
  • 网络ATKINS;Atkin;Robert Atkins;Atkinson
  1. 科威特有很多宽阔的高速公路是阿特金斯集团设计建造的。

    Many of Kuwait 's spacious freeways were engineered by W S Atkins .

  2. 贝蒂设法在走廊里拦住了阿特金斯,和他谈了几句话。

    Beattie managed to collar Atkins in a hallway

  3. 低碳水化合物食物运动催生了阿特金斯饮食法、旧石器饮食法和酮类饮食法,这些饮食法建议用蔬菜、鱼和肉来代替面包、意大利面和土豆等食物。

    The low-carbohydrate food movement gave birth to such diets as the Atkins , Paleo and Keto , which advised swapping foods like bread , pasta and potatoes for vegetables , fish and meat .

  4. 问:这么说,你崇尚阿特金斯饮食(Atkinsdiet)?

    Q. It sounds like the program you 're advocating is the Atkins diet .

  5. 而在当年,要说特立独行离经叛道,当属心脏病医生罗伯特·C·阿特金斯(RobertC.Atkins)博士了(他在2003年去世)。

    If anyone qualified as a heretic back then , it was Dr. Robert C. Atkins , a cardiologist who died in 2003 .

  6. 阿特金斯饮食法(Atkinsdiet)的低碳水化合物饮食,碳水化合物的摄入量只占总热量摄入的10%;

    a low-carbohydrate diet modeled on the Atkins diet , limiting carbohydrate intake to 10 % of total calories ;

  7. 阿特金斯(EileenAtkins)饰演斯坦利的姑妈瓦妮莎(Vanessa);

    Eileen Atkins as Stanley 's Aunt Vanessa ;

  8. 加州大学伯克利分校阿特金斯体重和健康中心(AtkinsCenterforWeightandHealth)的研究人员发现,最受市场欢迎的饮料中有21种,其成分包含糖、咖啡因和钠。

    The researchers at UC Berkeley 's Atkins Center for Weight and Health found that 21 of the most popular drinks in the category contain high levels of sugar , caffeine , and sodium .

  9. 问:劳伦斯·希克曼后来成了纳尔逊-阿特金斯艺术博物馆(Nelson-AtkinsMuseumofArt)的总监,他也参与了华纳的探险之旅。

    Q. Laurence Sickman , who later became the director of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City , was involved with some of Warner 's exploits .

  10. 我测试的第一个应用是NannyforGoogleChrome。对于信息的摄入来说,这个应用的做法就像阿特金斯减肥法(Atkinsdiet)和杜坎减肥法(Dukandiet)对人们摄取的食物所做得那样,它禁止或限制人们对特定网站的访问。

    The first one I tried was Nanny for Google Chrome - which does for information what the Atkins or the Dukan diet did for food , by outlawing or restricting certain websites .

  11. SamWang是英国设计和工程顾问公司阿特金斯(Atkins)在英国聘用的一位中国国民。他离开中国到国外学习和工作,7年过去了,他还是非常想家,尤其是在春节期间。

    Sam Wang , a Chinese national employed in the UK by Atkins , the design and engineering consultancy , left China to study and work abroad . Seven years on , he still gets homesick , especially during the lunar new year festival .

  12. 所以在2000年,我和我所知道的最伟大的教育家&名为诺曼•阿特金斯的年轻人一起在BedfordStuyvesant为男生们开办了优秀特许学校。

    So in2000 , along with the greatest educator I knew , a young man named Norman Atkins , we started the Excellence Charter School in Bedford Stuyvesant for boys .

  13. 马歇尔提供的东西堪比一份地缘政治学的阿特金斯(Atkins)减肥食谱:有大量地缘政治和军事分析的红肉,却没有什么比较清淡的食物——其他言论或者实地报告。

    Marshall offers a virtual Atkins diet of geopolitics : there is plenty of the red meat of geographical and military analysis with little lighter fare , in terms of other voices or on-the-ground reporting .

  14. 当然,流行的饮食法早就和类宗教狂热密不可分,这么说吧,只要你见过阿特金斯低碳饮食法(Atkins)的新入门者对着奶酪煎蛋卷自言自语的情形就会明白的。

    Certainly , trendy diets and quasi-religious zeal have long gone hand in hand , a point familiar to anyone who has ever endured a newcomer to , say , Atkins spinning out soliloquies on cheese omelets .

  15. “大批中国人参加大坝工程方面的定期国际会议,”跨国工程公司阿特金斯(atkins)大坝与水资源部门主管安迪休斯(andyhughes)表示,“他们的确已将自己提升至国际最高水平。”

    " Huge numbers of Chinese attend the regular International Conference on dam engineering , " Andy Hughes , director of dams and water resources for Atkins , the multinational engineering company , said . " They have certainly brought themselves up to the best international standards . "

  16. 尼尔逊-阿特金斯艺术馆南亚与东南亚艺术策展人金伯利·马斯特勒(KimberlyMasteller)说:“有很多看上去很年轻的代理人在中国寻找画廊、经销商和买家,这让我感到惊讶。”

    Kimberly Masteller , curator of South and Southeast Asia art at the Nelson-Atkins Museum in Kansas City , said , " I have been amazed by how many young-looking agents there are , scouting for galleries , dealers and buyers in China . "

  17. 高脂肪摄入小组所遵循的饮食习惯是一种经过改良的阿特金斯减肥法。

    The high-fat group followed something of a modified Atkins diet .

  18. 阿特金斯概述了分3个阶段的危机解决方案。

    Atkins outlined a three-stage programme for resolving the crisis .

  19. “阿特金斯饮食理论”在欧洲的追随者比美国少。

    The Atkins diet has a smaller following in Europe .

  20. 谁听说过阿特金斯低碳睡眠法或者阿特金斯低碳医疗箱呢?

    Who ever heard of an Atkins bedroom or an Atkins medicine cabinet ?

  21. 我喜欢阿特金斯,因为我做饭喜欢用黄油。

    I like Atkins because I cook with butter .

  22. 阿特金斯太太对来访者不收费用。

    Mrs Atkins makes no charge for vis .

  23. 记者这是由饮食专家阿特金斯医生推广的饮食方案。

    CORRESPONDENT It 's an eating plan popularized by diet guru , Dr. Atkins .

  24. 阿特金斯买下所有的股票,得以大发利市。

    Atkins was able to make a killing by buying up all the shares .

  25. 他们也许听说过南海岸饮食法,或者阿特金斯饮食法。

    They 've probably heard of the South Beach Diet , or the Atkins Diet .

  26. 美国工程学院的兰地·阿特金斯是今年的科学新闻获奖者。

    Randy Atkins of the National Academy of Engineering was one of this year 's winners .

  27. 在这方面,他和他的一个新朋友詹姆斯.阿特金斯有些共同点。

    In this respect he had something in common with one of his new friends , James Atkins ,

  28. 记者随着“阿特金斯饮食理论”的流行,在餐厅就餐的人对红葡萄酒的兴趣有所增加。

    CORRESPONDENT Restaurants are already seeing increased interest in red wine . It goes with the Atkins diet .

  29. 更糟的是,据说阿特金斯的追随者们还容易头痛、便秘和口臭。

    Adding insult to injury , it claims that Atkins followers can also suffer headaches , constipation and bad breath .

  30. 一组减少脂肪摄入,另一组采用阿特金斯饮食法以计算碳水化合物的摄入量,最后一组采取地中海饮食法。

    Some participants cut fat , others counted carbohydrates in a version of the Atkins diet , while others adopted Mediterranean-style eating habits .