚会,过得很愉快。

    I went to a few parties and had a good time .

  29. 我想你不会来参加聚会吧?

    I take it you won 't be coming to the party ?

  30. 他在聚会上与谁调情?

    Who did he cop off with at the party ?