
  1. 越来越多的人开始承认“兄弟姐妹日”,它还拥有了美国专利和商标局的特殊标志。

    More and more people are accepting NSD and it now has a " Special Mark " from the US Patent and Trademark Office .

  2. 每年的4月10日为美国的兄弟姐妹日。克劳迪娅·埃瓦特发起了该节日,她失去了自己的哥哥和姐姐。

    National Siblings Day ( NSD ) is celebrated on April 10 each year in the USA. It is the brainchild of Claudia A. Evart , who created it after the deaths of her brother and sister .

  3. 幸运地是,我的兄弟碰巧一日探望我的母亲;当时我打电话回家。

    Fortunately , my brother happened to be visiting my mother one day when I called home .

  4. 不过我的兄弟长在古老日昝仪周围,或许他能给你你想要的。

    But go to my brother who grows round the old sun-dial , and perhaps he will give you what you want .