
  • Band of Brothers
  1. 最近几年我看了不少战争电影(兄弟连也可以算是电影了)。

    I 've watched quite a few war movies over the years , actually ( if you count Band of Brothers a movie ) .

  2. 梦的基础是现实,这些天在看越狱,读兄弟连,为如何给论文加几个字儿烦恼。

    The background of dream is reality , these days is watching prison break , read band of brothers , troubling in articles , in other words , troubling in how to make some process in it .

  3. 虽然收视更好,但是《兄弟连》仍然被认为是慢热剧集,它的成功主要体现在重播中的高收视以及DVD的销量。

    Even with its larger premiere number ," Brothers " was considered a slow-starter whose success was secured in heavy repeat viewing and DVD sales .

  4. 你昨天有看兄弟连吗?

    Did you see band of brother yesterday ?

  5. 发明了我们的第一架飞机的怀特兄弟连高中都没读完。

    The Wright brothers , who developed our first airplanes , never graduated from high school .

  6. 尽管是一个大学生,我兄弟连一封英文信都写不好。

    In spite of a college student , my brother cannot write an English letter properly .

  7. 兄弟连是设定在二次世界大战欧洲和北非战线的一个三维射击游戏。

    Brothers In Arms is a3D shooter set in World War Two Europe and North Africa .

  8. 兄弟连目前拥有完善的拓展训练设施,一流的教练团队,能满足不同客户不同的拓展训练要求。

    Brother link have the consummation development training facilities at present , the first-class training team , can satisfy the different customer different development training request .

  9. 公司以美国导演斯蒂芬。斯皮尔博格的经典作品《兄弟连》里的团队精神为企业文化,强调团队的真诚沟通、敬业精神及责任感。

    BBMF utilizes Steven Spielberg 's Band of Brothers spirit as a way of communicating team work , diligence and accountability to ALL members of company staff .

  10. 兄弟,你连述职报告都不知道怎么写?

    Man , you don 't know how to write a project report ?

  11. 另一个兄弟穷得连他妻子和孩子都吃不饱。

    The other brother was so poor that he had not got enough food for his wife and children .

  12. 同事:什么?兄弟,你连述职报告都不知道怎么写?这听起来太荒谬了。

    Colleague : What ? Man , you don 't know how to write a project report ? That 's sounds a little bit ridiculous .