
  • 网络Argentine Tango;Argentina tango;Milonga;Tango argentino
  1. 一对表演者在表演阿根廷探戈舞。

    A pair of performers is performing Argentine tango .

  2. 你可能听人们说过阿根廷探戈有几种不同风格。

    Within Argentine tango there are various styles you may hear people refer to .

  3. 跳伞、随便跟一个陌生人讲话、学一种外语、挑一本没看过的新书、上阿根廷探戈的课、攀岩、学习缝纫…今天你要挑战哪项新事物呢?

    Skydiving , talking to that random stranger , learning a foreign language , picking a strange new book , taking Argentinian tango classes , rock climbing , learning how to sew ... What new things will you try today ?

  4. 感谢一年以来您对我们的支持,TANGOCHINO将一如既往的坚持最专业的阿根廷探戈教学与推广,为您奉献最精彩的内容。

    Thanks for supporting us in the year and TANGOCHINO will stick to transmission and teaching of Argentina Tango always to offer the most splendid shows and activities .

  5. 游子,探戈爱好者,喜欢阿根廷探戈的自由、即兴和创造。

    A tango aficionado , Youzi is fascinated by the form 's infinite possibilities for improvisation , creation , and free play .

  6. 名单中还包括一种舞蹈,阿根廷探戈,和中非共和国的阿卡俾格米人的歌。

    The list also includes a dance , the Argentinian tango , and the singing of the Aka pygmies of the Central African Republic .

  7. 阿根廷探戈与国标探戈的:架形、握持姿态、即兴处理、移动、重心平衡、步法以及音乐都有不同。

    Argentine tango is different from the ballroom tangos in its posture , embrace , improvisation , movement , balance , steps , and music .

  8. 华盛顿炎热的阿根廷探戈举动不仅使身体老化外型他们还可以帮助增强大脑老化,根据一项研究周二列。

    WASHINGTON & The hot moves of the Argentine Tango not only keep the aging body in shape , they also may help sharpen the aging brain , according to a study out Tuesday .

  9. 你知道阿根廷的探戈受过一种叫什么探戈·哈巴涅拉舞的影响吗?

    Did you know that Argentina tango was influenced by something called Tango Habenera ?

  10. 阿根廷以探戈舞曲著称;

    Argentina is famous for the tango .

  11. 也许你在美国公共广播事务局上看过美国和国际标准探戈舞,与阿根廷社交性的探戈舞有很大的不同。

    The American and International ballroom tangos you may see on PBS , are very different from the tango danced socially in Argentina .