
  • 网络no-being
  1. "我们不能接受不存在的人。"

    " And we cannot accept persons who do not exist . "

  2. 我意思是说我看到某个不存在的人。

    I mean I 'm seeing someone that 's not there .

  3. 我可不会和那些实际不存在的人进行讨论的。

    I don 't discuss such things with people who don 't exist .

  4. 让警察花了一年的时间去寻找一个不存在的人?

    Having the cops chasing a killer for a year that doesn 't exist ?

  5. 奈特骑手危险世界里掠过的影子,一个不存在的人。

    Knight Rider , a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of man who does not exist .

  6. 实际付的只是一些末奖,头、二、三等奖的得主都是不存在的人。

    Only small sums were actually paid out , the winners of the big prizes being non-existent persons .

  7. 不幸的是,能够证明新技术根本不存在的人正是他们所解雇的一批人。

    Unfortunately the people who could have told them that the new technology didn 't exist were the people they had sacked .

  8. 也许从头到尾只是在瞎编,结果你“认识”的是一个不存在的人。

    They could just be making things up all the time and you would be getting to know someone who doesn 't really exist .

  9. 所有那些在前七个月中认为风险实际根本不存在的人恐慌了,并认为巨大的风险无处不在。

    WILLIAM McDONOUGH : All these people who in the previous seven months had decided there was no risk anywhere literally panicked and decided there 's got to be massive risk everywhere .

  10. 换成老话也便是标准英语来讲,可以译成:《泰晤士报》一九八三年十二月三日老大哥命令的报道极为不妥,因其提及不存在的人。

    In Oldspeak or standard English this might be rendered : the reporting of big brother 's order for the day in the times of december3rd1983is extremely unsatisfactory and makes references to non-existent persons .

  11. 到了二十世纪,美人鱼存在与否一直是一个争论不休的话题。相持不下的双方是笃信者——或者那些想要相信的人——和那些以逻辑和科学实证为原则、坚称像美人鱼这样的生物根本不存在的人们。

    It is not until the twentieth century that the mermaid is tossed back and forth between those that believe , or want to believe , and those that stand behind their logic and scientific proof that a creature such as the mermaid simply cannot exist .

  12. 只看见海洋就以为不存在陆地的人是发现不了什么的。

    They are ill discoverers that think there is no Land , when they can see nothing but sea .

  13. 在不相信外星人存在的人中,女性居多。

    Of those who do not believe , most are women .

  14. 不承认上帝存在的人。

    Someone who denies the existence of god .

  15. 奴隶制不存在的社会,人、生命、和健康,都是商业交换以外的东西。

    Where there is no slavery man , human life , and health are res extra commercium .

  16. 因为这个触犯你的人也是那些必然要在这世界上不存在的无耻的人中的一个。

    For this man also is one of those shameless men who must of necessity be in the world .

  17. 金无赤金,人无完人。世界上不存在没有缺点的人。

    Gold pure and no man is perfect , the world does not exist without the shortcomings of the people .

  18. 对相关资格的常规检验几乎是不存在的,多数人只要具备的要求就是他们的母语以及吸引人的性格。

    Routine inspection of qualifications was almost nonexistent and all most people needed were their mother tongue and an engaging character .

  19. 我们同样假定房产符合所有现行的建筑及分区法规并且不存在明显的危害人身安全的问题。

    We have also assumed that the property meets all current building and zoning codes and that there are no outstanding life-safety issues .

  20. “这是一个根本不知道我存在的人”,另一位女士说着将一张纸扔到一个箱子里,之后这些物品都被倒进那个卡车般大的碎纸机里。

    " It 's the guy who didn 't know I existed ," another woman said , throwing her piece of paper into a bin , which then dumped its cargo into the truck-sized shredder .

  21. 反对犯罪心理结构者认为,犯罪心理实际上是不存在的,犯罪人心理在很多方面(甚至一切方面)同守法公民没有区别。

    Those who oppose the concept of the " structure of criminal mind " say that the so-called criminal mind does not really exist , as , in most if not all aspects , the mind of criminals is no different than that of the law-abiding citizens .

  22. 他会是第一个想跟你说,世上不存在圣诞老公公的人。

    He 's the one who probably would be the first to tell you there is no Santa Claus .

  23. 不存在意思联络的数人侵权既包括直接结合的共同侵权行为,又包括间接结合的“多因-果”的侵权行为。

    Non-individual tort without idea connection includes both joint injurious act with direct connection and tort with indirect-connection of " several causes and one effect " .

  24. 不可知论者相信无法证实上帝的存在但又不否认上帝存在可能性的人。

    One who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God but does not deny the possibility that God exists .

  25. 【哲学】n.不可知论者(相信无法证实上帝的存在但又不否认上帝存在可能性的人)adj.不可知论(者)的

    One who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God but does not deny the possibility that God exists Relating to or being an agnostic

  26. 再往下去,朦朦胧胧,在不清晰和看不见之间的分界线上,人们可以望见其他一些现在也许还不存在的人的黑影。

    Lower down , confusedly , at the limit which separates the indistinct from the invisible , one perceives other gloomy men , who perhaps do not exist as yet .