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  1. 他不来了,我们可以把他的名字画掉了。

    We can cross his name off ; he 's not coming .

  2. 萨拉希望他能明白她的意思,不来打扰她。

    Sarah hoped he 'd take the hint and leave her alone .

  3. 她甚至没打电话来说一声她不来了。

    She didn 't even call to say she wasn 't coming .

  4. 那么你今晚就不来了吗,嗯?

    So you won 't be coming tonight , huh ?

  5. 我看他不来了,你愿意赌多少钱我都奉陪。

    I 'll lay you any money you like he won 't come .

  6. 他可能来,也可能不来。

    Maybe he 'll come , maybe he won 't.

  7. 你一定要来,不来可不行!

    You 're coming and I won 't take no for an answer !

  8. 他们终于决定不来,使我们很生气。

    Much to our annoyance , they decided not to come after all .

  9. 她不来帮忙?哦,那不足为奇!

    She 's not going to help ? Oh , that 's classic !

  10. 伊娃坚决不来。

    Eva was adamant that she would not come .

  11. 你要是不来参加团聚,大家会非常想念你的。

    If you don 't come to the reunion you 'll be sorely missed .

  12. 你要是还不来,那就步行回家吧!

    If you don 't come now , you can jolly well walk home !

  13. 我还担心你不来呢。

    I was worried you wouldn 't come .

  14. 我星期天等你,除非你说不来了。

    I will expect to see you on Sunday unless I hear anything to the contrary .

  15. 你来还是不来?

    Are you coming or not ?

  16. 在杰克的名字旁边打个问号——他来不来我不清楚。

    Put a query against Jack 's name ─ I 'm not sure if he 's coming .

  17. 她长大了,可以自己做主不来吃午餐了。

    She was old enough to absent herself from the lunch table if she chose

  18. 你必须坚强自信,千万不要给人留下丝毫你应付不来的印象。

    You have to be strong and confident and never give the slightest impression that you can 't hack it

  19. 他一时半刻还回不来。

    He won 't be back for a little while yet .

  20. 他不来就拉倒。

    Since he won 't come , let him alone .

  21. 我跟他说不来。

    I don 't see eye to eye with him .

  22. 他为什么迟迟不来?

    Why is he taking so long to come ?

  23. 她就是不来,我能怎的?

    She just won 't come , what can I do about it ?

  24. 约定的时间都过了,别是他不来了吧?

    It 's past the appointed time . Maybe he isn 't coming .

  25. 明天他也兴来,也兴不来。

    He may or may not come tomorrow .

  26. 芥末我吃不来。

    I 'm not especially fond of mustard .

  27. 我们去踢足球,你来不来?

    We 're going to play football . Do you want to join in ?

  28. 坡太陡,车子上不来。

    The car can 't come up , as the slope is so steep .

  29. 如果她这次又不来,她便没有什么藉口了。

    If she doesn 't appear this time , then she won 't have any excuse .

  30. 横竖我不来了。

    Anyway I am not coming .