
  • 网络Not Brave Enough
  1. 但是,我却不知道要怎么做,或许是我不够勇敢。

    But I just don 't know what to do , maybe I am not brave enough .

  2. 人生总有对未来感到失望的时期,总有暂时不够勇敢的时期。

    There are times when it is hard to believe in the future , when we are temporarily just not brave enough .

  3. 有时我表现得不够勇敢。

    Sometimes I am not as brave as I should be

  4. 这是另一种描述某人不够勇敢的方式。

    That is another way of describing someone who is not very brave .

  5. 只怪我不够勇敢,那只是梦而已。

    Can only blame me for being brave , it is just daydreams .

  6. 又是那个噩梦,那里的我总是不够勇敢。

    It was that nightmare again ; I was weak back in that place .

  7. 这一俗语是指没有男子气概,不够勇敢。

    a jokey way of saying he 's not as manly and brave as he could be .

  8. 我突然发现我颈上的铁链是如此沉重,但我不够勇敢。

    I suddenly found my neck of the chains is so heavy , but I am brave enough .

  9. 事实上,过去几十年的改革同发达国家的农业计划进行了斗争&但不够勇敢。

    The reforms of the past few decades have , in fact , grappled with the rich world 's farm programs & but only timidly .

  10. 大学生对未来充满希望,但面对挫折却不够勇敢,因此,大学生的健康问题受到世界各国教育和卫生界的普遍关心。

    College students to be hopeful about the future , but not brave enough to face setbacks , therefore , the health problems of college to be concerned by education and health sector .