
  • 网络unworthy;paltriness
不足取 [bù zú qǔ]
  • [not worth taking (accepting;adopting)] 不值得肯定、采纳、赞扬

  1. 她已使他失望了。她既浅薄又不足取。

    She had disappointed him . she had been shallow and unworthy .

  2. 他这样的人毫不足取。

    Such men don 't count for anything .

  3. 然而,希望有一个愉快的结局是不足取的。

    Hopes of a happy ending are slim , however .

  4. 凡是不为激情而设的,就被视为不足取。

    Whatever did not portend pathos was seen as objectionable .

  5. 他固然是毫不足取,是个没出息的东西,可是那主要应该怪我自己。

    He is worthless and unworthy , but it is largely my fault .

  6. 许多今日我们做的事徒劳不足取的,很快就会被忘记。

    So much of what we do today is frivolous and and soon forgotten .

  7. 卖不掉不足取,建议保留下来另候通知。

    Disposal unadvisable recommend hold until further notice .

  8. 两种观点均不足取,应当对法官变更指控罪名有条件加以限制,以确保司法公正。

    We should limit judge 's accusation under certain conditions to safeguard judicial justice .

  9. 否则唯数量论,只会造成教育浪费,教育质量低劣,不足取。

    Otherwise , only quantity will result in educational waste and poor educational quality .

  10. 其实,对市场调节与政府调控功能的绝对评价都是不足取的。

    In fact , the definite assessment to the function of market principle and government control is not acceptable .

  11. 首先,只关注交互性而不顾信息性设计,或者反过来,都是不足取的。

    First and foremost , working on interaction to the exclusion of information design , or the converse , is a bad idea .

  12. 最不足取的散文作家,最无出息的劣等诗人,都被抢去作为博士论文的题目,后来还要出版。

    The most trifling of essayists and most unmemorable of poetasters are seized upon to serve as subjects for doctoral dissertations , and be published subsequently .

  13. 成为政府机要部门的一员是很体面的事,可是为达到此目的而不择手段则太不足取。

    It is respectable to be one of the high-ups in the government , but it is no good trying to reach the goal by all means .

  14. 布林伯博士对皮普钦太太这种毫不足取的侵犯温和地表示容忍,低下头说道,他很高兴听到这一点。

    Doctor Blimber inclined his head , in gentle tolerance of such insignificant poaching as Mrs Pipchin 's , and said he was glad to hear it .

  15. 这个反复无常的明将清王,无论在当时,还是在现在,都是一个不足取的人物。

    This capricious bright will clear king , no matter be in at that time , still be in now , it is the character of a paltrily .

  16. 古希腊的亚里士多德和柏图都在著作中谈到财富、财产和贸易问题,两人都对商业持有偏见,认为靠生意来谋生是不足取的。

    ( 49 ) Aristotle and Plato in ancient Greece wrote about problems of wealth , property , and trade , both of whom were prejudiced against commerce , feeling that to live by trade was undesirable .

  17. 历史的发展已经证明,把民俗文化仅仅当成是大传统、官方文化的对立面,对其进行贬抑和压制是完全不足取的。

    As proved by history , it is not desirable to treat folk custom culture as the opposite of the " grand tradition " and " official culture ", nor is it desirable to depreciate or suppress it .

  18. 然而,那种要求用个人主义全盘取代集体主义的简单化主张却是不足取的,因为这在历史逻辑和理论逻辑上无法成立,在现实生活中更是必然导致问题丛生、困境重重。

    However , that kind of demand replaces maintaining briefly it is not worth choosing of collectivism totally with individualism , because it not only unable to establish at historical logic and theory logic , must cause all kinds of problems , very heavy predicament among actual life .

  19. 柯仁杰表示,此类举动可能包括加征较高关税和施行其他进口壁垒,以限制中国和其他国家生产的商品在美国的销售,它们都是不足取的政策,长远来看只会破坏经济增长。

    Mr Cutler said such moves – which could include the imposition of high tariffs and other import barriers to restrict sales in the US of goods made in China and other countries – were part of discredited policies that would only damage growth in the long run .

  20. 通过弥补两者的不足,取两者的优点。

    Through making up for the shortcomings of both , with the advantages of both .

  21. 他的意见不足以取。

    His opinion is of no account .

  22. 在借鉴国内外相关改革经验并结合我国省县管理的实际情况的基础上,以浙江省成功实施省管县体制为例,分析其成效与不足,取其精华,拓展学习。

    Related reforms at home and abroad experience combined with our provincial and district administration on the basis of the actual situation , the successful implementation of Zhejiang Province and Counties as an example , its effectiveness and shortcomings , its essence , to expand learning .