
  • 网络Endless World;world without end;Dragon Ball Z Infinite World
  1. 在无尽世界的海滨,孩子们相聚。

    On The Seashore On the seashore of endless worlds children meet .

  2. 这无尽世界的灿烂形状在我激动的灵魂里跳跃。

    The glorious forms of the unending world stirred within my animated soul .

  3. 在无尽世界的海滨是孩子们盛大的聚会。

    On the seashore of endless worlds is the Great meeting of children .

  4. 在无尽世界的海滨孩子们相聚。

    On the seashore of endless worlds children meet .

  5. 对于社交媒体爆炸性增长原因,最普遍的一种说法就是因为它满足了许多人“自恋”的情结。太多人整天过于痴迷地盯着高清图片或是对着屏幕,沉溺在无尽的虚拟世界中无法自拔。

    One of the most common refrains about the explosive growth of social media is that it makes many of us " narcissistic through our screens into a bottomless sea of inauthenticity .

  6. 在跳进无尽的未知世界后,他开始了自由落体运动。

    After leaping into the great unknown , he went into a free fall .

  7. 就像你们今天一样,他跳进了无尽的未知世界中。

    And just like you 're doing today , he jumped into the great unknown .

  8. 在这无尽嘈杂的世界中,我们将生活的重担关在门外,完全投入想象世界、松之地的时间屈指可数。

    In a world filled with constant " noise ," moments where we can leave stress at the door and be completely carried away into imagination and relaxation , are limited .

  9. 无尽的财富遍布世界的各个角落,只要荷兰人想要就可以攫取它!

    There is wealth aplenty in every corner of the world , if only the Dutch have the will to go and take it !