
wú qiān yòu
  • Lead-free glaze;leadless glaze
无铅釉[wú qiān yòu]
  1. 适合含钛、锌无铅釉。

    Suitble for Pb free glazes with Ti or zn .

  2. 高级日用细瓷无铅釉的研制

    Study on High Grade Lead-free Glaze for Fine Porcelain

  3. 钓鱼台宴会瓷器系专为钓鱼台国宾馆各类宴会而开发研制的无铅釉健康绿色骨瓷。

    The Diaoyutai banquet tableware is made of non-plumbic-glazed healthy bone porcelain , which is developed specially for Diaoyutai State Guesthouse .

  4. 应用三元系配料的实验方法和玻璃(釉)态物质的性能加合原理,通过科学的配方设计和系统实验,研制出了适合不同材质、不同陶瓷坯体使用的系列无铅釉。

    Adopting ternary system ingredients method and adduction theory of vitreous substance properties , a series of lead-free glazes suitable for kinds of materials and different bodies are developed through technical composition and systematical experiments .

  5. 结果表明,进口低温透明釉采用低铅配方不能解决铅溶出量的超标问题,只有采用无铅釉才能解决。

    Upon the author ′ s opinion , the overproof lead stripping from the imported transparent glaze fired at lower temperature can only be settled by adopting lead free glaze instead of adopting low lead prescription .

  6. 无铅陶瓷釉上颜料的研制

    Study of Glazed Pigment with Lead Free for Ceramic Ware

  7. 低温无铅透明釉的研究

    A Study of Transparent Glaze Fired at Lower Temperature

  8. 高级日用瓷无铅熔块釉的研究

    Study on Leadless Frit Glaze of Fine Ceramics

  9. 骨质瓷无铅熔块釉的研制

    Preparation of Leadless Fritted Glazes of Bone Porcelain

  10. 本文使用硼和锶为添加剂,成功地制备了无铅低温釉,对釉的性质进行了测试与分析。

    In this study , boron and strontium were used as additives to prepare low temperature lead-free glazes , and the properties of the obtained glazes were tested and analyzed .

  11. 低温快烧无铅精陶釉的研制

    Development of lead-free fine pottery glaze for fast firing at low temperature

  12. 无铅碱硼釉的研究分析

    A Study of Borosilicate Type Leadless Glaze Basic knowledge of analytical reagents & alkalis

  13. 介绍了自还原法制备低温无铅铜红釉的工艺方法、工艺参数以及影响铜红釉呈色效果的因素。

    Introduce technic method , technic parameters , and factors which affect the color of the glaze of low-temperature no-lead red copper glaze by using self-destruction .

  14. 通过对无铅碱硼硅酸盐釉的氧化物体系的试验研究,分析了釉组分中SiO2,B2O3及金属氧化物对釉的热膨胀性、表面张力及坯釉结合层形成等方面的影响作用。

    This paper studies a oxides system from borosilicate type leadless glaze . After the glaze was analyzed the effect of the contents of SiO_2 , B_2O_3 and other metallic oxides on such performances of thermal expansion , surface tension and interaction between the glaze and the china body .

  15. 一种低温无硼无铅生料乳浊釉的研究

    Study on Low Temperature Boron free and Leadless Raw Opaque Glaze

  16. 本文介绍一种低温快烧、无铅无毒生产砂金釉的配方、釉用原料、生产工艺过程。

    The article introduces the formular , raw material and production process for producing low - temperature quick - calcining gold dust glaze without lead and poison .

  17. 介绍了铅的替代物、无铅熔块及釉料的配方设计和加工制造工艺,对无铅熔块釉的釉烧、铅的再污染等问题进行了阐述。

    This paper introduced substitutes for lead , leadless frits and leadless glaze formulation design and making techniques , and then expatiated on firing of leadless glazes , plumbeous recontamination , etc.