
xiōnɡ dì huì
  • fraternity;fraternal association
  1. 缩写B。全体会员:为共同目标组成的,如兄弟会或工会等的会员。

    Abbr.B.An association of men , such as a fraternity or union , united for common purposes .

  2. 这是一个关于一件恶心的事的恶心的词,起源自一个田纳西州大学PiKappaAlpha兄弟会的成员由于酒精中毒而入院。

    Its an unpleasant term for an unpleasant practice , which came to light when a member of the University of Tennessees Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning .

  3. 而且,Uber的CEO因为据说培养了一种“兄弟会文化”而受人诟病。

    And the company 's CEO has been accused of fostering a frat boy culture .

  4. 旧金山州立大学(SanFranciscoStateUniversity)18岁的学生彼得·陈(PeterTran)在2013年参加完该兄弟会派对后死亡;

    Peter Tran , 18 , a student at San Francisco State University , died after attending a fraternity party in 2013 ;

  5. 对于穆斯林兄弟会(muslimbrotherhood)将扮演的角色,有些人表示了担忧。

    Some have voiced concern about the role the Muslim Brotherhood would play .

  6. 德州大学奥斯汀分校(UniversityofTexasatAustin)18岁的新生潘塔·蓬马拉特(PhantaPhoummarath)2005年在兄弟会派对饮酒后死亡;

    Phanta Phoummarath , 18 , a freshman at the University of Texas at Austin , died after drinking at a fraternity party in 2005 ;

  7. HOWARDGINSBURG,BRADLEY的父亲:他在兄弟会的昵称是Smiles。

    HOWARD GINSBURG , BRADLEY 'S FATHER : His nickname at the was Smiles .

  8. 首先是因为2009年我被接纳为99年前在此成立的PhiBetaSigma兄弟会的荣誉成员

    First , because in 2009 I was inducted as an honorary member of Phi Beta Sigma which was founded here 99 years ago

  9. 我和朋友们(大多是兄弟会的直男)常去路易斯安那州立大学(L.S.U.)的一个很受欢迎的酒吧,名叫Bengal,它在路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日市的高地路(HighlandRoad)上。

    With my friends , mostly straight frat guys , I would frequent a popular college bar at L.S.U. called the Bengal on Highland Road in Baton Rouge , La .

  10. 他们的鸡翅还有可以,不过如果我给打它了四星,Ness会不会开始经常向我推荐其它弥漫着兄弟会作风的酒吧?

    Their wings are okay , but if I give it four stars , will ness start offering me frat bars regularly ?

  11. 穆斯林兄弟会(MuslimBrotherhood)的穆尔西已当选总统,但他试图获取超过普通民众可接受范围内的权力。

    Morsi , of the Muslim Brotherhood , has been elected president but has tried to assume more power than the denizens of the street are willing to concede .

  12. 在政治生涯的大部分时间里,布什塑造的都是一幅反知识分子的耶鲁兄弟会成员(frat-boy)形象。

    Mr Bush cultivated an anti-intellectual frat-boy image for most of his political career .

  13. 穆斯林兄弟会的一个主要领导者告诉VOA,对话能够继续,除非政府答应这些反对派的要求进行政治改革。

    One of the key leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood group told VOA dialogue can continue only if the government responds to the opposition 's demands for deep political reform .

  14. 这段由埃及媒体ElWady播出的视频采访中,这个预科学校一年级男孩阿里-艾哈迈德发表了惊人见解,对穆斯林兄弟会的谴责声讨令人无言以对。

    In a video interview with Egyptian news outlet El Wady , first grader Ali Ahmed delivers an incredibly precocious condemnation of the Muslim Brotherhood that will leave you speechless .

  15. 她补充说,至少150名学生召开会议,开始对话,希望能够形成共同尊重的氛围。这些学生大部分来自女子中心和DKE兄弟会。

    She adds that , at least 150 students largely from the woman centre and DKE Fraternity met to begin a dialogue that hopefully leads to mutual respect .

  16. 那些人想要你交出兄弟会。

    These people want you to hand over the fraternity club .

  17. 周六,贝卡拉维正式提议解散穆斯林兄弟会。

    On Saturday , Bebalwi officially proposed dissolution of the Brotherhood .

  18. 他们倒是让我想起了一群兄弟会的成员。

    They do remind me of a bunch of frat boys .

  19. 兄弟会里每个人都穿成这样。

    Every single brother in my fraternity has worn this suit .

  20. 随着譬如穆斯林兄弟会这样的组织兴起。

    with the rise of such groups as the Muslim Brotherhood .

  21. 和兄弟会牵扯上,不可能仅此一次。

    With the Brotherhood , it 's never just one job .

  22. 兄弟会和姐妹会每个星期都会召开各种各样的主题派对。

    Fraternities and sororities hold parties with various themes every week .

  23. 整个英格兰最古老最强大的兄弟会组织。

    The oldest and finest fraternal guild in all of england .

  24. 你们有个兄弟会,是吗?

    You guys are in a fraternity , is that right ?

  25. 约翰不会讲法语,但他兄弟会。

    John doesn 't speak French but his brother does .

  26. 但是从1954年至今,穆斯林兄弟会一直处于非法的地位。

    But since 1954 , the Muslim Brotherhood was illegal .

  27. 兄弟会,医学院和其实会欺负新人的机构。

    Fraternities and med schools and other organizations haze people .

  28. 立誓加入立誓加入(兄弟会或类似组织)

    To promise to join ( a fraternity or similar organization ) .

  29. 这个兄弟会派对是他最想做的事。

    This frat party was at the top of his to-do list .

  30. 这个学生的死于他在大学兄弟会上饮酒过量有关。

    He had been drinking heavily at a fraternity party .