
  • 网络Glenn Shriver;Sargent Shriver;Maria Shriver;Glenn Duffie Shriver;Lionel Shriver
  1. 他派萨金特施赖弗负责暗中了解情况。

    He had given Sargent Shriver the job of spying out the land .

  2. 根据玛丽亚·施赖弗(MariaShriver)的施赖弗报告,美国男人把“智慧”列为他们最希望妻子和女儿拥有的品质,但接下来的回答就分裂了:说希望妻子迷人可爱的男人比说希望女儿迷人可爱的男人多。

    According to a survey published by Maria Shriver 's Shriver Report , American men listed " intelligence " as the top quality they valued in both a wife and a daughter , but then the responses split : More men said they wanted their wives to be attractive and sweet than said the same about their female children .

  3. 但在途中更新推特时,他并未提到施赖弗。

    Shriver was not mentioned in his Twitter updates from the road .

  4. 今天举行了对前副总统候选人施赖弗河萨金特的纪念仪式。纪念他的英勇与其卓著的唯心论。

    Former vice presidential candidate R.Sargent Shriver was remembered today for being courageous and idealistic .

  5. 2009年5月,施瓦辛格在南加州大学为毕业典礼致辞时提到施赖弗对自己的影响很大。

    In a May 2009 commencement speech at the University of Southern California , Schwarzenegger alluded to the powerful influence Shriver had on his life .

  6. “家庭、宗教、教育和网球是这个家庭的四大支柱,”已经做了维纳斯三年指导的施赖弗说。

    " Family , religion , education and tennis are the four spokes of this family ," says Shriver , who has been Venus ' mentor for three years .

  7. 在60Minutes的采访中,记者莱斯利·斯塔尔问到现年65岁的施瓦辛格,如果施赖弗知道他的风流史就在书里结果会如何。

    In an interview with 60 Minutes , which will air Sunday , journalist Lesley Stahl asked Schwarzenegger , 65 , if Shriver knew the affair was in his book .

  8. 施赖弗是肯尼迪政治家族的成员、已故的尤尼斯肯尼迪施赖弗(译者注:美国前总统约翰肯尼迪的胞妹)的女儿。施瓦辛格就任州长后,她辞去了美国国家广播公司新闻记者的工作。

    Shriver , a member of the Kennedy political dynasty and the daughter of the late Eunice Kennedy Shriver , left her job as an NBC News correspondent after Schwarzenegger took office .

  9. 施赖弗在社交媒体中也十分活跃。在4月26日两人结婚25周年纪念日时,施赖弗更新了三条推文,但没有提到分居一事。

    Shriver , also active on social networks , posted three updates on her Twitter page on the day of their 25th wedding anniversary , April 26 , but did not mention the milestone .

  10. 这就是《凯文怎么了》一书的精髓。它是莱昂内尔?施赖弗(本报的前任文学评论家)的一部杰出小说,讲述了一位母亲在自己十几岁的孩子犯下屠杀大罪后勉强度日的生活。

    This is the genius of " We Need to Talk About Kevin , " a remarkable novel from Lionel Shriver ( a former literary critic for this paper ) , which considers the life of a reluctant mother after her teenage son commits mass murder .