
  1. 她只得忍住疼痛,不哭出来。

    She had to restrain herself from crying out in pain .

  2. 我倒要看看有谁在电影结尾时不哭。

    I defy anyone not to cry at the end of the film .

  3. 他吻了吻她,她就不哭了。

    He kissed away her tears .

  4. 她咬住嘴唇不哭。

    She bit her lip to keep from crying

  5. 我给这个可怜的孩子包扎伤口时,她不哭也不闹。

    The poor child never cried or protested when I was dressing her wounds .

  6. 她的双唇颤动着,竭力不哭出来。

    Her lips quivered as she tried not to cry .

  7. 她的手像有魔法似的,这个婴儿由她抱着就不哭了。

    She has a magic touch with the baby ; he never cries when she is holding him .

  8. 这位现年36岁的女演员在拍摄电影《男孩不哭》(BoysDon'tCry)之前像个男人一样生活了一个月,在拍摄电影《百万美元宝贝》(MillionDollarBaby)之前到拳击场上学习。

    The36-year-old actress lived as a man for a month before filming Boys Don 't Cry and shaped up for the boxing ring for Million Dollar Baby .

  9. 他出版的书籍及DVD《宝宝不哭》和《世上最快乐的学步儿童》系列彻底地变革了我们所处的文化对于儿童需求的理解方式。

    His landmark books and DVDs , The Happiest Baby on the Block and the Happiest Toddler on the Block are revolutionizing the way our culture understands the needs of young children .

  10. 一个名为“孙杨不哭”的标题迅速在中国互联网传播开来,霍顿的脸书,推特和instagram被攻击要求其向孙杨道歉。

    A hashtag " Sun Yang Don 't Cry " quickly went viral on the Chinese web , and Horton 's Facebook , Twitter and Instagram posts were flooded with comments attacking him and demanding he apologize to Sun .

  11. 他说你们这儿的男孩不哭。

    She says the boys of your cuiture do not cry .

  12. 我不哭因为有你这样的偶像我很骄傲!

    I cry because I am very proud of your idols !

  13. 他紧张地咬着唇,努力忍着不哭出来。

    He bit his lip nervously , trying not to cry .

  14. 但我不能对朋友说再见时不哭。

    But I cannot say goodbye to a friend without crying .

  15. 我不哭,风和日丽终会驱散漫天雨雾!

    I don 't cry , sunny will dispel Whirling cloud !

  16. 这会儿你为什么不哭,你这个小坏蛋?

    Why don 't you cry again , you little wretch ?

  17. 饱后不哭不闹的满足状使疲惫的母亲很满意。

    The quiet contentment of a well-fed child satisfied the tired mother .

  18. 他像猴子一样跳来跳去哄孩子不哭。

    He jumped like a monkey to make the baby not cry .

  19. 她搂着孩子,渐渐地孩子不哭了。

    She cuddled the baby and eventually it stopped crying .

  20. 她嘴唇颤抖,竭力让自己不哭出来。

    Her lip quivered and she tried not to cry .

  21. 我来帮你找到妈妈。乖孩子,不哭哈。

    I will find your mom . Good child don 't cry .

  22. 斑比的妈妈死了你不哭啊?

    You didn 't cry when Bambi 's mother died ?

  23. 你知道吗,我是不哭的,我很坚强的。

    Do you know , I cry , I am very strong .

  24. 我妈妈你妈妈女巫不哭呀

    My momma , your momma , witches never cry .

  25. 有没有能让人不哭的魔法?

    Lsn 't there a spell that can make you stop crying ?

  26. 谁能对朋友说再见时不哭?

    Who can say goodbye to a friend without crying ?

  27. 让我们一起祈祷好吗!天佑中华,我们不哭!

    God Bless China , n'we don 't cry , n'No Cry .

  28. 我可是不哭,我只常皱着眉。

    But I didn 't cry . I only frowned .

  29. 没事的我不哭

    It 's all right , I don 't need to cry .

  30. 直到他妈妈来,他才不哭了。

    He didn 't stop crying until his mom came .