
  1. 砌墙陶瓷的新型施釉工艺

    A New Glazing Technology of the Wall Ceramics

  2. 主要从施釉工艺方面探讨如何减少卫生瓷锆乳浊釉釉面针孔缺陷。

    This paper is mainly to discuss the pinholes in Zr-opalescent glaze for sanitaryware from glaze application technology .

  3. 通过创新的施釉工艺与高精度的印花技术还原天然石材的纹路肌理,具有大、薄、轻、韧、硬等诸多优点。

    Through innovative glaze casting technique and high accuracy printing technology , restoring natural marble texture , with advantages such as : large , thin , light , tough , hard , and so on .