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xiōng zhǎng
  • a respectful form of address for an elder brother or a man friend;elder brother;anna
兄长 [xiōng zhǎng]
  • (1) [a respectful form of address for an elder brother or a man friend]∶对年龄比自己大的男性朋友的尊称

  • (2) [elder brother]∶哥哥

兄长[xiōng zhǎng]
  1. 他像兄长一样吻了她的面颊。

    He gave her a brotherly kiss on the cheek .

  2. 他像兄长般轻吻了她一下。

    He gave her a brief , brotherly kiss .

  3. 如果一个女孩失去了兄长,这位男士就会成为替代品。他们亲如兄妹,他是她的全部。

    Usually when a girl is deprived of a brother , this male ends up being the replacement and he means the world to her .

  4. 愚人回答:“我想得到他的钱财,所以才认他为兄长,实际上他并不是我的兄长。如果他欠了债,我就不需要再这样称呼他了,所以我现在说他不是我的兄长。”

    And what was the fool 's reply ? " I called him my big brother because I wanted his money . Of course he never was my big brother so when he fell into debt2 , I naturally stopped calling him that . "

  5. 愚人之所以这样做,是因为这个人很有钱,愚人需要用钱的时候就可以向他借用,所以才称之为“兄长”。

    He reasoned that since the man had a lot of money , as " younger brother " he would be able to use some of it when necessary . Later on , the rich man lost his fortune . The fool no longer called him " big brother " .

  6. 人民兄长和革命导师(BrotherLeaderandGuideoftheRevolution)

    Brother Leader and Guide of the Revolution

  7. 菲德尔和劳尔·卡斯特罗的胞妹称自己曾帮助CIA窃取兄长的情报长达八年的时间。

    Fidel and Raul Castro 's younger sister says that she helped the CIA against her brothers for eight years .

  8. Elise的兄长Eric和他自己的伴侣Michael就站在Elise的后面,他们穿着一模一样的白色亚麻衬衫并带着太阳镜。

    Elise 's brother Eric and his partner Michael stood right behind them , dressed identically in white linen shirts and wrap-around sunglasses .

  9. 他最后一次见到拉登是在1988年他们的兄长Salem的葬礼上。

    The last time he saw Osama bin Laden was in1988 at their brother Salem 's funeral , he said .

  10. 幼虫发育速度最快的果蝇兄长引起的cI强度最高,但其体内Hira基因表达水平却最低。

    That is , the elder brother with the most development speed had the strongest CI strength , but their Hira expression level was the lowest .

  11. 他最宠爱的儿子约瑟(Joseph),被兄长们卖到埃及当奴隶,但后来一场饥荒迫使约瑟的兄长们到埃及寻找粮食,家族因而重聚。

    His favorite son , Joseph , was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers , but the family was later reunited when a famine forced the brothers to go to Egypt to seek grain .

  12. 不要仅仅由于家长,兄长,火伴,配头,密友或是你在twitter上看到或人以为某个专业是个极好选择的怂恿下而做出自己的选择。

    Never pick a major just because your parent , older sibling , partner , spouse , best friend , or person you 're following on Twitter thinks it 'd be a bang-up idea to major in that .

  13. D.B.,一个死去的兄长&《麦田里的守望者》深层文本分析

    D.B. , A Dead Brother & Analysis on the Deep Text in The Catcher in the Rye

  14. 这位马克尔兄长自2011年因参加他们祖母的葬礼,见过梅根和其电影制片人的前夫——41岁的TrevorEngleson,就再也没有见过梅根了。

    Mr Markle has not seen his sister since 2011 when the pair - and Meghan 's film producer ex Trevor Engleson , 41 - attended the Los Angeles funeral of their grandmother , Doris .

  15. 今后,你可以是我的朋友,抑或兄长。

    I 'm willing to be your sister or your friend .

  16. 对我来说他始终是一个兄长。

    I have always looked upon him as my elder brother .

  17. 作为一个兄长我学会了承担责任

    From being an older brother , I have learned responsibility .

  18. 你会得到一个兄长,一个真正的、情同手足的兄长。

    You will gain a brother , a real , affectionate brother .

  19. 他告诉他的兄长约翰是一位世界闻名的医生。

    He told me that his brother John is a world-famous doctor .

  20. 大人。愿旧神保佑您的兄长。

    My Lord , may the Old Gods watch over your brother .

  21. 她对兄长怀有真正的骨肉之情。

    She had a true sisterly feeling for her brother .

  22. 吾之兄长劳勃。并无后嗣以继王位。

    that my brother Robert left no trueborn heirs , .

  23. 莫妮卡:是啊,可他是我兄长!

    Monica : Yeah , well he 's my brother !

  24. 她兄长死后,她抚养他的孩子。

    She kept her brother 's children when he died .

  25. 我可以保证,我会一直是你的兄长。

    But I promise you , I will always be your brother .

  26. 反正他们都待我如兄长

    Either way , they were like brothers to me .

  27. 那是因为你在感恩我的兄长,对不对?

    But that 's because you were indebted to my brother , right ?

  28. 我相信这任务,没想到是你兄长。

    I trust this mission only to your brother .

  29. 我还记得,我很嫉妒那些有兄长的人。

    I remember being jealous that I didn 't have an older brother .

  30. 你想知道你兄长为什么死吗?

    You want to know why your brother died ?