
  • 【地名】【加拿大】Agassiz
  1. 桑普拉斯好像注定要在决赛中遇上他的同胞阿加西。

    Sampras looks set to play his fellow countryman Agassi in the final .

  2. 阿加西的比赛表现大大超出了他在世界上第12位的排名。

    Agassi was playing well above his world ranking of 12 .

  3. 追悔莫及的阿加西坐飞机回家面壁思过去了。

    A chastened Agassi flew home for a period of deep contemplation .

  4. 大多数观众都希望阿加西获胜。

    The mood of the crowd was essentially pro-Agassi .

  5. 阿加西干净利落地击败了对手。

    Agassi made short work of his opponent .

  6. 阿加西看到了机会,再次以一个闪电式的正手击球拿到了赛点。

    Agassi saw his chance and , with another lightning forehand , reached match point .

  7. 阿加西反手一击。

    Agassi hit a backhand

  8. 阿加西和桑普拉斯继续他们对世界第一宝座的争夺,两人在首场比赛中均获得胜利。

    Agassi and Sampras resumed their battle for the world 's No. 1 position , both winning their opening matches

  9. CEO埃隆o马斯克肯定希望自己的运气比夏伊o阿加西的BetterPlace公司好一些,这家公司在2013年破产前做的就是电池更换充电站业务。

    CEO Elon Musk must hope he can outdo Shai Agassi 's Better Place , which tried to build a whole company around battery-swaps before going bankrupt in 2013 .

  10. 阿加西:现在不看好他是很愚蠢的。

    ANDRE AGASSI : It would be silly not to favor him .

  11. 阿加西:已经宣布他打算参加斯泰拉·阿托伊斯锦标赛。

    Agassi : Announced his intention to play at the Stella Artois Championships .

  12. 阿加西:我知道,随着痛感的增加,我的比赛不好打了。

    ANDRE AGASSI : I didn 't know last year what it was .

  13. 桑普拉斯和阿加西各赢两局。

    Sampras and Agassi had each won two games .

  14. 在去年的决赛中,桑普拉斯和阿加西遭遇了。

    Sampras met Agassi in last year 's final .

  15. 到比赛快结束时,阿加西出众的实力开始显露出来。

    Towards the end of the game agassi 's superior strength began to show .

  16. 阿加西通常接发球非常出色。

    Agassi usually returns serve very well .

  17. 问:你说过阿加西需要提高自己的比赛能力才能够击败你。

    Q.You said Andre is going to have to really raise his game to beat you .

  18. 能够在这里与阿加西比赛将是很让人高兴的事情。

    You know , no matter Johansson or Agassi , it will be a tough one .

  19. 参议员亨利威尔逊是马萨诸塞州的名字阿加西以校董史密森。

    Senator Henry Wilson of Massachusetts was to name Agassiz to the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian .

  20. 阿加西告诉观众,他非常感激多年以来他们对他的支持。

    Agassi told the stadium crowd that he appreciated the support they had shown him over the years .

  21. 问:网坛名将阿加西获得个人职业生涯第一个大满贯赛事冠军是哪年的哪项比赛?

    Q2 : In which year and in which competition did Andre Agassi get his first grand slam champion ?

  22. 我们8、9岁就开始看阿加西打球,所以很希望他能赢。

    We 've been watching Andre since we were eight or nine so we wanted to see him win .

  23. 作为一个网球选手,阿加西的网球生涯在早期和晚期均出现低谷,中间有一段时间的休整。

    As a tennis player , agassi 's maturation was both early and late , book-ending a fallow middle period .

  24. 1992年是阿加西职业生涯的一个转折点,他在温布尔登出人意料的赢得了他的第一次大满贯赛事。

    The turning point in Agassi 's career came in1992 when he unexpectedly won his first Grand Slam at Wimbledon .

  25. 1996年,阿加西代表美国队出战亚特兰大夏季奥运会,并男子单打冠军。

    In1996 , Agassi took time off from his professional career to represent the United States at the Atlanta Olympics .

  26. 之后,阿加西说他也不知道在退出网坛后他还期望做些什么。

    Later , Agassi said he really did not know what to expect when he realized his career was over .

  27. 2004年,网坛老将阿加西打破了一项世界记录,成为自1988年吉米·康诺斯以来,进入网坛排名前10位的最年长的选手。

    In2004 , tennis 's elder statesman became the oldest player to finish in the top ten since Jimmy Connors in1988 .

  28. 阿加西看见我装了很大一桶冰块,开始“严酷”拷问我派什么用场。

    Agassi saw me filling up a huge bucket with ice and was relentlessly grilling me on what I was doing .

  29. 阿加西:我也不知道将来还有什么会这样令人激动,令人失望与悲伤。

    Agassi : I did not know how much would be emotional , how much would be sort of disappointment or sadness .

  30. 澳网首日白天最后一位露面中心球场的将士34岁的美国老将阿加西,这位四届澳网冠军得主的对手是一位德国资格赛选手。

    Four-times Australian Open winner Andre Agassi will play the last of the day matches on centre court against German qualifier Dieter Kindlmann .