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rén zhǔ
  • king;emperor;ruler of men—sovereign;monarch
人主 [rén zhǔ]
  • [monarch] 旧时专指一国之主,即帝王

  • 岂人主之子孙则必不善哉。--《战国策.赵策》

  1. 从它所塑造的行道主体看,有圣人、至人、君子、人主、真人等,虽代表了统治者的政治态度,但也反映了它对统治者的复杂心态。

    It 's subjects are about the sage , the perfect man , the gentleman , the king and the true man etc , these ideas reflect its mixed attitudes to the rulers .

  2. 而FASB大多数人主张三要素模型,即以综合边际代替风险调整和剩余边际。

    But FASB proposed three building blocks which contains composite margin instead of risk adjustment and residual margin .

  3. 目的探讨人主功脉-性腺-中肾(AGM)区基质细胞对脐血CD34~+细胞的造血支持作用。

    Objective To explore the supportive effects of stromal cells from human aorta - gonad - mesonephros ( AGM ) region on umbilical cord blood CD34 ~ + cells .

  4. 那么哪些人主不会赦免?

    Who does God not forgive ?

  5. 罗斯福是人主白宫的最精明务实的、头脑最冷静的政治家之一。

    Roosevelt was one of the savviest and most hard-headed politicians ever to occupy the White House .

  6. 犯罪转化成立的前提条件是时空上的同一或延续;实质条件是行为人主客观方面同时变化,而且突破原罪的犯罪构成转而符合另一新罪;

    The precondition of crime conversion is the same or continued space time , and the essential condition is the transformation in both subjective and objective aspects .

  7. 作者既沉醉在以爵士乐为主的即兴演奏的音乐中,又听出了这弦外之音一即人主理想的破灭,美国梦的破灭。

    Not only was he intoxicated with the improvisational music represented by the Jazz , but also realized the implication & the wreckage of life ideal and " American Dream " .

  8. 由于少数民族人主中原,更多地接触到华夏文化,使之与汉民族逐渐发展为同一生活习惯的民族,进而被汉族融合。

    The wholescale migration to the hinterland brought many minorities into full contacts with the Huaxia ( Chinese ) culture . They acquired the same tastes and conventions with Han nationality and were assimilated and accommodated in Han culture .

  9. 普通学生与网球专业学生腕关节肌肉与肌电活动的比较性研究不过,王建民公认昨天在传奇球场面对印地安人主投四局之后,觉得手腕有点紧绷。

    Comparative study of sEMG indices and strength of wrist joint muscles of the tennis training sportsmen and that of the students ; However , Wang admitted the hinge was tight after a four-inning stint against the Indians yesterday at Legends Field .

  10. 这一时期,建言献策政论文的内容,主要包括三个方面:一是主张抗金,讽谏人主北伐;二是综合论述抗金对策;三是专门论述对付金朝的具体策略。

    The content of the thesis , mainly includes three aspects : Firstly , advocate against the Jin , advised emperor launched the Northern Expedition ; Secondly is a comprehensive treatise about against the Jin ; Lastly is devoted the specific strategy to dealing with Jin .

  11. 不仅仅是那个时候的人,主耶稣也认识你,也一样爱你,而且也愿意来帮助你。

    But not just the people way back then . For the Lord Jesus knows all about you , and loves you too , and wants to help you !

  12. 物理工作受人的主,不得要求或容上述的受人使用任何不符合第iii部定的起重置或起重工具。

    No employer of persons employed in cargo handling shall require or allow any lifting appliance or lifting gear to be used by such persons which does not comply with part III.

  13. 国人胎儿主泪腺的组织发生和分化

    Development and differentiation of main lacrimal gland in human petals

  14. 宗教不是人与主之间的虚假联系。

    Religion is not a faked relationship between a man and God .

  15. 当我花时间代祷时,会看见更多人归向主。

    As I spend time in intercession , I will see more conversions .

  16. 他这样问,是因为麦克什尔在苏格兰全国带领人归主,卓有成效。

    McShane was instrumental in leading many people to Christ all over Scotland .

  17. 人胎儿主泪腺发育的定量研究

    Quantitative study of human fetal lacrymal gland development

  18. 在新约圣经中,人信主后便立刻接受洗礼。

    In the New Testament , people were baptized as soon as they believed .

  19. 已经聚集一大群人的主阅览室。

    Where a large crowd had already gathered .

  20. 有些人相信主,有些人相信命运,有些人相信运气。

    Some people believe in God , some in destiny , some in luck .

  21. 上海本地人源流主成分分析

    Principle Component Analysis of Shanghai Suburbanites Headstream

  22. 若我想带一人归主,我必须有智慧;

    I had need to be wise if I am to turn even one to righteousness ;

  23. 其他人对主申请人的子女有设有监护权?

    Does other person have custodial , access or guardianship rights to any of these children ?

  24. 有多少人为了主的缘故,经历这些苦难?

    How many of them were put through all of that for the sake of Christ ?

  25. 那么他信仰的是人-主关系中一个迥异的形式,你所信仰的才是唯一的。

    Then he believes in a different version of human-divine relation that the one you believe in .

  26. 本会的目标是领人归主及使万民作主的门徒。

    Our goal is to lead people to know Jesus and " make disciples of all nations " .

  27. 我们盼望多人跟随主耶稣,享受丰盛的生命。

    We want to help people to experience the abundant life in Christ by being followers of Christ .

  28. 第一课堂是实现以科学的理论武装人的主阵地、主渠道;

    The first classroom is the main position of achieving " arming the people with the scientific theory " .

  29. 吉姆哈柏夫是49人的主教练,而他的弟弟约翰是乌鸦队的主教练。

    Jim Harbaugh is head coach of the 49ers , while his brother John is head coach for the Ravens .

  30. 其主体是负有纳税义务和扣缴义务的单位和个人,行为人在主现上是故意的。

    The tax unit and individual go contrary to the stipulations of taxation purposely and protest openly obligation to pay tax .