
hé chàng tuán
  • choir;chorus
合唱团[hé chàng tuán]
  1. 合唱团在唱《欢乐颂》。

    The chorus was singing ' The Ode to Joy ' .

  2. 这个合唱团演唱得不错,不是吗?

    The chorus were very good , weren 't they ?

  3. 她目前担任一个大合唱团的指挥。

    She now directs a large choir .

  4. 合唱团只唱了最后一首赞美诗的两个段落。

    The choir has sung only two verses of the last hymn .

  5. 他将合唱团训练到了一个高水平。

    He drills the choir to a high standard .

  6. 在今年夏天中国流行的一段视频中,上海一支业余合唱团演唱了一首献给“加班狗”的搞笑歌曲《感觉身体被掏空》,“加班狗”是对白领的谑称。

    In one video that went viral this summer , an amateur Shanghai choir1 devoted2 a tongue-in-cheek song to their status as " overtime3 dogs " - a slang term for white-collar workers - entitled " My Body Is Hollowed Out . "

  7. 大家在《欢乐合唱团》3D电影版的预告片里发现这个小伙子了吗?

    Did you see this little one in the trailer ?

  8. 布莱克在《欢乐合唱团》中的首秀将会出现在第四季第五集TheRoleYouWereBorntoPlay,该集将于11月8日播出。

    First Glee episode , Season 4 , Episode 5 : The Role You Were Born to Play , airs on November 8 .

  9. 我们知道贾斯汀比伯和Rent的一首歌都会出现在这一季的《欢乐合唱团》中。

    We already know that Justin Bieber and a song from Rentare on tap for Glee this season .

  10. 在他们搬运箱子、打闹逗乐的过程中,配乐是僵尸合唱团(TheZombies)欢快的歌曲《爱的季节》(TimeoftheSeason),气氛非常欢乐。

    The peppy Zombies song ' Time of the Season ' plays as they haul boxes and joke around . It 's fun .

  11. 从开幕式因故障未绽放的第五环,到俄罗斯内务部合唱团激情演唱神曲GetLucky,索契冬奥会值得铭记。

    From the opening ceremony with a malfunctioning ring , to police officers singing Get Lucky , the Sochi Winter Olympics have been a games to remember .

  12. 新一季的《欢乐合唱团》将会在美国时间9月13日FOX电视网首播。

    The new season of Glee premieres on Thursday , Sept. 13 at 9 / 8c on Fox .

  13. 有些乐团再也不会重聚了,比如:阿巴合唱团,TheJam,史密斯乐团。

    There are some bands that will never get back together . Abba . The Jam . The Smiths .

  14. 后裔合唱团(Offspring)的DexterHolland则是南加大分子生物学的博士候选人。

    Dexter Holland of Offspring was a PHD candidate in molecular biology at USC .

  15. 尽管她有时会在《燃情克利夫兰》(HotinCleveland)和《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)等电视剧中客串,不过伯内特大部分时间都远离聚光灯的关注。

    Though she sometimes pops up in cameos on shows like Hot in Cleveland and Glee , Burnett mostly stays out of the limelight .

  16. 该算法也适用于皇后乐队、U2乐队和阿巴合唱团所创的专辑。

    The algorithm also worked for the albums of Queen , U2 , and ABBA .

  17. 昨日还传出消息,百代最知名的两支乐队平克·弗洛伊德(PinkFloyd)和皇后合唱团(Queen)已经与其它唱片公司接洽,商谈转签事宜。

    It also emerged yesterday that two of EMI 's biggest acts , Pink Floyd and Queen , have been talking to other labels about transferring their loyalties .

  18. 辣妹合唱团于1996年推出了她们的首支单曲《Wannabe》,这首歌当时登上31个国家音乐排行榜的榜首。

    The Spice Girls'first single ," Wannabe ," was released in1996 and topped charts in31 countries .

  19. Mercedes:我们的合唱团是不会结束的,Shue老师。

    Mercedes : And Glee club will never end , Mr. Shue .

  20. 《欢乐合唱团》的Finn,同时也是这场颁奖礼的主持之一,运用一双黑色运动鞋给全套西装添加了几分休闲感。

    The Glee star – and one of the evening 's co-hosts – adds a casual touch with sneakers to his sleek black suit .

  21. 合唱团成员、在人力资源部工作的凯瑟琳海斯(catherinehayes)表示,这让她可以继续学生时代的兴趣。

    Catherine Hayes , a member of the choir who works in human resources , says it allows her to maintain an interest from her student years .

  22. MargoNewhouse一年前跌伤复原后加入合唱团的。

    Margo Newhouse joined Encore a year ago after rehabilitation from a fall .

  23. 歌曲的后半部分是典型的MJ式的渐强音,伴随福音合唱团,给予她前行的鼓舞和社会支持力量。

    The back half of the song offers a classic MJ crescendo , with the gospel choir providing the lift and communal strength the woman needs to keep going .

  24. 我们现在要去那间旧录音室了,我们就是在那儿录制ABBA合唱团最初的儿首歌的。

    Now we 're off to the old recording studiowhere we used to record the first songs with Abba .

  25. 在此之前,《欢乐合唱团》的主创RyanMurphy曾透露在第三季,某几个主要角色将从麦金利高中毕业。

    The casting news comes on the heels of a recent promise from creator Ryan Murphy that some of the show 's main characters would graduate by the end of season three .

  26. FOX已经续订了《欢乐合唱团》第六季,所以这个决定对这部剧的未来影响还是不大,只是这一季大家将会少看两集。

    FOX has already renewed the series for Season 6 ( which will be its final one ) so this won 't affect the future of the show . It just means there will be two fewer episodes this season .

  27. 接近傍晚时分,主演《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)的电视明星莱亚·米歇尔(LeaMichele)来到格鲁夫取走自己的手机:苹果新推出的玫瑰金iPhone6sPlus。

    Late in the afternoon , the " Glee " TV star Lea Michele stopped by the Grove to pick up her phone : the iPhone 6s Plus in Apple 's new rose-gold color .

  28. 但是颁奖典礼受欢迎的重要标志来自其他歌手,如碧昂丝,U2,黑眼豆豆合唱团和,第一夫人米歇尔•奥巴马。

    But a major indication of the show 's popularity came from others such as Beyonce , U2 , the Black Eyed Peas , and First Lady Michelle Obama .

  29. 《欢乐合唱团》已经停播了将近一个月了(当然我们还在望眼欲穿的等待),但是这并不代表FOX这部音乐喜剧的演员们没有努力工作。

    Glee has been off the air for almost a month ( yes , we 're still drying our eyes from this , too ), but doesn 't that mean the cast behind the Fox musical comedy hasn 't been hard at work .

  30. 当有消息流出说第三季不再延续Overstreet系列的常规选择时,《欢乐合唱团》整个夏天都成了大头条。

    Glee made headlines over the summer when word leaked that the show opted not to pick up Overstreets series regular option for Season 3 .