
  1. 青山镇的男人和cooper比起来都太无趣了。

    The boys in tree hill are so boring compared to cooper .

  2. 做作业太无趣了,所以我拍了一张自拍照、发布到了Tumblr网上。

    My homework was too boring , so I took a selfie and posted it to tumblr .

  3. 一夫一妻制的问题在于,太无趣了。

    The problem with monogamy , it 's just so incredibly dull .

  4. 相比较而言,《公主日记》就有些无趣了。

    In contrast , will be a little bit boring .

  5. 时间一分一秒地过去,现在比赛已经进行得很无趣了。

    The seconds ticked by ; the game progressed with apathy now .

  6. 有点无趣了是吗?

    This is kind of getting boring , right ?

  7. 你怎么会对京剧那么着迷呢?它太无趣了。

    Why you are so crazy about Beijing opera ? It 's so boring .

  8. 对于这点的诠释,王家卫并未动用精良的动作场面或令人惊叹的视觉效果来使之浅显易懂&若真那样,也太无趣了。

    Its interpretation by Wong cannot be embodied in exquisite action sequences and breathtaking visuals just to make it easy to understand & that would be boring , too .

  9. 对于这点的诠释,王家卫并未动用精良的动作场面或令人惊叹的视觉效果来使之“浅显易懂”——若真那样,也太无趣了。

    Its interpretation by Wong cannot be embodied in exquisite action sequences and breathtaking visuals just to make it " easy to understand " - that would be boring , too .

  10. 常常想现在的生活自己满意吗?答案不肯定,觉得太无趣了吧,可是这不就是自己曾经想要的安逸嘛!

    Usually think now of life oneself satisfaction ? The answer be not willing to settle , felt too boring , but this isn 't oneself ever want of comfort and ease !

  11. 但目前,因为两位已经老了,延斯和卡恩看来需要拼一死活还是做些什么别的,否则他们俩的斗嘴就显得有些无趣了。

    At this point , as they 're two old men , Jens and Kahn really ought to just fight to the death or something , because their verbal spats are boring now .

  12. 好吧你今天会很无趣了,我很快就该为此后悔了,喝了它,快喝了它,别漏了,干的不错好姑娘,就是这样

    Well , you 're not gonna be any fun today . I 'm so gonna regret this , Drink up . Drink it up . Don 't drip . There you go . Good girl . That 's it .

  13. 阿珍∶也许吧,但也无趣多了。

    Jane : Maybe , but it 's much less entertaining .

  14. 如果你都没别的事可做,跑来填线上问卷,你大概无趣透顶了(乐趣指标跟一包花生米一样低)

    If you have nothing better to do than take this internet quiz , you 're probably about as interesting as a bag of peanuts .

  15. 在我快拿到博士学位的时候,我开始心心念念想创业。我当时在硅谷,在地下室写论文无趣极了,跟自己开公司没法比。

    When I was nearly done with my PhD , I got bitten by that entrepreneurial bug . I was in Silicon Valley , and so writing a thesis in the basement didn 't seem as interesting as starting my own company .

  16. 我的人生很无趣,行了吧?

    I 'm bored with my life , okay ?

  17. 产品质量下降,乏味无趣,脱离了现代人的口味。危机过后,公司聘请了新的设计师团队,并重新推出了整个系列。

    Its goods declined in quality , and became dull and out of touch with modern taste . After a period in crisis , the company hired a new team of designers and re-launched its entire range .

  18. 他感到无趣于是不说话了。

    He was unamused and then stopped talking .

  19. 总之,我并不认为我有创作的本事,因为我无法创造自己的观点,所以我的作文空泛而无趣也就在所难免了。

    Yet I cannot think that because I did not originate the ideas , my little composition is therefore quite devoid of interest .