
  • 网络Ariane;Ariana
  1. 阿丽亚娜5型火箭(ariane5)从法属圭亚那航天中心升空后不久爆炸,让他几乎立刻就面临了一场危机。

    Almost immediately , he faced a crisis after the explosion of an Ariane 5 rocket shortly after take-off from French Guiana .

  2. 欧洲航天部门的几名官员和一些潜在未来客户都已要求Arianespace重新考虑乃至重新设计它新推出的阿丽亚娜6型(Ariane6)火箭。

    Several European space officials and potential future customers have called for a rethinking and possible redesign of Arianespace 's new Ariane 6 rocket .

  3. 法国国防采购代办机构DGA(武器装备总署)负责运行这个计划并且将空间部分的任务委托给法国的太空机构CNES(法国航天局),后者是阿丽亚娜太空中心的最大股东。

    French defense procurement agency DGA takes the responsibility to run the program and missioned the space segment to French space agency CNES , which is the biggest shareholder of Arianespace center .

  4. 全球衰退对于阿丽亚娜空间公司和卫星发射领域的影响有多严重?

    How badly has the global recession hit Arianespace and the launching of satellites ?

  5. 阿丽亚娜空间公司主导着电信和广播行业的商业卫星发射领域。

    Arianespace dominates the sector for launching commercial satellites for the telecoms and broadcasting industries .

  6. 接下来你可以平衡业务;这是目前我们在阿丽亚娜空间公司所做的。

    After this you can balance the operations ; this is what we are doing with Ariane .

  7. 阿丽亚娜双体发射系统

    Ariane Dual Launching System

  8. 阿丽亚娜并不因此而感到沮丧,反而利用这一点,在她的皮肤上创造各种各样的艺术设计。

    Instead of being down about the condition , Ariana takes advantage of it and creates various artistic designs on her skin .

  9. “如果想在没有附加风险的情况下系统地增加银行的资本层次是毫无可能的,”法国银行联合会总经理阿丽亚娜•奥博兰斯奇说道。

    " It 's out of the question to systematically increase layers of capital in the banks if there 's no supplementary risk ," says Ariane Obolensky , managing director of the French Banking Federation .