
bù kě zǔ dǎng
  • Unstoppable;irresistible;can never be stemmed
不可阻挡[bù kě zǔ dǎng]
  1. 随着全球信息网络的建立和完善,Internet时代已经来临,信息化管理已成为一股不可阻挡的潮流。

    Along with the establishment and consummation of the global information network , the internet time has approached , and the informationization management has become an irresistible tidal current .

  2. 随着技术的突飞猛进,市场的繁荣与多样化,TQCS成为了企业追求的目标,推进技术革新已成为不可阻挡的趋势。

    With the technology developing and the market booming and diversification , TQCS have become the targets that enterprises are pursuing and the technology 's reform has become the irresistible trend .

  3. 这支队以不可阻挡之势获得胜利。

    The team steamrollered their way to victory .

  4. 接着他开始了自己不可阻挡的攻击。

    Then he unleashed his own , unstoppable , attack

  5. 科学的前进步伐不可阻挡。

    The progress of science is unstoppable .

  6. 排球队以不可阻挡的气势,直落三局击败对手。

    The volleyball team overwhelmed their opponents in three straight games .

  7. 因此她勤练技艺、勇战强敌,最终永久地成了一股不可阻挡的力量。

    So she kept practicing , and kept fighting , and eventually became an unstoppable force for good .

  8. 新陈代谢在1岁时达到顶峰,20岁到60岁期间保持稳定水平,60岁后开始不可阻挡地变慢。

    It peaks at the age of one , is stable from 20 to 60 and then inexorably declines .

  9. 技术的进步可能看起来不可阻挡,但所有数字化的东西在取代传统的睡前书-纸质书之前可能还有很长的路要走。

    The march of technology may seem unstoppable , but all digital things may have a way to go before they replace the traditional bedtime book — the paper one .

  10. 从未来发展趋势看,电信网络的IP化也必然带来话音的IP化,IP电话将成为未来话音业务的主要提供方式,IP电话的到来和发展几乎不可阻挡。

    According to the development trend , IP phone will become main mode of future voice service which is inevitable .

  11. 近年来,Internet的广泛应用使“三网融合”成为不可阻挡的大趋势,新电信业务与互联网络的关系越发紧密。

    Recently , the comprehensive application of Internet makes the combination of three networks to become an unimpeded tendency , and it reinforces the relation between new telecom services and Internet .

  12. 随着世界范围内Internet的普及和公司企业中Intranet/Extranet的应用,电子商务的发展已经成为一种不可阻挡的时代趋势。

    With the popularity of Internet and the application of Intranet / Extranet in enterprises all over the world , the development of E-Business has already been a trend that can 't be blocked .

  13. 最后得出了这样一个结论,P2P的应用不可阻挡,FTTH的普及也是不可阻挡的。

    A conclusion is arrived at that both the applications of P2P and the popularization of FTTH are inevitable .

  14. 由于摩尔定律(Moore'sLaw)不可阻挡的前进步伐为计算能力带来了指数式增长,深蓝在人机大战中最终大获全胜几乎是定局——这只是个时间问题。

    Thanks to the inexorable advance of Moore 's law - bringing exponential increases in computing capacity - it was almost inevitable that Deep Blue would crush the human competition in the end : it was just a matter of time .

  15. 在数码产品领域,彩屏化正在成为不可阻挡的发展趋势,MP3产品亦是如此。

    " Color Display " is becoming to be a unpreventable tendency in digital products field , and so does the MP3 products .

  16. 主要软件供应商很快看到了将SOAP和WSDL结合使用的潜力,在接下来的几年里,SOAPWeb服务似乎成了不可阻挡的发展潮流。

    Major software vendors quickly saw the potential of the SOAP and WSDL combination , and for the next few years it looked like SOAP web services were the wave of the future .

  17. 曾经对位大胡子的球员们分享了为何具备了难以防守的投篮能力—后撤步三分的他是NBA中最不可阻挡的力量之一。

    Players who have been tasked with checking The Beard share why he 's among the NBA 's most unstoppable forces equipped with an unguardable shot - the step-back 3 .

  18. 他们估计,2009年底中国公共部门债务占国内生产总值(GDP)的76%;他们担心,由于增长过度依赖通过举债筹集的资本投资,公共部门债务将出现不可阻挡地增长。

    They worry that public sector debt , which they estimate at 76 per cent of gross domestic product at the end of 2009 , will increase inexorably because so much growth depends on debt-financed capital investment .

  19. 最近期的一个例子是在菲律宾总统大选中遥遥领先的罗德里戈·杜特地(RodrigoDuterte),他以不可阻挡的强硬政治作风和将会亲自射杀犯罪分子的热血誓言闻名。

    The latest example is Rodrigo Duterte , presumptive president-elect of the Philippines , known for stop-at-nothing political hardball and a vigilante vow to shoot criminals himself .

  20. “世卫组织及其会员国正在慢慢但不可阻挡地向前推进,逐步控制烟草的流行,”世卫组织无烟草行动司司长DouglasBettcher说。

    " Slowly but inexorably , WHO and its Member States are making progress in controlling the epidemic of tobacco ," said Dr Douglas Bettcher , Director of the WHO Tobacco Free Initiative .

  21. 凯蒂Eary是伦敦的设计师没有谁很快就会需要引进-她的侵略性,但高尚男装是一个不可阻挡的,它必然通过时尚飓风撕裂自己的道路。

    Katie Eary is the London-based designer who will soon need no introduction – her aggressive but noble menswear is an unstoppable , inevitable hurricane ripping its own path through fashion .

  22. 当然,原则上,没有人是可以阻挡或者不可阻挡的。

    Of course nobody is all stoppable or unstoppable in principle .

  23. 作为一种文化现象,文化全球化已经不可阻挡。

    As a cultural phenomenon , globalization of cultures becomes inevitable .

  24. 问题在于,保尔森是不是一种不可阻挡的力量。

    The question is whether secretary Paulson is an unstoppable force .

  25. 有关中国经济快速增长不可阻挡的神话已经破灭。

    The old myth of unstoppable , rapid growth is dead .

  26. 金融危机并不是一个不可阻挡的自然行为。

    The financial crisis wasn 't an unstoppable act of nature .

  27. 这是一个不可阻挡的世界潮流。

    And the trend of the world does not stop .

  28. 你的终极物品,它将帮助你完成不可阻挡的杀戮。

    Your final item , and one that will complete your unstoppableness .

  29. 布比迈尔斯真是不可阻挡!

    You can 't turn it back to boobie miles !

  30. 如今,人们想当然地认为,中国也是一支不可阻挡的力量。

    Today , it is taken for granted that China is unstoppable .